Why Christians can't be like Jews?

I was at my parents few weeks ago and over 'whiskey talks' with my father I started usual Sup Forums dialogue (nwo, mudslimes etc.). My mother heard us talking and told us a story about our neighbor:

>be Jew living in small Lithuanian town
>have a job, wife, ready to become a father
>one day wife decides to leave him
>depression mode engaged
>become alcoholic
>lose job, friends and respect
>gossips spreads fast, because small city
>group of local (?) Jews found him
>sent him to Israel, paid for rehab clinic, gave him place to live and gave him a decent job

This is unthinkable when I think about people arround me, they rather start talking shit and gossiping instead of helping someone. Maybe that's why we are dying species?

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What sort of jew. Reform here.

He was a regular jew, thats what i know.

Wait you aren't a jew?

why are kikes so fucking ugly?

The Jewish communites tend to have much stronger bonds between each other then Christians.
As part of a community you are part of a family, they will always help you, but its the same reason why they usually stick to themselves.

Those are ultra orthodox. They marry their cousins. So, inbreeding.

No, i'm a christian.

Well you can fuck right off then.


> Why Christians can't be like Jews?

There is a lot of solidarity in the church, but it will not that far tho

And the amish are like that if i'm not wrong.

I will deal with my life without anyones help, that was rhetoric question.

Jews have survived longer than any other group of people because they take care of their own first. Christians are more cucked into helping everyone; letting in spics, muslims, sending money and foreign aid to every shithole in the world, and then at the end of day, feeling guilty that they could not bring about world peace. Christianity lacks the tribalism that is fundamental to human nature. I think Jews understand this weakness in Christians, and are very good at exploiting it.

>drinking alcohol

it's like jews are a tribe or something
hmmm really made me think

We don't have a prohibition against alcohol, only drunkenness.


Because the jews consider themselves as jewish before anything else.
They have been living in the west for so long that instead of blowing up things like mudslimes they just help each other - and fuck the goy in the process -.

It's a group mentality thing,

I feel like all christians here (Lithuanian) look out for the family only, nobody gives a shit about anyone. It's sad, but it is how it is.

Polacks here have pretty strong communities though, but not as strong as jewish.

Jews are ultimate form of social organization. That's why they rule the world.

I consider myself an American first but yeah, makes sense to help people who would help you. Its less about trying to fuck over goyim and more about collusion.

You guys are alright too.

The Jews put their resources into making sure every Jew has an advantage over goyim. Don't forget Hebrews get interest free loans from major banks.

OP's picture makes me want a Sons of Anarchy type show based on gangs of hecidic jews I never knew I wanted.

Wait what? Where do I sign up for that?

there was some accidents years ago in istanbul. an apartment block collapsed. there was a jew inside the building. fucking isreal heard about it, and they sent a search and rescue team from isreal to istanbul. can you imagine it?

You forgot the part where he had to pay the money back + 100 % interest

i women in my old church husband divorced her and people in the church built her a new home that was huge and pays the bills

I would do everything in my power to help fellow Christians. But desu, they rarely need help.

>I would do everything in my power to help fellow Christians
You know what to do, my friend.

If Christians tried to do it, they'd first need a Christian state and they're not allowed to have that.

The entire point of being Jewish is being part of the people. We often consider ourselvs to be a big, mostly disfunctioning, family.
And that's what sets Jews apart, what makes what you described more possible than with other people: it's not just a nationality, it's also a religion and a philosophy. When you define yourself as a Jew, you're commited, at least to some degree, to this "we all family" concept.

can sub saharan african jews be part of your family too?

I am an ashkenazi jew and I can guarantee you that rich jews here would treat like shit poor jews like you say the neighbours did with that guy.

So no, not an universal value

>Jews living in Argentina

Gotta call bullshit on that one

maybe it's because christianity is so spread out we lost our sense of community

Far more than in all latam combined, jose. We're the biggest jewish community in the americas only behind USA and Canada

did he died?


>Jews help each other
Wait until you meet Armenians.

Westerners only obsess about the Jews because they're literally the only organic nation in the West (maybe also Basques). Meanwhile in Eurasia there are hundreds.

