What the FUCK is going on over at WarnerBros/DC?

>Gotham City Sirens (Harley) is still on with Ayer... according to Deadline
>yet another Harely spin off is in the works with Leto Joker
>Meanwhile a solo Standalone Joker is in the works outside of the DCEU

>reports coming in that Reeves' The Batman is now also standalone outside of DCEU and Ben will not be playing batman

As of right now its

>JL, Suicide Squad 2, Shazam, WW2, Flashpoint, Aquaman, Gotham city sirens, Batgirl, Nightwing, Justice League Dark, Elseworld: Joker, GL Corps, (Elseworlds?) The Batman, Harley/Joker spinoff

Now Leto joker was confirmed for Sirens and SS2 by Deadline. The Hollywood Reporter broke the news of the Leto/Margo "criminal love story".

this isnt solo joker which

>Warner Bros. is simultaneously beginning to develop a line of DC-related films that will fall outside the established cinematic universe which sees actors and storylines threaded through multiple movies.

They also mentioned that the Batman was apart of the NEW line of one off movies not connected to the main universe saying

>"The new line, or possibly label, will allow for the making of movies that will stand apart and separate from those big-budget tentpoles. Matt Reeves’ The Batman, for example, is intended to not be connected to the Justice League universe but to be set in a different time period and star another actor."

but backpedaled to later updating and saying

>Aug. 23, 6:40 p.m. An earlier version of this story stated that Matt Reeves' The Batman was part of Warner Bros.' new label and would star a new actor as Batman, but it is UNCLEAR where that project will fall.



Whats happening over there?

Other urls found in this thread:


Leto's Joker sucks dick

Pay attention or fuck off

No matter WB's problem, the real problem is that even legit media have become clickbait who can't even get facts correct before printing stories. Both Deadline & Hollywood Reporter managed to seriously fuck up the stories in ways that blew up the internet.

Leto's Joker sucks dick

Joss "want the role, lemme lick your sole" Whedon

Nah I don't even blame the media. I blame WB for terrible handling of making their intentions clear for the future films. They seem like they are winging it and whether they are or aren't the media is just stating the obvious. All this could have been avoided if WB made everything clear in one statement.

Yikes /nohope/ general?

Told ya.

they don't know what the fuck they're doing and should've just stuck to their tv show and animated movie empire

they need to buy Fiege for 100 million

I'm sorry we couldn't save you, Ben.

Adding to this with rumors that Whedon's JL reshoots have completely removed Eisenberg's Luthor from the finished product


>Whats happening over there?
Shitty "news" sites desperate for clicks.

That is the best thing that could happen but it sounds like it's a mess that they won't have time to fix so they will just show it as is. I hope I'm wrong though.

According to that site, it's not even certain he had a role in the movie at all.

I also read they were making a Red Son movie.

KEK, there's a rumor that Ben will only appear in Justice League and Wonder Woman sequels.

Fucking Batman became Wonder Woman's sidekick.

There's also a rumor that your mom is not a complete whore, but that's all they are. Rumors.

She dated around a lot when younger, but she settled down for good after meeting my dad.

its WB's fault that these outlets are reporting baselss "leaks"? really? you dumb nigga

>this smear campaign
lol imagine getting this nervous because the wonder woman film got more profit than most of your conveyor belt rubbish

The DCEU is dead. Bury it.

DC already giving up on its extended universe?

This is the worst possible move. Putting out a live action batman film, without any tie ins, let alone a new actor?

They need to clean house. This is the most retarded shit. I cant even bring myself to defend this as a DC cuck.

Disney has clearly found a way to put something into their food/drink that is turning them retarded.

>>Meanwhile a solo Standalone Joker is in the works outside of the DCEU

why tho

>Whats happening over there?
MCUcks are great at giving clicks so these guys just go with whatever bullshit makes DC look bad. That or shills, which considering MCU's RT scores doesn't sound that far fetched

In WB they are literally reading scripts and showing them to potential directors, nothing else.

Wipe the shit show clean and start again.

>Whats happening over there?
Literal fake news

This desu

>tfw will never be head of WB and reboot the DC cinematic universe as insanely high budgeted animation based on 60's era golden age heroes.

pic related, imagine full animation that detailed

There was a shift in management at WB and now everything is fair play.


you are wittnising coordinated attack and shilling campaign by Disney.

Those mouse fuckers are scared after Wonder women and spiderman underpreformed.

