>be god
>commander of thunder & storms
>give yourself herculian aesthetics & strength
>give yourself 2 inch micro dink
But if they were true gods why wouldn't they give themselves a thick olephant trunk penor? (No homo)
>be god
>commander of thunder & storms
>give yourself herculian aesthetics & strength
>give yourself 2 inch micro dink
But if they were true gods why wouldn't they give themselves a thick olephant trunk penor? (No homo)
Other urls found in this thread:
Because having a penis larger than that is not necessary and is actually a liability. Real men practice violence and are fighters, so why would you want a larger penis which gets in the way and has a much higher chance of being damaged and thus being unable to spread your seed?
Why would god give a shit is a better question.
Friendly reminder that they consider children perfection, so, yeah
I've seen a lot of references to smaller penises being more aesthetically pleasing in primary sources from back then.
large penis = barbaric & disgusting
large dicks were considered barbaric
not kidding
>muh dik
Bait but ill bite.
The ancient greeks actually viewed huge penises as "barbaric" and "primitive". The (((porn industry))) are the ones forcing the BBC meme and big dicks in general.
Because they have a godlike expansion ratio.
I mean seriously, wouldn't you want your dick to be like 1 inch flaccid and then 9 inches erect?
Why would you want a large flaccid dick rather than one that gets very small when not being used?
i have seen many classical statues.
in a vast majority the first thing that breaks off is the penis. maybe small dicks are more practical to carve
>in a vast majority the first thing that breaks off is the penis
I thought that was the catholics that stole them
niggers confirmed barbarians
As far as I know that made genitals smaller as normal on purpose for a while to show that other things are more important in life.
Also There blood and flesh penises. One just doesn't take up space when not needed and can get the same size.
>inb4 I always need muh dick
i think god is saying 'female pleasure is not the point'
His penis soft you doof.
It's not supposed to be sexual, just a realistic portrayal of a man as he would have appeared to you in the streets going about his business.
You want erotic sculpture? They did that too, but it's a different genre entirely.
my dick is 2 inch flaccid (not joking) and 7 inches (17.5 cm) when hard.
The Greeks believed small penises were a sign of intelligence and cultural distinction. Big penises, conversely, were regarded with disdain, a signifier of a lusty, bestial, lowly sex-ogre with animalistic cravings
>not niggers
>Tfw read back then as black men
The past is a different country.
Large dicks were considered donkey-like and comedic, animalistic.
Ergo, the more noble one was, the smaller the penis.
hmm could be that too. the ones in the vatican museum have metal fig leaves bolted on
Correct answer from the educated American.
>Be sculpting dicks in 500 BC
>Bystanders ignore the rest of the sculpture to 'mire THAT THICC PENIS
>women try to touch it
>it's not even that well chiseled
>Emperor Cuckules comes by to see my sculpture
>looks at the dick
>"Are they SUPPOSED TO be like that?"
>he opens his toga to let me see his acorn dick
>"Wouldn't God have a big dick?"
>get banished for showing my penis to the emperor
large flaccid penises are grotesque. why would you want to be a shower with a dangly nigger dick when you could be a grower and still be the same size erect?
Lmao, I'm the same, except I have a 16cm erect penor.
Got to /his/ for this shit
But like some others have said, past aesthetics dictated that big dicks were barbaric and animalistic
Small ones were considered to be for civilized people
Because it was less painful to fuck another man in the ass with. Greeks and Romans were huge faggots and pedos.
He's a grower not a shower.
Not only was big dicks seen as barbaric but they were also seen as more feminine as they would give more pleasure. Real men would take pleasure not give it out.
Big dicks are unaesthetic. Learn2art.
Kinda strange that they would make a statue of an arab.
But taking pleasure is barbaric
>American view of history
Newsflash, fatty: Ancient Greek culture and US culture have nothing in common basically.
>Implying shapeshifting and fucking bitches wasn't a hobby for Zeus
He raped bitches as a giant goose and a bull for shits and giggles
It's a grower not a shower.
Pakistan and its passion for penises.
my theory is that when tribes become more civilized and less rapey their dicks decrease in size. You don't need a large dick to impregnate someone who takes it consensually. That's why you see higher I.Q races like asians with smaller dicks.
He turns into a bull or a swan when he wants to fuck anyway. A human dick would just get in the way.
Also this is a statue. The penor shouldn't be bigger than that of the guy who buys the statue.
>zeus raped bitches
Is it really rape when a god fucks a mortal?
I mean, how could you NOT consent to such a honor?
Quick, my penis is 6.3-6.7" in length (depending on how hard I am). Is that enough?
Large penis back then was considered a symbol of animals and beasts, not of the advanced super human model they considered perfection.
Having a small dick meant you where intelligent. Plus they treated women as sub humans.
Small peens are aesthetic. Large peens are for beasts and barbarians. You'll see statues of things like satyrs and barbarians with comically large peens to show ridiculous and beastly the subject is.
