7 Roomi's??
jesus christ, mah balls
mah dick.
This is Roomi-kino at its most exquisite.
7 Roomi's??
jesus christ, mah balls
mah dick.
This is Roomi-kino at its most exquisite.
It was alright but seriously wtf was with that long interracial sex scene? It seemed really unnecessary and took me out of the film. What purpose did it serve?
Made a thread about this yesternight. No one liked it because shes 37yo ;_;
It's a netflix requirement
i don't remember an interracial sex scene
they are stupid
and.... surprise, so are you.
fuck you lame-ass comment about your lame ass thread.
I will watch if she shows pit hair.
image 7 Noomi gf's all on your dick at once
he was thinking of Prometheus
The mustache wearing brown CAB agent taking the blonde sister's virginity in a fairly gratuitous sex scene that doesn't really serve the plot in any way. Don't remember an interracial sex scene in Prometheus unless you count the black goo impregnating the protagonist
>The mustache wearing brown CAB agent taking the blonde sister's virginity
it served my dick's plot
well served.
giv flat-chested noomi gf
The blonde has sex with a black guy to prove him wrong about her frigidity.
Yeah, you go goy!
I mean girl, you go girl!
post her legs
I really liked it
the expendability of the sisters in service of the plot was not something I saw coming
it wasn't incredible, but it was quite nice.
no she doesn't
I was really surprised how it turned out. I enjoyed it but wouldn't recommend to my friends.
Glenn Close was great as Hillary Clinton.
>but wouldn't recommend to my friends
>my friends
come again?
>it's an autistic kids from Sup Forums ruin another perfectly good thread with their nonstop retardation episode
>it's a planned parenthood episode
Thanks for proving my point brainlet.
>billion chinamans
>billion poo in loos
>billion africans
>almost 325 million Americans
>little less than 750 million in EU
why didn't they just leave the planet?
not for me
you will never be meat in the noomi sandwich
;_; why even live?
roomi has no range
she sucks
> Implying her reasoning was wrong
She didn't need to kill anyone tho. Just hit them where it hurts most, the wallet. You have an extra kid, your tax rate immediately jumps to 50% and subsequently jumps another 20% with each extra child. Keeps it fair for rich and poor.
wtf is robin williams doing there
God you are such an obvious beta virgin