Some of you guys are alt right, dont come to the mall tomortow

Some of you guys are alt right, dont come to the mall tomortow.




Damn user id like to join you, is 30 06 overkill or is it enough?

Russia has A mall?

Russia owns USA so yeah they do have

>tfw you steal my dubs

People still go to malls in russia?

can i haz some poltassium too?
kek wills it

shart in mart


ooooookkkk Ivan

In Soviet Russia, the slums are the malls.

rape on the train

Thanks senpai

diahrreah in ikea

I'm sorry, I think I stole your dubs

Not so fast, Pierre. Check 'em

even russia's leafposting today

Your black id is fitting.

they have malls in russia?

Is it also tightly packed in a high rise like everything else? how depressing.

lol sweden is traumatized from the "sweden no" days.

>damage control


Sweden gets revenge

Good thing I'm not alt-right

fak u


Hey faggolo americ has poor neighbourhoods too so yeah eat that nigger

Ivan Ivaničev fucked ur mamah

>even the ID is black

dropin sum half-laifu jokes here?


i love this new meme, so easy to trigger lards