How would a live action adaption work on the silver screen?
what padding would be cut from the final films
How would a live action adaption work on the silver screen?
what padding would be cut from the final films
It would never work, its too politically incorrect.
Reinhardt and Siegfried are now openly gay, Yang Wenli is a woman again, and Mariendorf is empowered and pretty much the protagonist now. Oh yeah Julian is black
i couldn't get past the first episode, does this show get better?
It's the only good anime ever made.
Not NEARLY progressive enough, you fucking bigoted racist Nazi piece of shit I can't wait till we put you in a death camp.
I got the soundtrack.
Can we get Idris Elba to play the black fleet admiral?
you didn't like the random engrish?
How do you watch this when the animation is so horrendous and footage is so frequently recycled?
Not in the way you social justice warriors from Sup Forums would want
They'd probably cut Ruental rebellion and maybe some of the Earth cult stuff.
it doesn't matter because they don't mean the shit they say and nothing pleases them.
It would never ever work, it's far too long to make into a movie.
I heard they're making another series of this though, like a remake or something.
This is my favorite anime of all time though, it really is a space epic.
it gets way better, give it a few episodes and you'll get super into it and all of the characters. OP 3 always makes me feel feels. God I love this show so much. I kinda wish they continued it.
this shit was boring desu
>what is berserk
none of those changes make any real difference to the themes or plot
as long as it's prussia vs usa in space, reinhard is space napoleon and wenli is a military historian turned reluctant commander, it'll be fine
Original is alright but doesn't do the manga justice
The movies sucked besides the 3rd
And the new one is really bad
>never watched it
>never will
you should really give it a go before the new remake goes about next year
>Julian is black
>Yang keeps pointing to him and asking "What is that?"
Who would be cast as Reinhardt?
You already know the answer.
Idris Elba
>Jamie Foxx as Yang
no if anything pic-related would have been perfect for julian
short but another suggestion
3rd and probably best suggestion if hes not too old now
someone show em the webm
I had to force myself through the first ten or so episodes, but I'm really glad I did.
Bravo Nolan?
a) you'd need fucking LOADS of films to do it all properly
b) the show or the books, they differ
c) audiences are too add
>implying the anime isn't already cut up a bunch relative to the novels
They tried but really only the corridor battle has the same pacing as the novels since they geeked out and shot their nerd wad there. Everywhere else is rushed.
Are they t/l'd or what?
didn't mariendorf do all the empire running while reinhardt was off space battling?
No but Viz Media is translating them so you'll be able to read the series in several years when they finish.
>he was waiting to fulfill his promise to Annerose before sweeping her off her feet and marrying
This show kills me
Wait for the remake you entitled nigger.
he died a hero's death m8
One thing that kills me about LoGH is how a lot of great men in it don't get some magnificient final ending. Shit just happens.
cast him
they're apparently making a new series
the death that got to me the most was Oberstein requesting that his dog be given chicken meat, his love for his dog was a small detail that I really liked about his character
martin wallström
or michael fassbender
You already have The Wire.
>politically incorrect