Will Hillary start WW3?

Be honest, no memes

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Those poor cows. :(

Those are sheep user


stop horsing around

I have a doctorate in animal biology and those are clearly pigs

not unless she is paid to


watch the color, those are elephants

Nope, but civil war 2 is certain

Moest toch wel een traantje wegpinken na het zien van al die dode paarden :'(

She will start some serious shit, but don't know if WW3

She already did senpai

Solve this genious.

That's obviously a cat.

No meme: 95% no, but I think the percentage would be even lower with Trump in charge.

That's clearly a wolverine. I'd recognize them everywhere those vicious monsters used to kill 6 million of my fellow students.

We will go to war with Russia. So yes we will probably get a good ol' fashioned possibly apocalyptic war.

Well, Tobias, she vowed to get rid of Assad. This means she needs to attack Russian bases. Not sure if World War, but tensions are guaranteed. Moreover, she already makes Putin the boogeyman for all of her problems. I'm more worried about the U.S..

That's not an animal

That's a .jpg

North vs South again? I just want to shoot some libs

It's a unicorn. I'm absolutely certain.

hillary will try to compensate for being a woman by being extra hard on russian allies. this wont work well since america has become even weaker as a military force since shes been out of the loop

to defend herself she will race bait and start a civil war . she will be killed by secret service to end her faggotry. no one will go to jail. old people die its what they do

side note 2/3 of blacks and hispanics will die mysteriously from a range of unknown afflictions during the civil war

Fuck the brits.

She's going to push for regime change in Syria. So at very least another Iraq situation.

Small Edit: replace "needs to attack Russian bases" with "needs to destroy all of the recent Russian efforts." Don't want to be incorrect on this.


Why is it in the snow?

The last thing between the NWO and total world control is Russia.

Therefore Hillary will instigate a war with Russia, Russia of course will lose. After that a friendly puppet government will be set up and Russia will be BLACKED just like the rest of the world.

Yes, without a doubt, revelations confirms

Your a cheeky lil cunt I'll give u that

No. No one will start WW3 anytime soon. Its science fiction. In 40 years maybe, but not any time in for foreseeable future.

She once said she would invade Iran, Russia's ally.

WW3 can only begin if 2 major players(aka, those with nukes) get dirty, so those russian sanctions will stay, tpp will be enacted and very likely will accuse putin of being a sexist misogynist bigot against women and oppressing gays, she'll want to(or whoever gives the orders, whether she'll be compliant to the zionists/billionaire jews/british crown) stay in the middle east and get nato to force assads resignation or bomb him to appease the saudis/jews, and finish off those 7 countries.

the us has been aiding the syrian opposition admittedly(aka al qaeda, al nusra) so they will attack assad thereby attacking russia, china. it'll wrap up the new world order if everybody can agree on no adversary, thus no probs.

Haven't you got some Petrol to sniff?

Highly likely.
She has pushed for every armed conflict because she's heavily backed by the military industrial complex.
They back her because she gives them blank checks to make more inventions to kill people, lots of such don't work and cost the taxpayers billions.
As SoS she just wrote checks for six billion dollars, with no receipts for purchase, to her military contractor buddies.

She's never been held accountable for that, or anything else.

She has no motive to change. We will be in armed conflict with SOMEONE her whole presidency.

what happened to cause this pic?

yes.no shit.she is the one who finds war entertaining and got a napoleon complex just look up her comments and how excited she gets.trump is a business man..in business there are no enemies just options and money to make.dude uses hard words and he got like 500 businesses running where 5 crashed...5 out of 500..self made billionaire and smart as fuck while he always stayed in the legal or..grey areas but thats nothing compared to this evil bitch who is in my opinion much much worse than hitler

She can do what she wants during the elections much like Trump's rhetoric, but once either get into the White House they'll be given a script and told to follow it.

People promise the moon and stars till they get into office.


thanks user, this is for (you)

all that blood and shit
nothing has changed

That's a lion.

Shillary will do whatever George Soros or his surrogates tell her to do.


WW3 No... Civil war yes. For reasons tho, my guesses it will be something to do with the 2nd amendment. Americans love their guns take them away your like taking away apart of their soul.

so deep

A full on WWIII will be fucking weird with internet

Many of us spend so many daily hours on the net. We come across people of all nationalitiies, and act like nothing, but this is more brotherhood and diversity than any liberal's wet dream. On Sup Forums there's flags, but even before flags, we just spent the time calling each other faggot and nigger, regardless of race and nationality. We have this casual banter between two countries with minor conflict (Argies vs Brits) or old rivalries (France vs Germany), but who ever took those seriously?

Everything will change the day a nuke is dropped.

Clearly an opressed catkin genderfluid person


But Hillary is one


It's the image of a lion


Its called zoology you fake mcfaker

If it looks like a civil war might break out in America, we'll see WWIII to prevent it.

