Really makes you think.
Really makes you think
A 55 years old man better in shape than a 70 years old? My goodness..
>inb4 anybody posts pics of Hillary in a swim suit
Please don't.
this is some really important shit
thanks for bringing it to my attention
>55 vs 70
Let me see lmao
>smokes cigarettes
>did cocaine
>probably will die early of heart failure
>works out faggoty
Kek yeah good one Obama
Really makes you stink
Wow... Consider the record corrected.
tthinking rn dam
He's flying to No Gains town.
She has a thick ass. Pretty nice actually if you're into MILFs
Doesn't really make you think that much.
>wide birthing hips of peace
>lmao no legs
>lmao no traps
0.1/10 made me reply
> ((((((( BORNSTEIN )))))))
Obama smokes.
Those pecs looks like gyno.
>One is 40 in that photo
>The other is 70
Yep. Really made me think.
If Obama lifted he'd look as good as Alien gains
I thought the health of the president was important?
>yfw queen nigger has a more intensive workout routine than king nigger
I am convinced this is a psyop for women empowerment or some shit.
100% not propaganda.
100% real.
-50 follicle health
-50 gains
-50 fire resistance
+10 woodland camo
Does obingo have man boobs?
He really does talk like a faggot who is hiding his lisp.
Fucking islamofaggot president
Bet she was really hot fifty years ago
This is a true symbol of his strength.
liberals will defend that
>implying there isn't an unflattering image of obama
>implying there isn't a flattering image of trump
>Be Obama
>Play friendly game of basketball with family/friends
>Paper-like skin cracks beneath the weight of the ball
>Have to get stitches
>Get rushed to the hospital after every game of tennis for blood transfusions
>Can only play golf, alone, without having heart palpitations
In what universe is obongo an athlete?
>trump climbs mountains
>obama walks to beach chair to work on his tan
that's a super faggy workout routine, but it's honestly what you would expect from a 50-something whose primary goals at the gym are:
A. don't get injured
B. maintain current physique and weight
>posting the CTR shop
Healthy =/= fittest.
Come on America, we literally learned this at school at about 12.
So that is how the democrats get the black vote...
>will be the healthiest individual ever elected
How the hell does he know that? Does this doctor also do infomercials?
this picture reminds me of the beginning of the third and final (still one too many) installment of a crime movie where the CIA followed known criminals to their home in paradise but is willing to let them go scotch free if they just do ONE LAST JOB
donald is looking for his balls though
meant for
But Drumpf is just looking for the golf ball there.
>Implying Trump wasn't at a fat ass at age 55
R-really user? Do you think I am pretty? :)
It is. Just curious why all of a sudden people are so curious.... It's almost as if some kind of "damage control" is happening after something "blatantly obvious" has been pointed out.
Are you trying to make the Americans even more fat?
Aren't you liberals a fan of the phrase healthy at any size?
And still he somehow wasn't healthy enough for the Vietnam draft in his youth
She's a G, not an M. And the ILF part is more than questionable, perv.
it's true, to be honest the only reason obama is in the shape he is in is because of the training he received when he enlisted in the military. two tours in iraq with an honorable discharge, mad respect for that guy
about what , god i hate this shitty meme
jesus fuck can we just ban all canadians
Literally every single college student got a deferment you fucking moron
>Guess who was in college at the time
the jews like trump?
kek, MUH FREEDUM . get fucked stripes, your country is third world tier. you have one candidate that won't finish what (((they))) started 60+ years ago, and you all act like he is the anti-christ because anderson cooper and wolf blitzer told you he's a bad guy
Yeah I must have forgotten how the Vietnam War ended in 68 when Trump was no longer a student
Trump's pretty healthy for 70. Even Reagan was starting to get senile at that age
Trump is extremely pro Israel. What do you think?
Best character ever.
(Almost as good as bateman)
Both of our candidates aren't "healthy", they're old as fuck.