If the election was held today, it would look exactly like this.
Face it, Trump has no shot of winning.
If the election was held today, it would look exactly like this.
Face it, Trump has no shot of winning.
Thank you for Correcting The Record.
I'm literally giving you a glimpse of how the election is going to go.
No way Trump is losing Ohio
Polls show otherwise.
>if the election was being held today
Here's an interesting fact: It isn't.
Thanks (((Nate))), but there is tons of time left till the election, and we haven't seen a single debate. Till the debates are over there is no point speculating who will win.
>muh debates
Even with debates he can't crawl back from 10%
that's a hot opinion user
Repel shill threads.
A silent majority pretends to be anti-Trump because of peer pressure. They will vote Trump in the polls.
He will come off as the more articulate one in the debates and win over more people.
Hillary's slogan "Love trumps hate" will backfire on her for having his name in it.
Trump's rallies have a far larger occupancy than Hillary's could ever hope to be, but the media does not show this.
The majority of Hillary supporters (such as the FDT crowd or commie libs protesting rallies) will not vote on November 8th. Trump supporters are dedicated, passionate, and will.
Bernie supporters that don't pick one of the main two will vote green-party, splitting the majority.
Overall, Hillary's supporters are divided and will continue to be until Election Day. It will be a miracle if they win.
Hillary Says She’ll Stop Being Corrupt LATER (Seriously)
>Nine in 10 voters surveyed said their minds are made up about their decision, with roughly the same share of Trump and Clinton supporters indicating that level of certainty.
Their in denial Canadabro.
And Dukakis would have crushed Bush if the 1988 election was held in the summer. So what's your point?
Im gonna be so assblasted if trump loses ffs.
I dont wanna have to hear hillary on tv for the next 4 or 8 years
>Same as 2016
Enjoy her face for 8 years, and then Michelle after that.
>listening to tripfags
>literally giving you a glimpse
go back to plebbit preteen fag
>he believes the media
Shillary went out of her way to mention fucking Alex Jones. She is obviously nervous, she knows it is going to come crashing down on her soon.
>implying hillary won't back out of the debates.
>>Same as 2016
>implying history doesn't have a way of repeating itself.
Pic related. Also, Dukakis went down in the polls due to an ad that was released by Lee Atwater right before the election. Funny story: Roger Stone (one of Atwater's close friends) is working with Julian Assange to release an "October surprise." Will it effect Hillary's campaign? I guess we'll have to wait and see. Because the fact remains that I don't possess a crystal ball, and neither do you "Trump can't win" morons. I stopped listening to you people shortly after the "brokered convention" claims suddenly disappeared...
>we haven't seen a single debate
That's right, let's wait until the debates before we put so much red on the map.
Then how did Dukakis? See
Better than it was two weeks ago.
Not as good as it will be two weeks from now.
Trump us playing the long game.
That's funny. Hill was at 8% last time I checked.
(((polls))) are full of shit, prove me wrong
The election isn't held today.