>anti Russia
>anti Iran
>dancing to the song of her Saudi Arabian backers


lol nice dog dressed as a lion, seen that before somewhere... can't remember where desu senpai

The kettle is already boiling. All we need is a straw now to break the camels back.

Yes, if not then she will draw us in to the bring of WW3. She's already talking about how Iran and Russia are threats to the security of America.

Trump on the other hand wants America to be isolationist and stop toppling developing countries and bombing everyone. Just this week we turned on our Kurdish allies and teamed up with the T*rks to invade Syria. Why the hell does anyone trust the US and the west anymore?

It's a shame that the media portrays the exact opposite of this. They play Hillary to be some peaceful anti war Democrat but in reality she's Saudi Arabia's little fuck slut and does what they command.

with russia i bet. i think this cunt will start the big one with russia or maybe even china. or both. this bitch is bad news and needs to be STOPPED BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

any one that has the means to stop her SHOULD FUCKING DO SO.


Depends how Putin will react when she invades Syria and kills Assad


We're above average, we did it Sup Forums!

No. WW3 would be bad for business. She may start some kind of limited conflict, but it won't escalate into a global one. WW3 is a meme. It's never going to start. Nobody benefits. There will be more wars, of course, just not one that would make humanity extinct.

horse genocide best day of my life

It would be a cluster. But would could possibly set it off? Thinking a state would have to secede, military would intervene, and everyone would have to come to that states aid or sabotage their own states infrastructure

It's probable, she's even blaming Russia behind online attacks against her & claimed that Trump is a Russian sleeper agent

This is romanian "cows"


I support Trump, but I honestly think if Hillary wins she will be a fantastic president.

Dicks out for Sea Biscuit

inb4 some butthurt vegan replies.

I don't know that it would change desu
We understand that the actions of our governments are not our own actions.
It could be a feeling a little like christmas in the first world war

>Russia of course will lose
I wouldn't be so sure, fatso

we'll probably end up in another cold war, not actual WW3.
A cold war is profitable for all the players in the MIC. An actual hot war with Russia would be a disaster.
But there's always a chance a cold war can turn into a hot war when you have poor leadership.


That's a proud black person who will not be imprisoned by racism

Civil War 2 will escalate into ww3

It would probably be east coast / west coast vs "flyover".

The coasts will be fucked once they realize that they are no guns and that their degenerate liberal cities are not self sufficient and will wither and die in a siege.

>USA is so important that a civil war within it would cause everyone else so much distress that they all fling cruise missiles at one another

Civil War 2 would cause instability, not necessarily WW3

Get out of this thread you silly SHART

North vs south?
Are you retarded?

Cities vs the countryside
left vs right
4th generation bloodbath

fucking reddit fags.

President's don't have that much power. If there is a WW3 it won't be because Hillary was president.

>hillary provokes the russians into a war in syria/turkey
>europe erupts in civil war nationalists vs. leftist globalists/caliphate
>china uses the chaos to begin absorbing the south west pacific
>us now forced to choose whether to fight a 2 front ww3 with the russians/chinese
>thank god for the 1st woman president
>break the glass ceiling with some ICBMs

>the head of state of the largest economic power in the world
>several thousand nukes at her disposal
>doesn't have that much power


Not very likely, highly democrat, very anti war/military, she'd likely just argue and bitch at every other country but take little action.
Now civil war here in america...that is a different story.

>The blast injured all the horses, seven of them so badly that they were shot on the scene to relieve their suffering.[1] Those that died were called Cedric, Epaulette, Falcon, Rochester, Waterford, Yeastvite and Zara.


Horse lives matter!

(((NATO))) would come to the US establishment's aid in a civil war. Russia would support the rebels, although probably with smuggled weapons and infiltrated special forces like they have so much experience doing. The civilian population has the US armed forces massively outnumbered and outgunned in terms of small arms. Projected desertion rates in the event of a civil war are estimated to be astronomical so both sides will have the US armed forces' fancy toys.

The bulk of the fighting will take place on the US mainland this time around. I don't expect fighting in the european theater until someone drops a nuke.

Yes she'll make a reason for it.

>they gave the dirty fucking mick 25 years and he only served half of it

All irishmen in British territory during the struggles should have been hanged. Too bad the UK is more effeminate than Sweden.

I think it could be likely, only because russia or china might see the civil war as a weakness and strike.

No, but she will likely include the U.S. among cucked countries such as Germany and Swedistan.

>inb4 usa isnt already clucked

I'm guessing 'Bandsman'.

Id rather fight with the russians than under hilldogs command.

Russia is making their own foreign legion.

Go sign up faggot

She's more of a war hawk that Trump, there's no denying that.

WW3, though? Kinda doubt it.

When either candidate wins it will start civil war 2 which will lead into ww3

Hopefully we can nab some of that siberian clay as payment

Those are fucking elephants dude, look how big they are

World Wars cannot happen anymore cuz nukes. It's all passive aggressive intelligence gathering and denunciations now.