>Game of Thrones is liked by liberals
>studies show that liberals are more intelligent than conservatives
>Sup Forums is full of conservatives
I think I know why this place hates GoT.
Game of Thrones is liked by liberals
If ur so smart the why'd ur mum succ my dick last night?
response, op?
>liberal studies funded by grants from liberal academic institutions have found that liberals are more intelligent than conservatives
really gets the old noggin a choggin
>Whites have higher IQs than blacks
>Blacks enjoy not committing suicide
Therefore, we should all kill ourselves.
Starting with OP, of course.
inb4 200 replies and pruned
>implying op has a source for his bs and isnt just making it up as he goes
t-thats racist
>liberal academic institutions
As opposed to...?
Conservatives aren't exactly the academic type.
yes. cons would rather earn money than waste it on a useless degree. look at the stats. conservative households in the US earn considerably more than liberal households. yet "liberals" (modern liberals aren't liberal at all) have more useless degrees than them. woah. libtards are stupider than rednecks.
There are plenty of liberals here dummy. Here I am.
>>studies show that liberals are more intelligent than conservatives
What are ya saying i got a very good edumacation mister.
>poor people vote for the side that wants to raise the minimum wage, rich people vote for the side that want to slash their taxes
more news at 11
studies also show that women are smarter, nicer, braver, stronger than men. makes you think.
Any conservative intellectuals here?
>board that has constant /got/ generals 24/7/365 even when the show isn't on the air
>hates got
What the fuck are you talking about?
>everything I disagree with is a jewish conspiracy
how master race of you
you mean, on the planet? Sure, there has to be at least a few.
Alex jones posts here.
What do you even consider a conservative? I hope you're not stupid enough to believe all people are on either end of a fundamentally flawed and 2 dimensional system of views, and that all white Hicks are the conservatives and everyone else is a liberal because the media said so.
If that's the best exemple the right can come up with then I'm not worried.
Even Bill O'Reilly is smarter than this guy, and he's the one that says sea tides prove the existence of God.
Because his mother is a whore with a fat arse
This tbqh op
Really dumb people tend not to watch or read narrative.
It's too much for them.
Liberals tend to be more open to new experiences, though. So a dumb liberal would be, on average, more disposed toward watching a show, than a dumb conservative.
This might explain the gap.
There are a lot of really dumb liberals, just as there are a lot of really dumb conservatives.
Most telling being that neither the term liberal, - which is a political and economic philosophy - nor the term conservative - which is a disposition and not a philosophy at all - actually mean what liberals or conservatives use the words to mean.
If you actually think liberal means left-leaning, or conservative means right-leaning, then you're probably stupid enough to watch and enjoy Game of Thrones.
>liberals are smarter than conservatives
>cuckoldry is the thinking man's fetish
>liberals are cuckolds
His reasoning checks out.
I mean when you bring out hard science like 'studies'....
let me guess, they were 'peer reviewed'
>liberals are smarter than conservatives
Explain blacks and Hispanics then.
Blacks and Hispanics are usually conservative Christians
I find it hard not to reject the label of "intellectual" because most of my class is morally-abhorrent and not nearly as smart as they believe themselves to be.
I respect the honest, forthright "idiots" much more than the arrogant, dissembling, weak-minded "educated".
>blacks and Hispanics are conservative Christians
>which is why they vote overwhelming for the liberal gaytheist party
Liberal intellectuals, everyone.
do your own study then, what are you waiting for?
No, those "studies" come every fucking month and we generally give 0 fucks for them since none of them showed any replicability. There was another such "study" that claimed that libertarians were the smartest group, another bullshit paper who no one in the scientific community ever gave a fuck about. The simple fact that a bunch of american "liberals" are low IQ minorities should make you question the validity of such a study. The difference between conservative and liberal(terms used only in the US for rightists and leftists) seems to be simply population density, cities are full of liberals and rural areas are full of conservatives. No study have shown any difference between the IQs of people living in cities and rural areas.
here are some maps to make things clear:
Ebin politics
I was making fun of corrupt academia user. Try and keep up.
another map:
This is the map of SAT scores. The States with most germanic ancestry, the midwest, are the ones doing better. German ancestry also positively correlates with support for Trump.
But again, no strong case for IQ differences.
I was just pointing ou that peer review is not the problem, those studies are meme studies that get much more attention from MSM than the scientific community.
I dont hate warcraft
Of course 'peer review' is a problem. Having a bunch of your corrupt colluding colleagues sign off on something does not make something a fact or reality. Academia in this country has become a racket.
And fuck your 'studies' and IQ bullshit too. More useless fake soft science used as propaganda.
And fuck your republican/democrat bullshit too while we're at it.
all states he either barely won or outright lost, kek
congratulations, you're an idiot
muh rural v. cities stats
you fucks think you're so slick
Cons would rather die working in a coal mine like stupid faggots or die from liver failure after eating slim jims and drinking diet coke for all of their life. Face it, you dipshit cousin fuckers are doomed to die out and fade into obscurity like the irrelevant trash you are.
Go back to Sup Forums you cum-gargling jewfucker
If knowing all the observed inter-racial differences in measured intelligence and behavioral patterns makes you racist you're still a scumbag. Nixon and Moynihan had that shit right in the Watergate tapes. It's best to know, but not tell.
>states where 15% of the population lives in a hellish Democrat pit of murder and crime and tells the other 85% what to do, what to say, and how to think.
>only correlating 2 factors
liberals are a bunch of fucking geniuses i tell ya hwat
ITT: delicate alt right fee-fees getting hurt
>3 million people is 15% of the population