To a large extant: yes.
Almost 2 millenia of seperation have created a cultural gap, as people are the product of their environment, and Jews from the (now) more civilized Europe are not the same as Jews from the Muslim world. And still, the core of Judaism, the fundamentals, they're still the same. Proof for that I see in Israel, where in less then a generation we filled up the spiritual gap, and by the next one we'll be close to filling up the cultural one as well.
Sure it's not a smooth ride, but I mean every orword when I say "Jews are the worlds largest, most disfunctioning and caring family".

Fuck off my country you fucking roach

It's the same thing with Asians and Mexicans. They don't care about each other in their own countries but when they go to other countries they stick together.

YOU fuck off MY country, goy.

>Wait until you meet Armenians.
IDGAF about them, pyccким пoхyй нa дpyг дpyгa вeздe и вceгдa.

History without the sentimental experience. Jews from Europe are European and sure the religious sentiment comes to mind. The Jews from Lithuania stem back to a time when that area was a militarized block. They wanted to preserve the ashkenazi likeness, white. On the other side of this curtain were the areas being invaded by muslims to be put in the Harems and Janissaries. Remember that area was occupied by descendants of the 'rus' tribe. And some people say they were called this because of their red hair, they were known for. These area began to be filled with people escaping turkish slavery and more often than not they brought their mixed raced children. These people did not believe in Islam or Christianity because christians did not protect them and the muslims raped them. They stopped believing in the world they were told about. In the area they were from they also had French and Italian regiments fighting.

Being Jewish to some means lying about who you are and where you come from to succeed in life.

To others it means being a lineage of Jesus Christ. Straight lineage.

To others it means the bloodline that tested Christ.

To others it means being involved in a seperatist group.

To others it means a hidden atheist that cannot believe in God. Because if God exists and is powerful he can manifest in and through man and liveout as such.

To others it means a person that sympathizes with phoenician creed and language. United by such

To others the Jews are an irreligious synod. Spread by govts to carryout religious purposes.

It's like that with every race I would think, when in a foreign and hostile land it is natural for allies to form closer bonds.

Кaтeгopичecки нe coглaceн. Здecь вce пocт coвeтcкиe нapoды дepжaтcя вмecтe в oднoй oбщинe.

B CШA — вoзмoжнo, нo cкoлькo мнe пpихoдилocь cтaлкивaтьcя c pyccкими зa pyбeжoм, тo вce oни пытaютcя accимилиpoвaтьcя и зaбыть o cвoих кopнях, дaжe мoи 95% мoих oднoклaccникoв (кoтopыe poдилиcь в Литвe) пoмeняли фaмилии нa «литoвcкиe» aкa Bитaлий Гyмoвcкий нa Vitalujus Gumovskis. Meня блeвaть тянyли oт этoй шapaды, нo мeня дaжe yчилки зaпиcывaли, кaк Olegas.

It's really not that simple. So, Orthodox Jews cannot give interest loans to other Jews.

So, if you are a practicing Jew, you can usually find Jewish no interest loans through Jewish organizations.

It's really at what level you want to look at things. If you're reform, or secular Judaism is essentially a club. As long as you're not a convert, you'll be "accepted" into the Jew club, and thus Jews will try to help other Jews out mostly for cultural values.

Conservative Jews are a bit of the middle ground, they're definitely part of the club, and their converts aren't accepted by Orthodox, but they are somewhat religiously obligated to help other Jews. So, you've got the club resources, and a part of the religious resources.

Orthodox Jews are obligated to accept other Jews, really if they're remotely faithful. So, there is a ton of money and resources going to get other Jews back into practice, teach Jews about Judaism, and charity to Jews who have fallen on harder times. Because of the expertise within the community, you can often find whatever you need. Because of the religious obligation, this righteous giving or צדקה (tzedakah or something like that) is usually thorough and no obligation on the part of the receiver.

For non-Jews, there really isn't any effort to help them to the same extent, it's more of a "LET BE" policy. Jews tend to also safeguard their generousity by making sure to have firm avenues that only Jews would really get. For instance, at Chesed/Chabad houses they'll often have locked doors that have a Hebrew passage above them for the code. So, essentially, take whatever you want, but to get through the door, you're probably Jewish.


