has reality become a meme?
why dont we take reality seriously anymore? you guys and your pepe frog and your kek and your 'ITS HAPPENING' threads. you are now the biggest political force in the modern american right wing and yet your just memers.
has reality become a meme?
why dont we take reality seriously anymore? you guys and your pepe frog and your kek and your 'ITS HAPPENING' threads. you are now the biggest political force in the modern american right wing and yet your just memers.
idk but heres a picture of a someone fucking a dead rotten cat
I was about to ask where the hell you went to get a picture like this, but saw your flag and then just assumed he was related to you. Godspeed in your war against feral cats, emu.
Come on brah. I don't care how jaded you are. If this shit doesn't somewhat rattle you, gas yourself.
Are you just shitposting bro? Or is this some anti-Sup Forums "alt-right crusade? Cause I assure you.... This only reinforces my beliefs about people's place.
I just feel it in the chest and let it explode out, never experiencing the pain, just feeling it.
Fucking Australians, G-d bless em
it's good to be a meme
Hail KeK
We are breaking the conditioning
I just vomited my supper faggot!
Decentralized chaos seeking to upset the established order is far better than organized oppression crawling towards authoritarianism.
We're apparently evil because we want to dismantle a system that wages proxy warfares, strongarms the world economy, makes underhanded deals with "allies" and "enemies", and unconstitutionally abuses the rights of citizens and subjugates them via the welfare state, the war on drugs, controlled opposition, and blatant media manipulation.
You're mad because we're tipping over a house of cards? You're delusional if you thought it was going to stand up forever.
of? gore or sex side of it?
What ever dude. Just fuck my shit up
The empire is falling. As of now we no longer care about the consequences of our actions solely because we cannot possibly stop this massive rush into a new dark age in the west.
>if anything, this is a great historical opportunity to observe what would happen if those 'beautiful ones' were given the ability to subliminally fuck with the chad mice as they groomed themselves in their solitary confines.
>roadkill porn
>anti-Sup Forums
Jesus Christ reddit needs to leave.
I mean, sure it has no political significance but your complete lack of jaded distance from all this is killing the bantz.
More? This is now my fetish
>yfw Sup Forums memes Christ into existence and saves the world
in 2005 we thought INTERNET HATE MACHINE was peak lulz and now i don't know what to think
don't give attention and shall pass
pro tip: reality has always been a meme
memes were part of reality before the internet just made less relevant ones.
IRL memes you'll know:
black holes
god and atheism
any discussion of ""((gender roles))""
every country is a meme
freedom is a meme
What did he do?
Conformation bias is a powerful thing
daisy's destruction
Alt right
Nice maymay
Memes are better than guns.
Goodspeed Quantum Weasl
im jus riding into the sunset
has anyone here actually read "The Art of Memetics"
>I'm perfectly okay with images of people fucking rotting animals
Are you sure you're conservative minded with that lack of disgust response???
I think you might belong in a camp.
Jewish supremacists have won
Nice frog you got here friend. Wanna trade?
Saved, that's beautiful
hey hey
Ask b4 stealing
helo I am lost
here, drink
Yes, it has and now it's time we sit and watch the world burn itself with the lupus that is the modern progressive movement
Reality is a meme controlled by kek
They're losing for the first time in at least a century, where have you been?
reeeeeeeee you will not stump me
Board Of Peace
here is a spider I saw last night to express my hostility
hm m hmm
What you say is true, but chaos is a ladder my friend.
And i am slightly concerned about what psychopath may climb the ladder that we construct.
tää :DDDD
leaf please
trained medical professionals look at gore for desensitivity training
so by your logic put all medics in camps
this is why your country will always be our retarded cousin that thinks he is always right
LOL, reported again. How many proxies you got?
halo plz stop
choke on maple syrup soaked testicles leaf
Noo u
u did this
God I love these tard pepes
Bye frend
Im an Aussie shitposter, what do you expect
>implying he's a trained medical professional
>implying he's not a basement dwelling degenerate, with broken amygdala, browsing a pseudo-red board looking for graphic thrills
No. But regardless, I got an Auzzie shitposter banned, and triggered an Americshat... Today's been a good day.
halo bye papa
Every story is a meme.
The first caveman to spin a yarn round the first cave fire, was the first wizard, and first memetic technician.
Aln Moore write very persuasively about this very thing.
now we are getting somewhere.
yeah cuz you know who here is a medic
>send them to camps
that is why you live in mooseland. it is your camp
go ask justin to get your chink landlord to raise you rent after he cums on your glasses
i will wait and shart in a cup for that special sauce in your burger
Loving these dunce pepes desu
hallo wat s goyng on ehhre
the future we unraveled
what do you see, my man?
>More vulgar butt hurt from the shart'n'mart American
You should definitely get a brain scan m8. You got some wires crossed hindering your disgust and fear responses.
Chek' em
somn fac
pretty getty my friend
Memes eventually become reality.
Therefore, reality is memes.
Welcome, and you can't leave.
fuck all those cum bubbles did a number on your bantz skills
oh wait forgot you butthurt chink leaf
also i proudly shart in all marts bitch