There are people who look forward to this show every weekday. Why?
There are people who look forward to this show every weekday. Why?
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Cause they're not triggered trumpflake alt-reich broflake babbies that actually support President Hitler
They need confirmation that their flimsy belief system is the one that will get them the largest number of "correct" friends.
Something to watch while we wait for Rick and Morty.
Think about it, it's literal propaganda. People work their 8 hour shifts, come home exhausted, pop a microwave dinner in and turn the TV on to watch this smug fuck. It's not that they necessarily love the show or think that it's any good, it's just something to watch when you get home from work. And after a long day, you are too tired to think or want to think properly. You watch Colbert dance around on stage reciting his CIA psyop influencer lines until you finish your dinner. Then you go to sleep, and the cycle starts again the next day.
because Johnny retired
What is the purpose of the black guy? He's just a yes man that quips in with little phrases. "Yeah, yeah, yeah you right" or "it's true though hahha"
I feel like a group of businessmen sitting at a table decided to put him there because they wanted to reach an urban audience.
This guy amuses me if only because of how hard he triggers Sup Forumstards
Not to mention those cringe ass tl;dr greentext copy pastas that are posted in multiple posts
because i have nothing else in my life and this gives me something to do, without which i would kill myself
ideology is propaganda and if you think your perspective isn't you're a fool
Liberalism will never, ever recover from this takedown.
They're called Drumpfkins and they exist to get pissed off by stuff.
Pictured: The average Sup Forumstard when discussing Colbert
some people like to laugh at our clown of a president, snowflake
>having any convictions makes you a fool
You're right I forgot that this was the current year where nobody can bear to be honest about anything from the fear that someone else will laugh at them or call them stupid. Everything I say is hidden behind a veil of protective irony. I believe nothing, I feel nothing, I am nothing.
Every single alt-right Trump supporter that I knew in high school used to love The Colbert Report.
Yes, they're called asspained libcucks who are still in therapy after losing. They'll take any shitty Drumpf joke as long as it makes them feel better about being huge fucking losers, and maybe they'll go and attack random people once they've pretended they're nazis hard enough because they're revolting, brainwashed retards that hate themselves and their country and their gender/sexual orientation/race so much.
You're goddamned right.
Brits are some arrogant fucks.
Tbf all late night hacks have a stoned black band leader. Theres really no other point to having one these days since most people just watch clips on youtube.
Link one time Colbert ever once mentioned anything about 2 scoops.
Oh wait, you can't because it never happened.
People like media that reaffirms their beliefs. Some people agree with what he says.
they're literally token house niggers
yes and I know one, and they're fucking annoying
because he tells them exactly what they want to hear.which of course is
>donald RUMP is a big stupid dumbass!
and like trained seals, the liberals who flocked to him like he's their refugee camp give a thunderous applause.
So is he pretending to be retarded in this show or not? I still don't know if this is just a parody show like his last one.
>Colbert makes me this mad
It's liberal propaganda. His audience needs to have their believes validated since real life contradicts them every single day.
>since real life contradicts them every single day.
Want to talk global warming, pal?
I support President Hitler AND I like Colbert. How do you like THEM apples?
>The Devil's opinion
Did you miss the memo? It's "climate change" now.
When will you realize that global warming is not a partisan issue like the media would have you believe, and that there are literally trillions of dollars resting on running the planet into the fucking ground?
You realize the name was changed do to the GOP sperging out for months over the term "global", right?
meatpuppets that need to get their talking points from their favorite DNC propagandist.
>climate change isn't a partisan issue
>but just ignore the massive right-wing lobbyist groups to try and censor scientific data and smear climate science just to keep getting handouts from Big Oil ;)
Kill yourself you naive retard.
>since real life contradicts them every single day.
I've never seen a right wing person in these Colbert or John Oliver threads prove them wrong. They just spam memes and try to ignore the truth.
So ironic.
>and that there are literally trillions of dollars resting on running the planet into the fucking ground?
What are you actually trying to say, here?
Let me guess: They should be watching Alex Jones instead?
you sure showed me
Well, nothing I said was a I guess so.