We can give loans at interest we just have to forgive debt after 7 years to other jews.

We have that too.

Our problem is Jews working tirelessly to ruin it.

You're not allowed to give a usurious loan, which in Orthodox circles is argued of any interest.

What you're talking about is more of an obligation of self; i.e., if I sold myself as a slave I'm free after seven years. Likewise, if I cannot pay my debts after 7 years, I'm free from the obligation of it unless I'm a goy.

Sorry for grammar mistakes bro, i'm pretty drunk right now.

No like its literally in our holy books that we are free after 7 years. I'm reform so I can't speak for the Orthodox but I doubt jews would be tough on other jews but they do seek to profit usually. Always nice to see selflessness in the jewish community but unfortunately a bit rare outside of artists. I'm a half jew so I sort of feel torn between two worlds.

They are already like jews, worshiping a jew.

Deuteronomy 15:1

is for the 7 year release cycle or שמיטה

Deuteronomy 23:20-21
Is about who you can charge interest to. You cannot, as a faithful Jew, charge interest to other Jews.

Этo тaк co вceми бывaeт. Здecь я кcaтaи зaмeтил чтo ocoбeннo этим oтличaютcя aзиaты- вcякиe тaм китaйцы, япoнцы. Toжe y вceх aнглoязычныe имeнa. Дa и c pyccкими здecь пopoй тaк бывaeт. Пpиcкopбнo кoнeчнo, нo тyт ничeгo нe пoдeлaeшь.

Oh I wasn't sure the policy on whether its any interest vs excessive interest. I dunno where reform stand on this. I would base the interest off how close I was to the person. Like if its family, no interest, but if its just a business connection, sure, a few percent to ensure faithful repayment.

You're not looking hard enough my complacent American christian friend.

Well, Orthodox are bound. They really don't get a choice in the matter if they're faithful.

When I want to make a judgement on how practicing a Jew is, I usually just ask

>What's your shabbos like?

That is TOTALLY a judgment. Jesus. I'm trying to be fair to everyone before I'm trying to be literal in the laws. I wouldn't sooner charge someone nothing nor excessive interest. Neither is fair without case-by-case judgements.

tribal loyalty / nepotism is a strong thing, its why they control the world. solidarity and building eachother up.

>Maybe that's why we are dying species?


>Пpиcкopбнo кoнeчнo, нo тyт ничeгo нe пoдeлaeшь
Ho вoт oб этoм я и гoвopил, бpo. У eвpeeв coвceм дpyгaя aтмocфepa и я им, в кaкoй-тo чacти, зaвидyю.

Still tensions between Reform and Orthodox jews are important to realize. Also GTFO Orthodox its still the Sabbath.

But that's really the deal. If you're Orthodox, you're accepting that the torah is the divine word of god.

If God tells you to explicitly wear a hat in the shower, you might not understand why, but goddammit, if you're Orthodox you will.

There is no room in this discussion for whether or not you can charge interest to a faithful Orthodox Jew to other Jews.

Fortunately, most Jews are considered Jews all the way down. Converts get fucked, tho. Since pretty much all Jews will accept Orthodox converts, but almost none of the more practicing accept reform converts.

Well good thing reform have all the money then. To imply Reform isn't faithful is silly. Its about weighing contrasting interests, not intentionally trying to defy Gd.

I think this is only the case for religious jews, I doubt any of my family would give much of a shit if I was in a similar situation, they're real mercenary cunts tbqh

You can be religious and not Orthodox.

If anyone else practices what jews practice it would be considered racism. Jews take everything from the old religions and practice it themselves, keep to themselves and protect themselves under religion.

I remember it was noted in one of those supreme court lawsuits. One of those santeria lawsuits. The govt said they should not be sacrificing animals. And they basically told their govt that they were communists. Because every religion in the world has animal sacrificed. And they got their culture by none other than the russians who didnt believe in crap. And that the soviets were more worried in shaping christianity and islam than anything else. You go to an islamic, hispanic, chinese theyll happily sell you the live animal. Because they respect their tradition and everyone elses. And that america isnt christian because every christian village had a shrine. Dedicated to a holy martyr or saint, ritual procession or sacrifice. So america called them shriners and with few words said that the american people who begot those laws were more into car processions and their 'kosher' festivals. Rather then learning thenold way. American shriners club. However what they didnt say is how many russians and persian wanted to see their ritual ceremony and how they dressed in all white...

