Are Tattoos degenerate? I'm planning on getting one but not sure what yet.
Pic unrelated
Are Tattoos degenerate? I'm planning on getting one but not sure what yet.
Pic unrelated
Yes. Tacky too. I question one's judgment, or perhaps view them as a follower, when I see one
>Are Tattoos degenerate?
You're a degenerate for asking such a stupid question.
Moron stamp.
The amount of middle aged, fat men and women walking around with ridiculous tattoos amazes me.
You had better be a whore in tip top whoring condition or a male model if you want it to look good.
Yes tattoos are the mark of degeneracy. Do not even bother, it could ruin your skin.
Just don't go fucking overboard. I have 2 I did myself, inside area of my wrist. Own design and all, employers never notice until like, 3 months later, even though I put down I do have tattoos. 2nd one is same size as this, just diffrent signs
don't do it. Unless its a tattoo of Nigel Farage
Yes, it's degenerate.
That's why sjws love tattoos
Ok, ya. That would be funny as fuck
That looks like fucking garbage, senpai.
Just get a good one senpai, you don't want it to be some washed out coloring piece of shit.
Not done. It's faded and was done with a small needle. I plan on getting them fully done, but don't have time to stab the shit out of myself again for another 4 hours
Has anyone got any ideas? i'd like to get something to do with Britain but I have no idea what.
This has something to do with Britannia.
Black and white union jack, or colored if you want. Shoulder, or under part of your wrist. My suggestion anyway. You can also look up some signs or somthing and make a tattoo that's personal
yes they are!
They say it's easier for death to find you since you mark your body
Tattoo are a easy way to spot stupid people also I never saw one that I liked
here is the second tattoo you made
Nope, that's fucking stupid. Why would I put that on my skin? Two small tattoos, didn't pay the InkJew to do em either
>paying to get some silly shit written on your skin
>not degenerate
>Getting silly shit written on your skin=Degenerate
>Getting a personal symbol with meaning written on your skin so it is part of you=METAL
Get one of the Queen.
My sister has a bunch of them and accuses me of having internalized-muhsogyny or some shit for not getting any. She thinks that she has liberated herself by tatooing an actual dick on her ass. Tatoos are pathetic.
Those tattoos and mind sets are pathetic*
Why would you post pictures of this? This is awful.
Nah, they're not degenerate if they're done right. Just don't get them in un-hide-able places (hands/neck).
Any man that cares about ink in your skin that they can't even see is a homo. Also, don't get typical shit (Stars/Mum/Dad/Tribal) that's when they look degenerate and trashy. Research the local tattoo stores around you and make an informed decision. Find a reputable artist and if you're not 100% on the design offer to let them customize it a bit, let them do their thing, their an artist after all. In the UK look for an artist that does around £60p/h or more, typically a sign that they know what they're worth and its not gonna be a bad tattoo. It can get expensive but it is gonna be there till you die so imo its worth it.
Pic related is one I've put together myself in Photoshop, getting it sometime next month.
I don't think it's degenerate if it means a lot to you, and you are 90% sure it will matter through the rest of your life.
In other words, don't fucking get tattoos of your current romantic partner, dank memes, or whatever pop culture unless you have worshipped it for several years.
Why not? I give no fucks if someone likes them or hate them. I just don't understand why people think all tattoos are degenerate when it's really 90% are. And again, not even done. I'm finishing them later, but decided to post an example of not going flashy with a tattoo
For me tattoo's are just a sign of low self-esteem. But your body your choice do whatcha want.
They're bad.
To each there own and all. I didn't pick a stamp and tell someone to tat me up. Why do they bother you so much?
>Are Tattoos degenerate?
>le edgy text
>random mushrooms
>literally no meaning
Yes you dumb nigger.
>Are Tattoos degenerate?
Your body is not your notebook from high-school.
Show some goddamn self respect.
You want to customize your body?
You want to make it a manifestation of you?
Get fit.
Make your body strong and beautiful. Don't trash it up with pointless mutilation.
>b-but that's hard work and takes a long time, I'd rather pay some stoner hundreds of dollars to scribble some bullshit on me that I claim is "meaningful".
No one has ever seen a nude figure and thought "man that's ugly you know what would make it look nice? some meme-text written in faux gothic font!". Tattoos ruin your body.
To be godly yet creaturley is a line from the book The Denial Of Death by Ernest Becker. It's a reference to the limitations of human life, we ourselves are god like creatures, even the very concept of God and religion was conceived by a human being. The beautiful architecture of our cities, the music you love, art and almost all things humans enjoy was all conceived by the human being. We are the creator species effectively, no other animal on this earth comes close to what we create and as technology progresses, particularly the advancement of AI, I believe that we will eventually phase ourselves out of existence.
I understand that that may be a slightly conspiratorial thought but it begs the question why do we want AI? I believe in the early years of AI (of which we are still very much in) AI we serve us as help, however once a machine so hyper-sentient is created human life really serves no purpose. If everything is automated by this machine what place do we have? We basically regress into the creatures that we fundamentally are, we live our short lives and perish just like every other living thing on this planet.
We got so smart so quickly that natural evolution couldn't keep up and we made the next evolution ourselves, life that can't die. And at that point I feel it would be justifiable that AI sees us the same way we see flies. I get I went a little off point but I figured I'd try and show my reasoning for wanting the tattoo. And the reason for the mushrooms (Amanita Muscaria) is because this is the kind of shit I think about when I'm tripping on mushrooms. The tattoo itself isn't an ode to AI but more of a graphic reminder not to take life too seriously because ultimately we are're just animals that are smarter than the other animals. How many 0's you're bank balance has doesn't matter, how big of a legacy you leave doesn't matter, your work title doesn't matter, none of it really matters cause we're all gonna die, and its nice that way.
Yes, why are you even asking?
depends what you have desu
To be honest there is nothing profound about total nihilism. It's just a giant fuck you to the future, and really disgraces the constructive efforts of millions who came before you.
By the way nobody trips on amanita unless your idea of a trip is ending up with liver failure
99% of people with tattoos might as well just wear pic related instead.
I hate tattoos, people with tattoos have zero thing they can be proud of, so they make themselves canvases. My friend was nobody, after he did TONS of tattoos, he started doing Advertising, Fashion modeling and shit. Without tattoos he would be working at some UK chicken factory, like everyone else.
tattoos are good for soldiers, sailors, and prisoners
which one are you?
Despite what you read on here there's nothing wrong with a tattoo as long as it means something to you. And if people are going to see it every day (none of mine show, you'd never expect I have tattoos if you saw me) make sure it's not something stupid or some shitty quote.