Matt Reeves' THE BATMAN Won't Be Canon To The DCEU And Won't Star Ben Affleck

It's part of the new Elseworld-ish label alongside the non-Jared Leto Joker movie.

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no way lol.


They had Batfleck, who was legitimately great. Now they're abandoning him and their own cinematic universe. What the fuck?

DC is just making a big hot mess of this shit. So we'll have dueling Batmen and Jokers? Jesus. Fix your shit and fire your retards, DC.

>Now they're abandoning him and their own cinematic universe.
literally nowhere is that said

Why would you branch out and make two cinematic universes at once? They're literally throwing shit at the wall until it sticks. You can get away with this in comics or other media but this doesn't fly with the casual moviegoer

>WB is pumping out capeshit blockbusters at the same rate as Disney
wow what an awful strategy amirite

Logan did it, don't know if the DCEU can.

Doesn't matter why, it's what they're doing.

>You can get away with this in comics or other media but this doesn't fly with the casual moviegoer
Yeah sure you can't. Whatever you say, expert.

X-Men had already made a mess of their continuity with at least 2 parallel timelines. Logan being a possible end to one of them was fine.

>backpedaling this hard

t. dc shill from India

Stand alone literally doesn't mean that is not part of the DCEU...but whatever, HAAAAAAAA THE SKY IS FALLING, MAKE MINE MARVEL!!!!

t. d*sneycuck from pakistan


But the article outright states it's not part of the DCEU, damage controller.

Why must you assume I like any of the shit Marvel shovels out on a regular basis?

>I didn't read the article

Once Nolan left the wheel, the ship sank like the Titantic. No sense of direction or integrity at all. Just aimless shitty movies.

First Ben isn't going to direct The Batman.
Then it got delayed.
Then Ben didn't want to be Batman.
But now he is.
Just not in The Batman.
So Batfleck won't be fighting Deathstroke?
What the fuck?

They are lying, and you both know it.

>everything bad I hear about the DC films is fake news >:(

I think WB is taking a toll on Ben...

well shit, I guess they're doing this so they can replace Affleck with the new actor, during the Flashpoint movie and have it as an alternate world

Don't bother with the mental gymnastics. They arent crossing over. Period

it's probably going to happen

They are going to confuse the hell out of the normies.

>They had Batfleck, who was legitimately great

This is the problem with this new DCfags
Go to the theater to watch wonder skeleton
And think:
Bat of Murder are great
Wonder Skeleton of murder are great


Ben is a legitimately great Batman though.

ahahaha ibn al'Cuck blown the FUCK out

Dude clearly doesnt wanna do it
That batsuit must be a pain in the ass
And these films are making his career worse not better, especially as a filmmaker

Nothing is clear at all actually. Everything is a conflicting report for the last week and to state an actor's intent behind all the crazy studio's plans are "clear" is pure bullshit.

Nah, you're an idiot.the Elseworlds tales are seperate. That's the point

Why the fuck are they even making the movie if its not Affleck and not canon?


DC's characters are mythic enough to sustain multiple interpretations.

They are setting up a Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover. Based Geoff Johns saving the DCEU.

I just wanted that one standalone Batfilm with Ben.. goddamn guys hold me DC fucking shits at least marvel can hold onto a cast for more than one movie jesus christ help me

No they aren't retard. Now go fuck yourself because you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

People used to make movies that weren't "canon" to anything all the time, Lucifer.

>the best Elseworlds aren't some of the most loved comics of all time
>Timmverse isn't iconic in it's own right
>Batman 89 and The Dark Knight weren't both cultural phenomena
>Injustice isn't popular
>the CW shows don't have their own fanbase
>Bombshells isn't an entire cosplay subculture

Exactly, it's the reason their bad movies still make money.

>durrr hurr wonder woman never killed anyone I don't read comics btw lol
eat shit and die

you don't have to do this DC


This makes no sense and sounds like pure clickbait, reporters will say "well we said it could be a humor lol" and cucks will keep reading their clickbait sites like this one

I hope that's not true.

So are we getting other adaptation of Elseworld's comic?

Do not talk to me, do not reply to me, do not fucking look at me. That's they way it's going to be and if you don't like it then go fuck yourself, because it's my way or the highway. Sk what't it going to be?