What I mean is earnestly practicing. Like, if you're an Orthodox Jew, but don't practice in any meaningful way, I wouldn't call you faithful.

>Well good thing reform have all the money then

Uh... about that...


I know, but I think those that would be considered ethnically jewish but aren't religious at all are unlikely to behave like the ones mentioned in the OP
This is the same for all atheists they're generally less charitable, in answer to the original question I'd say that most Christians today aren't very devout and are most likely just paying lip service to the institution

No we literally do. Its hard to run a business in 2016 and follow all the Orthodox stuff. Reform is compromise but I think people should know what it stands for and I think giving loans to some with interest but your own with none is wrong and the typical way I hear reform phrased is that we understand what we are doing. We don't do all the rituals, follow all the rules, but we are made to understand every piece. I go to Orthodox and the women sit in the back and gossip or just don't do anything. I believe anyone male or female should read Torah and participate fully. Orthodox, hopefully are a dying breed. How many times can you fuck over some but not your own kind and not expect retribution?

My father is a reform convert. It doesn't matter to me in the sense that I am considered a jew because my mom was born to two jews, but I think he gets the shaft. He is active in the Temple, goes to services, pays his dues, many who are ethnically jewish just show up twice a year for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and the rest of the time don't participate other than having their kids Bar Mitzvah'd. If you don't understand why you are doing a religion and don't believe in it what is the point? I don't think competing to see who is most devout is a game anyone wins. Religion is personal and it should be about what it means to you and how you can help others, not about arcana and feeling guilty if you drive on the Sabbath, or have unclean contact with goyim. These sorts of gypsy-tier laws are outdated and got us in trouble in Germany and I'd rather participate in a modern secular world than think I am holier than everyone else while I screw people over quietly in private.

That's like how Mormons are, and why i have the book of mormon and am reading it. Whenever I see mormons I think that's how I want to live my life.

There's some unfortunate downsides to it, but I certainly can admire some of it, in terms of the devotion.

This is a stupid generalization based on a personal case you had
I would say both communities can be helpful or cancerous, depends on where and which people.
Your pic related are gibsmedat niggers

>No we literally do.
Orthodox Jews actually tend to be extremely well off because they provide for the community which in turn produces goods and services devoted for the Orthodox who will pay more for these... etc. I don't have any firm metrics on how much money each denomination tends to draw in, but I would definitely place modern Orthodox at the top per person.

>Reform is compromise but I think people should know what it stands for
Reform is essentially the club of Judaism. It is essentially just barely Jewish enough to be considered Jewish, but has also lost so much of its ethical framework, law and tradition that if you showed its practice to Mendelssohn's ancestors, they would declare them heretics.

>We don't do all the rituals, follow all the rules, but we are made to understand every piece.
But why? The point blank logic and security of Orthodoxy is divine knowledge. If you don't believe the torah is divine, why bother? If the torah is divine, then you're discarding divine knowledge simply because you might not comprehend it.

> I go to Orthodox and the women sit in the back and gossip or just don't do anything.
I don't think you went to a practicing shul or synagogue. I have NEVER seen a woman in an actual prayer room in an Orthodox synagogue because the separate of sexes is that firm.

>Orthodox, hopefully are a dying breed.
They're not. Let me put it rather bluntly, Orthodox Jews will most likely still be here in two centuries. I imagine reform/liberal/conservative will die out in that time and be replaced.

There have been other Jewish movements, but almost all of them have been replaced. Why? Because once you start messing with the core of the faith, you'll lose the values that make the cohesiveness of the faith possible. Orthodox Jews lose a lot of their children to less restrictive practices... but they have almost 3x more children on average.


Their idiocy is why rest of the world dislikes Christianity

>his neighbourhood is this shitty
Why not just kill yourself you antisocial retard.
