Trump was supposed to win the primaries
And crash the general
He's a Clinton plant
Put there because there is no way this woman could have won otherwise.
You guys fell for the meme
Trump was supposed to win the primaries
And crash the general
He's a Clinton plant
Put there because there is no way this woman could have won otherwise.
You guys fell for the meme
Every time he starts winning he alienates his voterbase or says something dumb
you retards tried this attack already, it didn't work
You have autism
I'm a regular Sup Forumslack just like you
thank you for correcting my record my man
I agree %char*friendword%
Give me one (1) reason why this is a bad thing
Is he fucking retarded or something?
Why does he keep doing this sort of thing just as his campaign starts to get back on track?
I do not understand how this tweet is in any way different from any of his others. This is just ctr shills or people from hillary Clinton speech yesterday
It's a damn shame the republican base is full of retards and the party allows democrats to vote in their primaries.
Give me a single reason why this is bad
>protip: you can't
He's trolling his cult to see what he can get away with while simultaneously ensuring his old friend Hillary wins.
Its like saying people of color, vs colored people. Liberals obsess over the words because they are to stupid to understand context and meaning. Think of how women misinterpret anything you say if its not "worded correctly" this is liberals in a nutshell.
You can literally say the most heart felt thing in the world, but if you don't use PC terms you are a monster. They basically live in a fantasy world so this shit enrages them.
>I'm a regular Sup Forumslack just like you
I gave up on him a month a go. The guy's a fucking idiot.
At this point I'm just hoping Hillary dies of a fucking stroke before November.
>I told them niggers they were violent murderers
>vote for me, because I can point out things
>I have no policy, but I can totally call it
>3 of these slides
Has something important been posted in another thread? Or do they think this tactic works?
Sup Forums has been liberal for a long time.
all these un-ironic christfags and neo-nazis are plants by the Hillary campaign.
trump himself is an obvious plant, and to be honest, the clintons did an amaazing job of creating the monster that would destroy republican establishment and sway the vote of the young autists towards him and away from candidates that were legitimate threats.
good job pol, after all your conspiracy shit and "jews did this" you fell for the biggest fucking jewish shill of all time, mr trump himself. you have no one to blame but yourselves you fucking autists.
I love Trump and all but that was a dumb fucking Tweet.
wew this meme again
Hillary's "Alt-Right" speech at 3pm on a Thursday in August where she painted Trump as a racist racist racist, bombed and was panned by everyone. So the shilling has returned, because they think disrupting this board will somehow undo the phenomenon and permit Hillary to win, I guess.
Reminder: Hillary has to make Trump less likable than her in order to win, because everyone fucking hates her. She's failing at that job. His numbers improve, while hers sink. And we haven't even had the debates yet.
The shills are scared.
What fuck is this shit?
Words mean different things depending on how you feel about the person saying them, women and liberals and all.
>Walking her baby
Like a pet?
Then the rest of it just seems like "See, you violent niggers ARE violent, you WILL vote for me"
This is what you 2d bingo players always say, you've been saying this since the beginning.
His voter base has only grown in size.
T. Increasingly nervous man
>Clinton plant meme
Holy shit, who dug this old fossil up?
>it's okay to be a retard because other people are retards
Fucking shit comic mate, kys.
Clinton says in her speech the other day that Trump is ridiculous in saying that black people are not safe walking the streets
>oh hey look im right
totally justified just more pussies crying how trump will kill every mexican on the planet etc etc
calling someone a shill doesn't actually mean you've argued against what they have said
every fucking time trump says something stupid and one of us breaks rank to ask why the fuck he did it, rather than have a discussion, everyone just calls them a shill
if you weren't a shill you would realize he didn't say anything wrong
Give them a break, there is literally no other choice but Trump. Once he fails he'll lose all support he has here.
No one likes to talk about it but we're all desperate, Hillary can't win and the only one that might beat her is Trump.
You people are such god damn pussies. You really have been brainwashed by the jew media to think that this is "outrageous". The only ones that are remotely offended by this are faggots who won't vote for him in the first place.
I'm beginning to agree, the man just doesn't know when to shut the fuck up when he's doing good in the polls.
He's a retard but a useful one.
It's getting to a point where instead of calling your opponents names you should really address the evidence they're bringing forward.
You're no worse than muslims when people question the quran.
no, its the conservative media shilling against her
Trump isn't stupid. He knows African-Americans need to be told what to do. It just takes a while for it to sink in for them.
>You really have been brainwashed by the jew media to think that this is "outrageous".
In a sense. It's not innately outrageous, but the perception that people might see it as outrageous makes it so.
Hard Truth for Hard Times
If you want to treat people like children vote democrat
Sure you are libcuck, sure you are
Wanna know what's weird? You people made 'cuck' a legitimate insult in today's society.
However, when someone googles it they find cuck porn that emasculates white males. This should be troubling for a white-supremacist board
You're so worried about the Jews tricking you that you don't realize you've already been tricked.
Wow, you sure showed me with that blog post
>white supremacist board
I thought this was a mongolian picture viewing board?
Very interesting that instead of actually counter-arguing people against trump you just use ad-hominems.
You're so ignorant but you'll never realize it. You're too prideful.
lol - this meme again.
guess I #cruzmissile now
Operation bi/pol/ar is over friend, it's time to stop
If people actually gave a damn about this tweet, then why isn't it trending on facebook yet? Every time trump fucks up the normalfags are all over it.
That does it.
I'm now a #CruzMissle.
You're really reaching bro.
It's fucking nothing.
I find joy in the simple things in life. This post really made me smile. Thanks for correcting both the record and my day, friend :^)
I used to think he ruined it with this tweet but maybe he thought it was going to be some 4D chess like the taco bowl tweet.
You're more upset about the tweet than the bitch that was shot.
Liberals will blame the tweet and the tool, but won't address the cause or victim.
Liberals and Neo-Con cuckservatives truly are scum.
He's not wrong in pointing out urban violence, but the tweet makes him look like an asshole. Yes yes, I know. If Trump cleaned this up and made it more respectable, people would still say he's pandering and politicizing a tragedy.
This tweet reads horribly. He should have said something like:
"My condolences to Dwyane and his family. No one should go through this. We need to act now to prevent this from happening again."
See how that sounds differently than, "Just what I have been saying. VOTE TRUMP!"
Take Trump's phone away. He had a good opportunity to prove his point, especially after being called a racist for assuming black people can't walk down the street without the fear of being shot.
He had his opportunity and fucked it all up.