The leaks would hold no sway if WB made an official statement of their plans moron. Try to keep up

would they possibly tie everything together with one of those multiverse/timeline events that seem to happen in DC comics?

grrm would hate that

This thread is brought to you by

The Marvel Pajeet Group Mumbai Branch

This shits honestly making me depressed

Yet he's on the list of cast members

Kek, what fucking list? IMBD? Hah fuck off

Can we have Jon Hamm as Batman pls?


>>yet another Harely spin off is in the works with Leto Joker
>>Meanwhile a solo Standalone Joker is in the works outside of the DCEU
None of that has been confirmed

Keep crying

WB posted a sizzle reel at SDCC of all the films they are currently developing. The information you're attributing to them is from third party sources, without WB commenting. The point stands.

Post a reliable source.

It's a thread about the report and speculation. You want a reliable source go knock on the studios door. If not, fuck off

You have no point. Apparently neither does the WB

>Claims WB aren't being clear
>Posts third party rumours as if they're true when WB have given a list of the next films in development
If you want to believe rumours, whatever, but you're being a fucking fag

>without WB commenting.

That's the point you are replying to Einstein. Summer is done but the retards never leave

So you're entirely butthurt over a rumour section attributing shit that hasn't been confirmed as in development by the studio, while also butthurt that the studio isn't validating the rumours? Neck yourself.

When did I claim once WB isn't being clear? You lost? Jesus stop responding

A lot of half truths and misdirection because "here's how DC is fucking up" brings in the clicks

Why the fuck would a company confirm or deny rumours? Your aware the Harley/Joker film was leaked well before SDCC and they then confirmed it wasn't in development. What more do you want? A WB employee to suck your cock every time a rumour you don't like comes out?


Because I called you out for not having a point? You're suddenly all over the place. The only person here butthurt is the one telling anons to kill themselves. You sound embarrassingly frustrated.

The entire fucking OP is about how Deadline reported a series of rumours running against what WB confirmed not a month ago, dumbass. Neck yourself.

I've been clear on my point you fucking dumbass. If you claim a studio is all over the place then refuse to take their announcements at face value, but instead give weight to rumours, you're a fucking idiot.

>films a franchise around a common universe
>characters in universe vary and are inconsistent

im not into capeshit but having a common robert downy jr ironman was great, really glued things together.... looks like they are fucking up...

but then again... batman became notorious for swapping leads

>>Claims WB aren't being clear
>Posts third party rumours as if they're true when WB have given a list of the next films in development
If you want to believe rumours, whatever, but you're being a fucking fag

^^That's what you said for some odd reason. Evne tho i never onced claimed anything nor posted anyrhing about rumors. And now you are telling me what the OP is about liked I asked or like we were debating it... All i said was "keep crying".

You realize there is more than one person in this thread right moron? Or do you thinking everyone you reply to is one user? Top lel, keep going this is hilarious

>Your aware

Stopped reading right there

I wish they really made Elseworlds movies, but we all know it's just going to be out of continuity movies, not real Elseworlds like Gotham by Gaslight, Superman: Red Son or The Doom that Came to Gotham.

And I claimed your point is practically worthless to the point of not even being legitimate. Now what? And I didn't call the studio all over the place. I called you all over the place lol. Keep up fool. You are fuming so hard you are losing the plot.

Christ, neck yourself. If you're posting in a thread about a topic, you're going to be held accountable that you're on topic you little shit.

Idris Elba should be the new Joker. New timeline, new Joker.

The success of Marvel was being able to have these actors locked in for a dozen movies to create consistency.

If you're bailing on that already before even selling your own EU, what the fuck are you doing? Then we're back to the Bond or Batman style of old, new actor every 3 movies, retread established ground and tropes again and again, no story progression, insular movies.

Why even try to sell it as DCEU at all then when it's not? This is so hamfisted you'd think Sony was behind it.

It's gay that you lap up every rumor that some fuckhead clickbaiter pisses out. Does nobody care that this kike is linking directly to the clickbait giving them ad revenue? Are you retards so new that you don't know about Archive? This guy is boneheaded shill.

After all i saw i'm seriously about to believe that Disney sabotages DCEU production.

Not really. You aren't going to hold me accountable to "magical claims and posts" I didn't make because you were dumb enough to think you were talking to one person.

I came into the thread saw your whiny post and said keep crying. It clearly triggered you because apparently you thought you were still being attacked by another user. It's pathetic really. Sorry you're at this low point m8. It's really sad

Neck yourself.

So you're that new you don't understand how threads work? Christ

>held accountable

Kek, this isn't reddit

>held accountable


Naw, I just came in and said stop crying and you were stupid enough to think I was someone else. Cuz you clearly brought your prior conversation onto me. You're embarrassing yourself

holy samefag batman

You think this is trolling?

