Explain your dislike of Islam without resorting to petty racism

Explain your dislike of Islam without resorting to petty racism.

I mean we do this pretty regularly but alright.

>Culture that glorifies barbaric violence
>Culture that rewards barbaric violence
>Tyrannical laws enforced by violence
>Unable to compromise
>Unable to peacefully coexist with anyone, ever
>Regressive attitude towards technology and education
>Full of fucking sandniggers
>Jackie Chan

witch king of angmar presenting morning mordor with his fellow nazghuls

I read the holy book and didn't like it's vision of society.


It's a human rights atrocity hate ideology with a 100% track record of death/destruction everywhere it goes. There is ZERO reason to import it because it does nothing positive; its effects on Western society are 100% negative.

it goes against my core values of human rights

wtf that's racist


There aren't any Muslim-majority countries that aren't theocratic dictatorships.

Islam is not a race

>inb4 9/11 was Americas fault

islam is a religion not a race you faggot


They bomb shit and kill people on the daily

Islam is an idea, not a race

im on a quest to mordor and cannot let the nazghuls get the one ring.

Islam is just bible fanfiction written so that one dude could fuck a little girl and take over a bunch of land. It's like how Mormonism is just bible fanfiction written so that one dude could fuck all of his followers' wives.


I didn't realize Saudi Arabia had their own version of The View


mankind wants to progress and go forward. Islam is a barbaric weight that hold progress back and limits the ability of all who follow it.

It puts little value in life so people who follow Islam put little value in their own. Nothing of value comes out of anyone who puts so little value into their own self.

Therefore nothing of value is in Islam.

It forms a society that could legitimately be called a "patriarchy". It would basically set back women's and gay rights by about 100 years.


It's objectively wrong.

i dislike islam because its a women-despising, jew-hating, warmongering religious fascism.

>without resorting to petty racism

B-but if I expose their religion as a sex and death cult, you just cast it off as "muh racism"...

do you trust the jawas in star wars?

i don't.

Fuck off, shill.

>Jackie Chan

Elaborate please

anyone that doesn't like dogs is not to be trusted.

I'm NEET enough to understand this reference, are you?


1000 years of slavery, murder, robbery, and violence towards non-Muslims. Only people completely ignorant of history can claim that Islam isn't absolute cancer.

There's really not many drawbacks to Islam. Western culture is degenerate and needs traditionalism. The only way to get this back is to let Islam take over, seeing that christians is too cucked to stand up for themselves.

they're not my religion so they can fuck off.

I am orthodox and islam is satan worship

They pray to Satan 5 times a day

degenerates can fuck right off

They're shit people with a shit culture that hasn't changed in over 1400 years
I've met with and observed thousands and they're all the same
Whatever white that is in the people of the middle east still is pushed out for good by their upbringing.
God damn Persians shoulf have just slaughtered them all instead of erasing their dignity like this. At least Afghans act the way they do because they've always been sandniggers

There is no freedom under islam

because you fucking idiots refer to disliking a religion as racism and have the gall to call people ignorant for it.


They need a good impaling in ye old Transilvania

It doesn't go well with any other cultures.
I'll have no problem with islam if their follower were staying in their part of the world.

that picture about sums it up

I honestly cant find anything wrong with it, its the most redpilled religion


have to submit to arab moon god
no pork
fuk u

I dont want to live under sharia law. Fuck them.

it was Germany's

t. Ahmed

>not knowing about ID's

Ahmed detected

totally fundamentally opposed to western ideals and values?
that enough for ya?

fucking lol!


>Islam is not a race
>OP is literal Autist

Fuck off with your shit

I'll go ahead and answer your question respectfully OP.

But first let me go to ask you a question.

Do you believe that the religion of Islam that is practiced today a religion of peace and fair justice?

I certainly do not find this religion to be so, although I can see certain aspects such as modesty (although extreme) to captivate certain individuals who have grown tired of today's rampant liberal extremism.

But regardless Islam is in its nature a very tyrannical faith. It pushes it's idea of submission to not only its followers but also to those who are followers of other faiths. It's purpose is to conquer and force people to assimilate with the threat of harm.

That in itself makes Islam a religion that threatens humanity's inherit freedom.

Islam in NOT compatible with a peaceful society.

>have my country divided for 150 years by the Ottoman empire
>country is a desolate wasteland after the rape and pillage
>took a new king to get shit together

I have all the reason to hate Islam and anyone that follows it.
Let alone the examples that can be brought up from the recent past of a few months or weeks ago.

>Loose Women ten years from now

I was eployed to Qatar and worked alongside several Qatri Emeri AF dudes. They were cool as hell, and even though they showed up to work in DG sunglasses and iPhones they still treated women terribly and thought any form of alcohol was evil. Those are the progressive Muslims, and the're few and far in between.

Fucking reeetard!

Nazgûl is both the plural and singular form of Nazgûl.

You're a fucking normie tolkien reader.

i have many reasons but ill say an obvious one that affects everybody

the burqa is offensive to 100% of humanity

>men cannot see women without resorting to rape

>women must wear full body burqas or else they are sluts and adulterers

>name x things that aren't Jackie chan meme

Sith lords planning the siege of the Jedi Temple.

i actualy enjoy seeing female hair
and was created in a catholic house so the whole mosque and bending to kiss the ground or tradidional clothing kind of discust me
then there is the whole being a completely acceptive of how better and more advanced the white culture that i have is
in resume
>i like a good beer and bacon .

Because they're people who willingly choose to be members of a violent religion which encourages the slaughter of all non-Muslims and other Muslims as well.

By choosing to be a savage, rather than born a savage, it's entirely fair to judge you for your savagery.

I would be quicker to judge someone who chose their savagery; a person born to it can learn and change and hold no fault for what they were made as.

wtf i hate islam now


Mindless savagery isn't a race.

Circumcision. Why do they hate natural dick? Any muslim here to explain why foreskin is haram? I was thinking about converting few years back but then i found out I have to cut my dick so fuck that.

>please ignore everything about Islam, except race, oh you're racist because you just did what I wanted and so Islam is immune from your racist observations.


the liberal mental illness, everyone

Jews dipped in oil

They've tricked and manipulated a whole gender into thinking a burka isn't stupid as fuck.

How the fuck does anyone in their right mind look at that and go "I want one."

I want to wear one and go around sexually assaulting men in the middle east. Just to get people to stop wearing them. Dress as a woman and pick fights.

Get out!

Yea fucking fight cancer with another cancer, how about no. Dirty achmed

>1 post by this ID

The religion is too strict, fanatical and backwards. I would never want to live under it.

Warts and all, I love our secular Western civilization.

A lot of what I like is dissalowed by their rule book. Also they act so militantly to control my actions. Hell, if my building was Muslim, they'd be pissed about me cooking a pork loin right now. I believe they should be able to practice their religion, but when they start trying to correct my behavior they can fuck right off.

>Export more white people, you get farmers
>Export more black people, you get athletes
>Export more asians, you get numbers people
>Export more mexicans, you get workers
>Export more indians, you get the best damn sandwiches in subway
>Export a Sand nigger, you get stabbed

pretty much the truth.

They throw gays off buildings and are psychotic rapists.

>can't be racist against a religion
Islam is a backwards ideology that murders and beats women, men and children in theocratic autocracies in every country they dominate under Sharia

I like my rights and freedoms