The French are mostly inward looking. They care only about their own little world and language, going on vacation in their own country.
Here is a youtube what French girls think of Tinder
The French are mostly inward looking. They care only about their own little world and language, going on vacation in their own country.
Here is a youtube what French girls think of Tinder
>They care only about their own little world and language
>shows a Youtube video of French speaking a foreign language
wow, you sure told them
is france considered first world? how come they can't even speak english? don't they have foreign languages class as part of their basic education system's curriculum?
>mentally comparing this qt3.14s with German ""women""
White people in general are this way.
Not giving a fuck until it directly affects them. No unity/outward awareness.
French girls are OK.
Compared to the US we're doing good.
Indeed, typical consumerist individualist materialistic way of life.
But others parts of the world are not betters in others aspects, i have seen it by myself.
what does 3.14 mean?
Is it supposed to sound like another word when pronounced properly in english?
>also tinder is for Forncating...dunno why french prefer those whores over purer moslem women
French are sheeps, like most western peoples.
I still don't understand how previous generations of white westerns males accepted the increasing in female sexual promiscuity.
How mens can be that stupid ?
qt3.14 = cuty π = cuty pie
Bilel is that you?
Do you still shitpost on Sup Forums sometimes?
two factors apply:
>feminism, female vote, custody rights, loose morals regarding clothing
>male masturbation
Women can be and are whores but ultimately it is men who give in. Vikings,spartans, all those never were promiscuous.
Legend says Napoleon shed his white blood before waterloo, so he lost.
Its been degenerate since the revolution, no surprises anymore.
oh fuck that's very crafty
fresh out of reddit eh? copypasta etc. etc.
tinder IS for fornication. Women who fornicate are whores.
if you want to exalt France then complain to the guy who posted a video showing how much french girls like being whores.
The French have always been smug depressed materialistic fucks since the end of WW2. Maybe they became nihilist after getting #rekt by Germany, I dont know.
So they became hedonist who dont care about anything and now they country is being invaded by muslims and they are slowly starting to realize these muslims arent going to let them sit in coffee shops, smoking cigerettes and not showering in peace
I agree with you akhi, calm down
are you storing water and food like merkel suggested?
Yes it's me, Boche.
I agree, alos, maybe they were thinking that it would be more easy to bang chicks in their early 20's, alas they forgot the possible consequences in their 30's at the time they wanted to build a family.
I only ever knew two french girls
1. one was a high school exchange student who stayed at our house. She was small, blond and had the biggest blue fuck me eyes I have ever seen to this days. She also smoked like a pipe kek. Had to channel all my willpower not to fuck her
2. Was the complete opposite look wise. She really did the whole frog thing justice. Also some of her teeth were missing. She was just as touchy as the first girl though and she liked to wear mini skirts to show of her bloated legs
Also your society was gone too soft.
you need some economic crisis and military dictatorships here and there to stir up the gene pool
>fuck me eyes
>mini skirts
totally Haram. The whip awaits them whores
Well yeah we can vacation in our own country because it has pretty nice vacation spots, I dont see anything wrong tbqh
>impliying you could have fuked her, kraut.
We came second in the Olympics.
>>shows a Youtube video of French speaking a foreign language
>wow, you sure told them
What foreign language? Sounds like French to me.
relax chap, i love British Colonialism
Mainly because fuck you.
>We came second in the Olympics.
Samebody triggered the Nigel.
How is Brazil even considered as a rising power while it's a shithole inhabitated by arrogant and poor scumbags who only live through soccer ?
>contemporary white society
Yes, if you don't count Slavs.
I swear to God she wanted my dick
She was fun to talk to, too
>I swear to God she wanted my dick
Thank God you held her off. Just consider the ramifications if you had sex with a cute French girl while she stayed in Germany. Germany's reputation of being cucks and prepping the bulls only would have been lost.
They speak english to answer the lad interviewing them
Cop the fuck on, Hans
>some of her teeth were missing
W-Was she 8?
For fuck sake, Jihad. How many posters do you need to stop diddling kids?
I love France. I don't like it better than Germany, but it has everything my beloved homecountry lacks off:
-wonderful coastal areas
-fantastic nature
-perfectly preserved large cities
-French cuties
-film industry
-music industry
-game industry
-proud stance on culture and language
And this cutie.
>Just consider the ramifications if you had sex with a cute French girl
Even back then I knew that casual sex makes me fall into a pit that takes me weeks to get out of
Blame the religious upbringing
Ugly bitches baka senpai.
Glad i only date american asians and latina, my god so much more fun / hot than those bland and boring white bitches.
>"Don't you want a boyfriend, you know, to protect you, take care of you?"
>"No, we don't need it."
What the fuck is wrong with people. "Oh, boyfriend? No, we just fuck tinder fuckboys and get our money from the government."
>american asians and latina
>asians and latina
le kill yourself