Is being famous as awful as it seems

is being famous as awful as it seems

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Yes. They're mega rich to compensate that they'll never have privacy ever again.

Best thing is to be famous for something 'boring' like business, writing, or academia.

I dunno, but I know I would hate it.

keanu and mel gibson are pretty much the only famous actors I respect

there's a difference between being famous inside of a niche community, and being known by everyone in America. big difference.

I understand Gibson, but why Keanu?

he donated part of his money to special effect team in matrix.
he never shows off or does degenerate kikewood shit
also comfy-tier house

You can't be a private citizen if you're famous.

The public owns you for life.

If you're famous, you'll have tabloids dishing out dirt on you into your 60s.

Is reviewbrah a victim of fame?

Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: It's complicated.

t. Famous person.

I have a question;why don't famous people get mugged more often?
isn't america like the land of ak-47s?
are negros too dumb to coordinate attacks?

Don't forget
>Marlon Brando
>Gary Oldman
>Charlie and Martin Sheen
>Oliver Stone (said Hitler was made a scapegoat)
>Mel Brooks (while fiercely Jewish he has always made a point to take the piss out of his own people)
>Adam Sandler (working class Jew mentality. Promotes classic American values as much as possible)

Identify yourself in some way.

As if they would ever intermingle with the plebs that is why the journos and Politicians are so out of touch.

It is like being ogvernmed by an erimit cave hermit.

dat ass

No. Sorry. You're just going to have to believe me.

>promotes classic American values

Can you provide examples of this

No we don't.

They're the ones fucking working for jews, i DARE them to come imply I, an Aryan am a pleb
fuck hans you triggered me
>also not fucking using gossip sites to now where they live

Okay. I don't care.

what a faggot

If you wernt a newfag you would know what you just said is stupid.

who was that white girl pop singer who browses pol again
I forget

>Mel Brooks
>Made Blazing Saddles, a movie about a black sheriff cucking racist white buffoons

>Adam Sandler
>Created some of the stupidest, most childish trash to ever make it on the big screen

You idolize these people? Kill yourself immediately.

Because they have private security and walled compounds around their private mansions in places where you'd have to walk for 6 hours straight before you saw any melanin.

And then they call you a racist for saying walls and guns are a good way to deter crime.

nice shorts 2bh white tee however kills it

tay tay is that you

Post $$$$$$ or GTFO

>private security
thats the FUCKING POINT of being an armed bandit.
Imagine billy the kid saying "oh no that bank has security i can't steal it"
criminals are supposed to be crafty and bypass security protcols. or they were.

I'm not a newfag, but I'm not here all the time. I'm just not gonna "prove" anything with a time stamped picture or anything like that. I'm just not.

You really think no famous people come here? Especially after the last few days?

I'm not a white girl pop singer.

I want to wear his thighs like earmuffs

>he donated part of his money to special effect team in matrix.

Tom Cruise did this too for the crew of Edge of Tomorrow.

I want as little attention as possible and I'm not famous.

Would probably kill myself

Could you imagine having to be famous and not being rich? Haha, that would be the worst of all

lol that's Chris Kyle, aka the Baby Nigger Killing Shitlord

Black male jazz singer?

is he wearing that as a joke? I've seen guys who look straight wearing shorter and shorter shorts now. While I'm glad the baggy trend is gone, its getting a bit silly. If you have like an amazing body, sure. If you are showing off to your gf/bf or at the gym, sure. But short khaki shorts look good on few people.
t. polgb /fa/ expert

>child actor
>100% forgotten by the public now
>never further pursued my acting career
>make decent money off of computer repair
>people sometimes pop in and say "wow were you that guy haha I hated that show" and make fun of my acting

>never shows off or does degenerate kikewood shit

Dating a tranny.

Do you intend to trigger a felling of freed or envy, little friend?
>kali yuga
>being chained to worldy possesions

He's depressed, is handy with a gun and a decent masculine actor in line with Clint Eastwood and James Dean.

People complain that he only can play himself. That's a net positive, I think.

He used to tour with Alice Cooper as a guitarist.

He's also modest and super depressed.

Also, anyone who thinks he isn't gay is a fool.

