>expected Drive with bikes and lots of badass moments
>all I got was a bigass drama
what went wrong?
Expected Drive with bikes and lots of badass moments
>what went wrong?
The moment you were born
>want to see Drive
>expect some getaway driver with lots of action, cool heists and good plot
>turns out he only drives around for not even 10 minutes and rest is gay single mom bullshit and his wifes son while acting like autist
your expectations
This movie was such a dumb mess and all you fags here loved it
God I hate plebs. /film/ when? We can be like /lit/ without Stirnerposting.
Your tastes are shit, the movie is great.
I'm the pleb here for hating single mom kino?
nigga get a grip
your education
>expected something from a movie
>not watching a movie with 0% expectation
god you are obnoxious
The first part of this movie alone is better than Drive and incredibly badass.
What movie? Only GOd forgives?
Nothing went wrong. It's one of the comfiest movies ever made.
what's the name of the movie?
The Place Beyond the Pines
alright I've seen it it's pretty good 7/10. Drive is better
I never even watched it, OP.
Everything looked LITERALLY like Collateral or whatever the fuck that Tom Cruise film was called.
I ain't watching a reboot.
You're the pleb for somehow thinking a movie explicitly about fatherhood is "single mom kino".
Just watch the first scene and then turn it off.
it is single mom kino tho
There weren't any real human beans.
You got Drive 2
Every movie is a drama in one form or another. What's a movie that isn't drama?
Place Beyond the Pines is a masterpiece.
nah this is drives dads story
>I like capeshit and/or David Lynch's early work.
The post
The post
Young Dane is in it, though.
you are so far off
>subverts the cliche cops and robbers shit and instead gives you a 3 part masterpiece about the bonds of a family
>this is somehow a bad thing
I want /r/movies to leave.
he got too much sex appeal for women, so he is in bad movies
>what went wrong?
The second half of the movie.
the movie ended literally at the death of the driver/rider
This might be the worst post I've ever seen on this board, and I've been here for MONTHS.
First half is chill as fuck, lots of smokes, grit, feels
the second half is just Bradley cooper, no need to watch. They should have an option to turn off the movie after goose dies.
Whenever I see the Goose in this movie, I somehow get electrical infetterance between my hand and my cock.
We had /film/ and it was nothing but /bane/