When you are in deep thought, your penis is smaller.
I wouldn't expect some islamist to know what it is like to be in deep thought.
this thread makes me feel better about my benis now :DD
Kinda yeah. Are there any sculptures of huge dicked men in marble?
Flawless logic
Why are Western people so obsessed with dicks(faggots?), we Asians(South East & East) care more about a woman's appearance rather than focusing on other guy's appearance, and the only reason why a lot of Western men are insecure of their dicks is because their women are SLUTS who love to get destroyed
Same for me
I go from nothing to a bit over 6 inches
Not sure why more people are bringing that up
ancient greeks were semitic
Because, as a sculptor, if you put a big dick on your statue, people only see the dick. If you put a small one, people look more closely at your work, and even 15 yo like you can have a giggle because MUH SMALL DICK
>He raped bitches as a giant goose
It was a swan and he seduced her. Because what bitch doesn't want that divine swan dick?
This is the correct answer. Someone actually asked this on our school trip to Rome, and the Latin teacher gave this answer.
Greek here, the wife loves to mock my flaccid (3 1/2 in) cock. She goes "what happened?" "Grower not a shower right? "But goes cock hungery when erect. I'm telling you a danishish wife is the way to go (bants for days, knows how to cook, hates niggers).
Ever been to an African art exhibit? Their sculptures and statues are all of poorly carved/sculpted human-like figures with dicks past their knees or with tits as big and round as their bellies.
*unzips grower*
Exhibit A
The same exact thing happenend to me, that's why I know the answer ! Latinbro !
It's an aesthetic thing, people found that huge dongs would only distract from the art
image search priapus
Swimming in cold water or exercising a lot gets me to about one or two inches.
When hard I'm over 7 inches.
It's niggers who have a permaboner to be able to rape on a second notice.
Meanwhile normal dicks just deflate.
Are Americans all obsessed with dicks because Jews mutilated them as a baby?
Exhibit B
Do you know why the statues have small penises? The smaller penises were thought to represent intelligence while the larger penises were thought to be barbaric.
Rome trip was definitely the coolest thing in school. I didn't like Latin when I had it and only passed the class with the minimum grade necessary, but I always had bantz with the teachers and now I'm really glad I've learnt it.
>It's niggers who have a permaboner to be able to rape on a second notice.
kek my Italiano
thisI have no data, but I would guess that growers are way more common than showers worldwide. Guys that stay half-chub 24/7 are handpicked by the porn industry to subvert the masses
In ancient Greece large penises were looked down upon, they were associated with barbarians. Greeks appreciated aesthetic penises.
Also, it would snap off.
You can't have a (relatively) thin piece of marble sticking out from a sculpture.
Don't leave the other person hanging like that!
Best thread ever. Cum in my ass with your small Zeus cock.
>Sour Grapes on a cultural level
That's brilliant, shame big dicked men to hide your shame in your tiny cock
I have a big dick
Large balls have been found to have a statistical correlation with promiscuous women in the region/ family line
I would be surprised if there wasn't a similar correlation in penis size
>implying god needs to use his penis to impregnate women
Its called Jesus
Small dicks make more sense on a broad level. Besides, when you're smashing tight wet pink pussy, if you have a humongous cock, she's going to say it's a no-go. the only women you can get when you have a huge dong are the size queens who've had so many dicks in them it's insane. In the end, sex is just a means to an end. Greeks didn't give a fuck about having a huge cock because they were generally concerned with greater things, I mean, these people built western civilization. These artists that sculpted these masterpieces weren't thinking about Jane down the block and what it'd be like to dick her down with a huge phallus, they were thinking of aesthetics, the human ideal, their minds were bent towards shaping the man from literal fucking rocks. ROCKS.
best post in the entire thread
What are you, fucking gay?
but it's wrong.
>Temple of Dionysus
>the god of fertility
>not expecting vagugus and penors on pedestals
This is the equivalent of a temple dedicated to scat, you genius.
>>what is being humble
Is priapus black or just greek?
>This is the equivalent of a temple dedicated to scat
Large penises are nigger tier. If you have a penis larger than 4.5 inches, you are a NIGGER.
so greek
Back then they didn't see penis size as we do today. They didn't care about how large their penises were like we do today, to them they thought large hands were a sign of masculinity, manhood, and sexiness.
2 things
1) they dare you to call them on it. your just asking to be smited if you make fun of a gods dick
2) so they can make fun of you for obviously looking. only a faggot looks
how to into big hands
Makes sense to me /thread
>obsessed with dicks
>because a shitposted in a thread about sculpted dicks
Nigga pls. Dicks are erogenous and I thought someone would get that there must have been someone back then with a lusty attitude towards big cocks as the Greeks loved sucking them and getting rammed. I'm sure someone was Dionysean about it but was interrupted by someone else who acted more Apollonian.
God took steroids
Because in ancient times, large penis = low born uncouth. Small penis = high class.
sounds like something a dicklet would say
I thought I was the only one