Tom Cruise has ayys inside him though

>Adam Sandler
>Promotes classic American values as much as possible
You've never reviewed some of his movies and asked yourself "is what I'm watching promoting degeneracy, sabotaging the traditional values or normalizing grotesque actions and behaviors?"

Which one user?


nothing wrong with having a passable trap gf

>no degenerate kikewood shit
He is literally dating a tranny


Wtf is he wearing women skirt/bottom?

how many times did you get molested by jews?

and he's canadian, you forgot to mention that user

thats what makes him exciting.
his scientology interview solidified my non gay love for him. weird people are great

but tom cruise DOES show off all the time
Maybe he does it for reasons and doesn't actually have sex
>clinging to women and not having a nice boipussi anyways


if he was gay in the closet he would not ever wear those.

Taylor 'Hang them High' Swift

Its part of a costume for "America sniper".


I have pretty good gaydar. Not THAT short, but like much shorter than anyone wore in the 2000s. I live in a big city where numales can get away with it.

At least tell us what line of work you're in for shit sakes. I'll just assume that you're Alton Brown.

I'll never tell

haha funny story exactly that was attempted when I was like 14 by some Disney Jew. My Dad scared the fucker off though.

He totally is though. Have you ever heard him talk? He's had beard gfs for years. Doesn't have kids + over 40 = gay in hollywood. He speaks fluent french ffs

other shit celebs have to pay for
-donations to charity to virtue signal

>computer repair


You know who's pretty rad? Kurt Russell tends to have contracts that guarantees stuff for extras and crewmen... Hot meals and shit.

I'm not famous but I play in a popular band and everywhere I go people know who I am and I have no idea who they are and it makes me really uncomfortable. Perhaps if our band was actually really famous the money would compensate for that but I dunno. It's mentally exhausting.

>"wow were you that guy haha I hated that show"

Hah, damn, that shit must suck. At least you're not too well known, user.

Wesley Crusher detected.

wtf i love keanu now

Are you white?

You are Tom Petty.

You played Cha-ka from Land of the lost.

Same reason why famous and rich people in Argentina never get mugged.

>adam sandler

well, you might be right, idk


I'm pretty sure he just lived here for awhile and has dual citizenship or something. He's Lebanese too, but whatever.

Its worse than you imagine.

They get raped and tortured, forced a narrative, and when they dont agree they are publicly ridiculed with scandals and allegations.

It has to be the worse kind of life having all that money and being miserable, while watching your fellow humans envy you and not knowing the truth

I wasn't even alive when Land of the Lost was still being made.

Wait are they filming a Reno 911 movie!?

Humility, dedication, talent. Keanu is based.


Shakira I think. For some reason I think it might be Beyonce though.

Yes, especially if you can't take the heat from always being under the spotlight.

On another note:
>10 years old
>appeared once on a set for a new years eve special
>registered as an actor
>called for a minor role
>one of the producer fondles children a little bit too much
>parents withdrew me from the actors' registry after that

I always knew Kurt Russell was based. Thanks for that little factoid. Hes also vocally pro-2nd Amendment.

Fuck, Im gonna go watch Big Trouble Little China now. Such a comfy movie.

I met Art Garfunkel at my favorite chinese retaurant once
That guy was autistic as fuck. And we didn't recognize him until he told us too


>rich in argentina
haha, nice meme. that's like being a plumber in Yorkshire

Do you have a second job? I talked to Johann Hegg's sister at a concert and apparently he's a truck driver when not touring with Amon Amarth.

you weren't alive in 2009?

Kurt Russell is beyond based. I don't think he's ever been in a single bad movie either.

We've already figured out that it's Alton Brown, bro.

based Keanu

John Wick was badass

I am Colin Farrel.

It doesnt matter if I reveal who I am here because its a fucking anonymous message board. There is no way for anyone to confirm or disprove my identity. I look so old now.

Gas the Jews race war now. Castleknock fer loife.

Ha, not Alton Brown but I do love Angel Food cake.

I'm in entertainment.


I'm not Tom Petty.

Better than your quints, faggot.

She is unattractive in a genuine female kind of way. She isnt a tranny. I would know.

Are you Screech?

Coolest dude ever. That shred video was pretty damn good.

I cannot argue with the digits.

This is Sam Hyde isn't it? You'd pull exactly something like this.

I fucking love your show. I watched that new episode like a good goy.