Tap water or bottled water?
Tap water or bottled water?
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I wish theyd sell bottled water in glass bottles cheaply. I read somewhere that there is estrogens in plastic.
>Tap jew or bottled jew?
You realy think you have any choice?
Filtered tap water
just face it goys
Tap water because I live in the first world.
Most bottled water is tap water.
Tap. At least it's cheaper, see
Rain water and grain alcohol
gotta protect our precious bodily fluids from the commies
they're both the same
Either as long as it isn't fluoridated.
>not producing your own water directly by combining hydrogen and oxygen atoms
Tap, after being run through a filter.
muh filters
Shut up fag
Isn't rain water full of chemicals it gathers from pollution.
Enjoy your estrogen from the plastic bottles. A whole generation of pencil dicks born to mothers that drink plastic bottles in utero
only reason not to drink tapwater is because you live in a 3rd world country (brazil, burma, USA, etc)
Drink anyway.
I collect rainwater.
First post is correct answer
bottled water is just tap water that's been sitting around in plastic containers leeching extra carcinogens, and you pay for the privilege.
We have water crisis literally every year at native reserves
>he doesn't drink fridge water
stay pleb
You want government poison or big business poison.
Pick your poison. Wisely, of course.
>collecting rainwater
That's illegal
filtered tap water
Bottled tap. Solved.
Yes in bpa
However I think a lot if not most have gone away from bpa because of this but I could be wrong
Glass waterbottles unless you want estrogen and flouride
if you drink anything less than cold, pure carbon-filtered water you are 100% third-world garbage.
Current year
Not having reverse osmosis under your sink.
This is the only correct answer if you are not living in a third world country shithole.
>flouride vs xenoestrogen
Fuck both of them.
Pure waaa
Bottled, I live in a place with water now but I used to live in a heavy drought are where it got so bad dirt came out of the faucets, and when there was little water they treated it with so many chemicals it burned/affected many citizens including myself.
Would say Bottle, but it's because years of habit.
What kind of fucking language is this
Did those brits took the ,,muh british english" to level of random moans?
nigga that map
we have plenty of water lmao
ever heard of the great man made river?
tap water in USA is fine if u dont live in detroit
>how you want your female hormones senpai? bottle or tap?
there's no winning unless you live near a spring you can get your own water from
Yes, it is fresh spring water here. Best water.
How do you get feminine hormones from tap?
>Thinks Detroit or Flint are the only places with tap water issues
Oh boy...
This is literally retarded phytoestrogens are shit tier estrogens and even if you consume a massive amount it will essentially do nothing to your physiology because testosterone is so dominant.
I'm so sick of this phytoestrogens meme. It has absolutely zero basis in endocrinology. Even transgender people that take ACTUAL estradiol compounds in 100x higher doses (low dose of 2mg) than would be in plastic bottle water without an anti-androgen will essentially see zero changes.
Please let this meme die for the sake of empirical reality.
Because retards keep stagnant water or ever
Thanks you for correcting the record.
>thanks you
Well Sup Forums it's been fun, but it looks like I have to kill myself now.
2016, not living on a class M planet. Collected this from a creek yesterday.
inb4 plastic leachates lead to homosexuality
i kek'd
t. globalist shill
>long term vs short term
how do you filter it?
> native reserves
this is your problem.
BTW, if you were so inclined, the contents of your tap water is publicly available. Most cities have a chemical makeup somewhere on their websites or you can phone your local water treatment plant for the breakdown.
>inb4 the faggots on pol all miss the reference
My superior free well water.
Never mind, I'm dumb. All you faggots already missed it
Tap is 4 people, bottledo is for faggots
Nah but seriously, tap sucks dick
If I were at home in the UK, I'd drink tap water. I lived in the North of England, the tap water is actually bretty good up there. At least, it tastes nice. If I'm here in HK, I wouldn't drink it without boiling it. I'm not worried about floride or estrogen, more the potential lead in the water.
I got the reference, but no one cares since it's been done too many times.
Every fucking time this topic comes up.
>he doesnt live next to a glacier
Trick question, it's the same thing.
>tap water not safe to drink
>drink anyway
Spring Water or Purified Drinking Water?
only if the tap is made by Charls, i hear he makes a mean tap
>he doesn't buy prepper-tier 12L water kegs
For real, niggas?
If you can't drink tap water, you live in a third world country.
Tap if you can
NJ doesn't put flouride in water.
Tap water. I live in the mountains. No problem with water here.
Depends on where you live I suppose in my case I'll go with tap water
Tap because I'm cheap and the fluoride literally saved me from getting a root canal.
Maybe in """freedoom"""" land
you wot m9 Slovakia is richer than Poland and we definitely have way bigger water reserves than fucking Israel and Greece
fucking triggered over this shitty map
>in spain
Shit b8, desu.
>drinking water
Plastic leachates lead to homosexuality
NSW Australia has the best tap water
This map is fucking retarded for the US. Tap water flowing in the Sierra Nevada's is straight God tier, be it Yosemite or up around Tahoe. Tap water in Flint, MI? Yeah don't drink that shit, nigga.
With an Alex Jones filter
> Sperm counts down by a half since 1940.
> Cryptorchidism, hyposadias and testicular cancer doubled
> Fish and other animals in waterways suffering severe reproductive disfigurement
Yep dont worry folks its a perfectly safe for males in yeah 2 oh six teen!
well water for me.
I've been drinking tap water all my life, how the hell is tap water supposed to harm me in anyway ?
pic related is where my water come from
Carbon filters dont remove a whole lot, sure impurities and certain chemicals are gone but a hell of a lot still gets through.
Furthermore unless the plastic is BPA free it is contributing to the issue.
scotish I think.
birth control meds in womens urine doesnt get filtered out during the purification
Bottled water exists for the sole purpose of exploiting you when you can't find a water fountain (or you live in Flint and need crates of water bottles to survive).
>tfw reusing water bottles to smuggle water into movie theaters
This is the logical answer. Why buy those tiny bottles when you can get these instead?
Depends how close to the source you are, but tap water is often filled with xenooestrogens. Not in any conspiracy way, but cities full of women excreting urine with birth control in it renders the water full of extremely potent oestrogen mimics. It's causing all sorts of reproductive issues but the damage is mainly done pre-natally and neo-natally.
Just buy an 18 gallon glass bottle and fill it yourself. It's what I do.
Pretty heavy to carry though, if you're a tiny girly man.
We have well water here. It's really soft and just doesn't taste very good.
So I usually drink bottled water. Plus it's easier to take a couple bottles out with me to my workout garage or take one to the girl I have tied up in the basement.
tap.. mine comes straight from the mountains. its delicious. bottled water is what néstle sells to the third world idiots
>avoid drinking tap water
Depends on the region.
>tfw your limestone-filtered mountain tap water is so good shit tastes weird when you go on vacation
>not greentexting
>not third world
Pick one retard