>this post
This proves liberals are brainwashed by their fake news and nu-male talk shows.
The world doesn't revolve around what democrats and republicans think of stuff. And the way people lead countries certainly doesn't revolve around feelings bullshit and caring about temperatures.
Do you really think that fossil fuels will ever be replaced by clean energy? I'm not asking if this is possible, I'm asking if this is something that will be allowed to happen.
Libcucks solution to climate change like everything else is more taxes.
>Do you really think that fossil fuels will ever be replaced by clean energy?
Do you think we will ever use automobiles to transport people on the road?
>flash forward 20 years
>Trump has long since died of fatfuck disease
>his name is on every "worst presidents of all time" list
>Colbert is venerable Hollywood icon
>laughs as he fondly recalls his rise making fun of this embarrassing dumbfuck every night
This will happen.
You've got to love the little psyops. Likes this shill post. Well played shill. I admire your delicate touch. You are a craftsman.
I pity your schizophrenia.
There was literally no value in this post, just a bunch of "abloo abloo, liberals". Eat shit.
>Libcucks solution to climate change like everything else is more taxes
You have no idea what most of planet even remotely wants to do about carbon pollution, do you?
samefagging at this level is disgusting
you can stop samefagging yourself dickhead
Get fucked lmao
No, it's readjusting the funds for different agencies so they can work in an efficient manner.
>if i pretend that nothing matters then not only does that make me super smart but I also have an excuse for being stupid
I like seeing Drumpf get absolutely BTFO.
shameless samefagging
fuck off faggot
>this is what lefties fantasize about
>This proves liberals are brainwashed by their fake news and nu-male talk shows.
None of that was wrong.
Not at all, don't have to. It's just what's going to happen. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
I'm not.
These people are delusional. They honestly think anyone in american politics has any ideology whatsoever. It's like they live in another century.
Are you a schizo?
> Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
It physically cannot get more reddit than this line
Nice spacing, pede.
Keep your delusions going.
>triggers your impotent alt-right rage
I've noticed people from reddit always mention it. Welcome to the site. Now you can leave. No one wants you here faggot.
>These people are delusional
At least they didn't vote for Trump, you need to be pretty gullible and delusional to fall for his shit, amirite?
pretty much this
>They honestly think anyone in american politics has any ideology whatsoever.
So, your argument is that nobody in America has an ideology or do you want to try that sentence again?
Neither Alex Jones nor Colbert are to be taken seriously, but unlike Colbert, Jones is actually funny.
Just proves he wont last long if there paying that
You can identify the liberal by the way he tries to ask you stupid questions all the time while arguing.
Those guys are all faggots, Conan is the least faggoty.
Didn't they pay the black one more?
Jones literally is propaganda, Colbert just makes dumb jokes about Trump.
>not using midnight
redditt samefaggers are the worst
No, he means the vast majority of politicians are sell outs and charlatans.
What does Earth want to do?
In 20 years, everyone will have moved on from talk show hosts and Trump. I doubt without google you'd even know who was president 20 years ago, let alone the third place host of a talk show.
Buddy, break out of your autistic identity politics for a second and realize that your previous sentence doesn't make much sense. You argued that literally nobody has an ideology in the US...
I am assuming you made an error and here is your chance to correct it.
They're both "propaganda." Propaganda is just a meaningless term for media that tries to convert you to their side.
I envy him, wish I could stand on stage and say "da president is a dummy lol" every single night and get accolades and a shitload of money. Dude's living the life.
>They're both "propaganda."
No, they aren't. Shithead.
You just outed yourself, newfie.
>I am assuming you made an error and here is your chance to correct it
Then maybe he (you) should have written that, faggot.
you got me there reddit, congrats on your gold star detective work lmao
>Propaganda is just a meaningless term
Dictionaries exist, kid.
All that money and they still couldn't get Hillary elected
Wow, some talentless piece of shit makes more money then me. Boy, am I pissed.
Now stop replying to me you useless cunt.
Hyperbole, I meant the nations on earth you dingus.