Christ. Thanks for reminding me why Sup Forums is worst board.

>Applauding off topic shit

>held accountable

Thanks marvel Pajeet.
(₹10 has been deposited into your account)

Lel, you're doing it again. I never mentioned trolling. I read through the thread as per usual, saw your whiny post and basically called you a faggot for all the crying in it. So what's wrong now? Place ain't like reddit eh?

the superhero universe bubble is going to pop by 2020 and they want to pump out as much as they can before then

>held accountable

>anonymous backwater shitting stool

Neverending Summer

>held accountable that you're on topic

>you're going to be held accountable that you're on topic you little shit.

Okay, so what did you really mean by this?

>you're going to be held accountable that you're on topic

Leto's Joker sucks dick


WRONG. Leto looked great in make up (not talking about his Damaged tattoo that you people seem to freak over so much for some reason).

He just needed better dialogue and had more screen time

Do you think there's a Joker gang tattoo that he makes all his underlings get? They should've made a whole movie about his crime organization.

Just bad management. The problem is they're still trying to compete with Marvel instead of just doing their own thing.

"Marvel established the MCU! Let's make our own DCCU!"

Which is fine if they want to go for that. The problem is that Marvel has spent years making stories for their individual heroes before even starting a cinematic universe that combined them all. DC is trying to do everything all at once and it definitely looks like they're fumbling around now.

They just don't know where to go with their movies, or what kind of tone they want for them. The one thing they need most right now is CONSISTENCY which they sorely lack.

>They should've made a whole movie about his crime organization.
Hopefully Leto returns then in some standalone movie or if we will see more of his gang in the Harley/Joker movie

Sounds like your normal Hollywood money scams.

DC has a great IP that should be dominating, but it's horribly mismanaged by modern day WB. If they weren't full steam ahead, it'd do well for them to take a step back and reevaluate this entire DCEU thing that got going as it exists currently. Snyder sort of fucked up the groundwork and makes it more difficult to take the franchise to anywhere interesting.

The comics are great, at least (DC is killing it in comics, while Marvel is floundering there), but that's not where the money is.


I'm excited because over a year ago I wrote a whole thing against doing a cinematic universe and now it's actually happening! I hope this marks the beginning of the end of the cinematic universe fad.

>Joss "In A Minute You'll Be Screamin'" Whedon
>Joss "Fuck 'Em And Leave 'Em" Whedon
>Joss "I'll Drink The Kool Aid If You Drink My Semen" Whedon
>Joss "Hold My Beer Dan Schneider" Whedon
>Joss "poles for roles" Whedon
>Joss "starlet creamin'" Whedon
>Joss "ass reamin'" Whedon
>Joss "woman hating raping" Whedon
>Joss "Practice Your Craft And Work On My Shaft" Whedon
>Joss "If You Want To Be Cast, You'll Give Me That Ass" Whedon
>Joss "Give Me That Hole And I'll Give You A Role" Whedon
>Joss "Just The Tip And I'll Write You A Quip" Whedon
>Joss "Make Like Alien Resurrection And Suck" Whedon
>Joss "feminists hork hork when I pork" Wheon
>Joss "Split those thighs Fireflies" Whedon
>Joss "The bloody sheets slayer" Whedon
>Joss "Young pussy to feed on" Whedon
>Joss "Tell my wife and you'll sit on a knife" Whedon
>Joss "The Cunt in the Woods" Whedon
>Joss "General of Young Slut Legion" Whedon
>Joss "In Joss we trust and Joss thrust in us" Whedon
>Joss "suck the personal out of my political wink wink notch notch" Whedon
>Joss "the pussy slayer" Whedon
>Joss "you WILL see how that's a party" Whedon
>Joss "getting all offended and stuff over your tits" Whedon
>Joss "ginger Hulk" Whedon
>Joss "Semen Feedin" Whedon

Yeah that's never been successful

how much do you think fiancing has to do with all of this....

i bet WB got the cash to do all this shite based on some sort of package deal instead of having finance movie to movie

something something root of all evil

>he's pretty it's just the part that needs to be rewritten

Kindly fuck off.

what the FUCK is going on with hearsay and rumours about WB/DC

Remember when we had no idea what studios were doing? If we were lucky, we heard from a friend who subscribed to some niche magazine that a movie was getting made. Otherwise we'd wake up one day, see a trailer, and get excited? We didn't freak out over studios exploring potential projects

Those were good days