The thing is most of those things are separated by several years and across different mediums. WB wants to do it with big budget movies at the same time.

I wish
>tfw no evil russian henry cavill to man handle and push you around and ravage your boipusy

he was a terrible actor and his career was over already
the studios are becoming aware that capeshit will flop drastically

That's a fair point. It's a big gamble, but I think it might actually pay off. Reeves is a kinomaster the critics actually appreciate (if The Batman really is outside the DCEU) and giving him the freedom to do what he needs to do could create positive buzz. If they make sure to market it as a director's vision and not just a reboot they could get people on board.

Thank god.

Sorry if I don't see much point. Nolan's Batman was a Batman series that was outside any other continuity and based on a director's vision. This shit seems redundant right now. Maybe in another 20 years when it can be reinterpreted for a new generation, but that's not what this is. This is pure $$$s.

DC should focus on their main universe. They were way late to the game, decided to cram 3 fucking movies into BVS so they could skip the JL setup, now they want to dick around with an outside continuity Batman? They're derailing themselves.

The only explanation is they realize the capeshit bubble is about to burst and no one will want to see another comics flick for at least a decade, so they're cashing in as much as they can now.

>the studios are becoming aware that capeshit will flop drastically
Any minute now...

This is still a horrible idea, though. I'm with you on the comics, but the movies aren't the comics and the movies aren't exactly well-established yet. BvS made a lot of money but as far as a whole 'universe' of films go, there's still a lot of groundwork that needs to be established.

Elsewords films should be like phase 3 or 4, whereas the DC movies are only in phase 2 at best.

Punished Ben
A hero denied his franchise

Because BvS and Man of Steel were panned, especially the former. BvS underperformed big time. There's no excuse for a big-budget film with Batman and Superman together for the first time EVER, and FIGHTING each other on top of that, to gross under $1 billion, yet it did. That shit is inexcusable.

Then you follow it up with Suicide Squad, with the worst Joker ever put on film even worse than that fat Australian kid and godawful everything else, and you're looking at a severely damaged brand. Even Wonder Woman's success didn't help it recover.

Go to normie sites like IGN and look at the comments. They're tearing this apart. Those negative reviews DO make a difference, and once the bad reception starts to snowball it's all over. If WB were smart they'd start from scratch (again), and yes that means giving Affleck the boot. At the most retain Gadot because, for whatever reason, people seem to like her.

How many times are we gonna have this thread?

It's just a clickbait headline picking up something Reeves said a month ago.

>There's no excuse for a big-budget film with Spider-Man and Iron Man together for the first time EVER, and FIGHTING together on top of that, to gross under $1 billion, yet it did. That shit is inexcusable

Your move.

>Then you follow it up with Suicide Squad, with the worst Joker ever put on film even worse than that fat Australian kid and godawful everything else

It won an Oscar and became huge with the Hot Topic demo.

Logan still had the same actor just different continuity

Hell you could call it a side story

This new movie doesnt even have batfleck

the first film with iron man and spider man
FIGHTING TOGETHER grossed over 1 billion

>Matt Reeves said it was going to be a stand alone movie like Wonder Woman and GotG
>clickbait shit runs the usual fake news about Affleck leaving
I don't know what else can they say at this point. Affleck confirmed point blank he was going to be the Batman and the guy playing Cyborg confirmed the reshoots were minimal.

Is it good at least?
I mean, you've watched it, right?

To gross less than BvS too being the exact same case as BvS

Because Iron Man is on par with Superman, Batman etc?

This is weirder than including a new Spider-Man in the MCU so soon after TASM happened.

Yep best wolverine movie

>moving the goalposts
You can't refute anything I said, and instead resorted to cheap deflection tactics. Fuck off.

Bigger actually

Jesus, DC is falling apart

mouseketeers really trying their best at this story lmao

It doesn't help that this new trouble Whedon is in just so happens to coincide with the JL release. Every update on the movie also conveniently reminds the reader about it.

Alcohol ruins everything.

