ITT: kinos where the villain is a female

ITT: kinos where the villain is a female

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play misty for me, the big sleep 1978, both great flicks too.

>implying the villain isn't the pedophile

there are no villains in that film. the closest to a villain is the girls brother who shows her the porn

real life



Gone Girl

the villain is the therapist who pressure the girl into a false confession.

The 'villain' clearly was the society/savage human nature.

What a great film, btw. Mads' best role?

>the villain is a female
>Gone Girl

Stop pretenfing to be retarded, retard.

>Mads' best role?
Maybe if he didn't own the role of Hannibal Lecter the way he did.

Why did Klara kiss him?


real life isn't kino but I agree with the sentiment.

To be friends, to show affection?
In the movie It's kind of implied that the brother was raping her on daily basis so maybe he was kissing her so she assumed this behavior and start kissing people because it was tied up with them being her sexual interest.

why do japs like mads so much

>In the movie It's kind of implied that the brother was raping her on daily basis
wtf were you watching, user?

Swedish women are the most despicable creatures on the planet

>In the movie It's kind of implied that the brother was raping her on daily basis
No it fucking wasn't. Do you have autism? All he did was show her porn for a few seconds as they were running by.

But I'm murrican and Mads' is the only dick I would touch/suck/fuck

Just kidding. But theres really a theme in the movie that the brother represents.
And then there was a scene when he intensely watched her play, there was a scene when he looked at her funny and then there was a scene when he looked at her and cried.

Every Film Noir

Hmm. That really makes me fink. I'll have to watch it again and be on the lookout for that. If it fits then this film may be even more kino than previously thought.

He's always so brilliant in whatever he stars in.
I really liked him in Pusher 2, but he is so suited for playing Hannibal it's uncanny.

The twist is that it's the brothers boipucci that got molested, and he in turn messes up his sister.
The cycle continues.


He believed that until the end, thats why he was the one who shot.

Trying too hard here, user.

She's more like the secondary villain, but it's worth mentioning.

The brother was guilty because he knew it was the pornography he showed her that started the false claim. But he was too afraid to admit to it. In the end he loathed and hated himself for defiling his sister, but he also hated the guy for being a victim and making him feel even worse, so he is most likely the secret gunman at the end, trying to kill him to put the past away.

What's the movie called in Japan? I hope it's "Why They Mad At Him?"

the movie plays in denmark though

fucking ameriturds, i swear

This picture makes a good argument for fucking silicone.

It means "honest person" or in a more literal translation "person without falsehoods"

The villain is the social worker who convinces all the idiots with his leading questions

>be canadian
>get arrested for having a shop mannequin with some extra realistic anatomy
can't make this shit up

>this poster
>thought it's a new Mads kino
>got hyped only to feel so sad it was just another The Hunt poster.

>play misty for me, the big sleep
Dude, good job. Was going to post those.

And op, see Double Indemnity.

Why'd you reply to so many posts? You only needed the first one there, lad. And I don't know what makes you believe the brother doesn't blame Mads along with everyone else. He doesn't assume he had a damn thing to do with any of what went on with his sister (was it not the brother's friend who showed Klara the pronz?). From what I've seen on Sup Forums, most of us already place the brother as the gunman in the final scene.

He was clearly in the wrong for being a male near a little girl and making her confused, hope he got shot in the fucking head.

>making on purpose retardation this obvious
zero for effort, you lazy landwhale.