>and you're looking at a severely damaged brand
But every DCEU is more successful than the last. Suicide Squad was literally unwatchable and was huge hit. People covering Box Office news were running weekly Wonder Woman articles because of how hard it has overperformed. When GotG came out Marvel fans bragged about their "legs" (first weekend multiplier to get the total gross, which was REALLY good for GotG), Wonder Woman has pulverized it. The final domestic multiplier is going to come close to 4x, basically unseen in capeshit. Profit wise is going to come close to an Avengers movie, more than Civil War. That doesn't sound like a damaged brand, that sounds like a growing brand.

If you go outside movies, where DC is consolidating pretty hard, it's even clearer. They are doing fine literally everywhere. Merchandising, videogames, comic books, tv shows, animation, you name it. If DC's brand is damaged, someone need to explain me why are they winning across the board.

>Affleck confirmed point blank he was going to be the Batman
In The Batman? No, he didn't. He did confirm point blank that he would direct it though... then it was later announced that he wouldn't.

>someone need to explain me why are they winning across the board.
the people saying DC are damaged or fucked or whatever are comic book fags complaining about on screen adaptations of characters

>wonder of murder
All she does is kill, normie-kun.

Batfleck was good but they missed their chance already. Shoulda made it shortly after (or instead of) BvS. Now Ben's done rehab and come out looking old and puffy.

It's been amazing to see this movie fall apart. Ben was going to write, direct, and star in this thing. Then one by one he resigned from all of those jobs. Fuck I never expected him to actually drop the movie completely.

What i find funny about this whole clickbait thing that has been going on is the snowball effect it produces and how little these sites care about facts. They essentially create their own news and then report on each other to create the resemblance of validity.

The first site takes an interview devoid of any context while giving their own biased opinion on it,
Then a second site report on the first site report, but without showcasing the said interview, just the original site biased opinion on it,
Then a third site report on these reports without citing the any source just the sensationalist headline created by the biased opinion of the original website,
Then all the other sites do a variation of the last two sites tactics creating the idea of this being a huge entertainment news that is hot as fuck and totally true since there are all these websites reporting it.

>In The Batman? No, he didn't.

>It doesn't help that this new trouble Whedon is in

What trouble?

>was in 2 films as Batman
>1 was literally worse than Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome
>the other somehow looks worse
>Ben Affleck's career not being over

Their animated movies fucking suck hard and basically stopped turning a profit ever since they decided to adapt the New 52 continuity, and i say this as a huge DC fan. Even the current cartoons, two currently airing, fucking sucks.

Some shit about him fucking Eliza Dushku 20 years ago, marvel shills want to make a big deal out of it. They didn't think it through though I think, it's a little faggy to even imply that's a bad thing for a heterosexual man to do

smear campaign on his private life from 20+ years ago

Thank you for confirming my previous assertion.

Damn, Marvelbros sound incredibly powerful.

he does skirt the issue there desu. no definite confirmation, but I wouldn't believe half the crap these disneyfags would have you or me believe

I watched that Gods and Monsters flick and it was aight. Made me want more New Gods shit. Haven't seen those Titans and especially that Harley shit because they did look like shit, when will people realize that Dini was the genius and Timm just a fucking weirdo?

>literally mentions Matt Reeves by name and how excited he is working with him
Pretty sad guys

I was just giving the benefit of doubt, user. Thats all.

>first DC desperately emulates Avengers
>now it's desperately trying to emulate Logan

How fucking low can this franchise possibly get? Are we gonna get a memespouting Plastic Man movie next?

The last good one was Gods & Monsters. Everything associated with Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox new set of animated movies (Justice League: War, Batman & Son and so on) or dumb shit produced by Timm like The Killing Joke and Batman & Harley Quinn are fucking awful.

Pretty hilarious that the same people who would've been chanting MARVEL BTFO if this had came out a year ago are defending him.

well those marvel films he did were quite poor. If Justice League is the same I wouldn't have a different opinion.

I enjoyed Cabin in the Woods tho.

Didn't they already start filming? How is this even possible.

meme painter where are you!?!

If JL or Batgirl are as bad as Age of Cucktron we'll be the first on the line shitting on him. Somehow I can't fault him for fucking hot actresses and cheating on his cunt of a ex-wife who would eventually go with personal letters to clickbait websites for a quick disney chec, though

Fanboys. They're fucking fanboys.