What did they mean by this?
What did they mean by this?
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show was pretty good desu
k'nuckles was a kid diddler
cartoon network is a major pedophile group. all of viacom/time warner is.
this is probably the best show ever aired in CN
Flapjack was always implied to be gay. This came out during the first really gay generation. It was a way to for gay children to relate or like flapjack. A decade later because of this it fueled the flame for gay marriage to be legalized in 2015. Thank you Flapjack
I feel like the show spawned a lot of the current (or now post-current I guess) crop of CN shows, like Adventure Time, Chowder, Gumball, etc.
It wasn't the best animated but I think it had better humor than most of the others and it also didn't get its ass up its own "lore" like Adventure Time did.
Best show on Cartoon Network. K'nuckles needed more redemption episodes, but Peppermint Larry and Dr. Barber were kino American animated characters.
It is Unironically Gay Propoganda
>tfw there's a porn parody video of flapjack
t. born in 1996
>the pedos of Sup Forums see a show about a small boy and immediately jump to gay thoughts
lmao you can't make this up
that manly scream during shock scenes kills me every time
1989 and I've seen a LOT of CN, friendo.
Huh, I'm 21 and i thought Flapjack was after my time. I stopped watching CN in 2007 when they got rid of Fridays, got rid of CN City, cancelled Kids next door, ed edd n eddy, and Billy and mandy, replaced the old TOM on Toonami with that shitty soccer ball, and started showing live-action shit like Out of Jimmy's Head.
he was too pure.
i dont know, man
Cartoon network went to shit in 2007. I feel sorry for kids who grew up in the post-2007 social media iPhone world and had shitty shows like Flapjack, instead of good shows like Teen Titans.
Teen Titans sucked.
Chowder and Flapjack were high quality shows.
Then came Adventure Time and Regular Show: two more high quality shows.
The shows on CN that sucked during this time were the live action shows, those "total drama" ones, that one with the kids in the mall, and Johnny Test. I think Annoying Orange may have come during this time too.
Literally the only thing CN shows is Teen Titans.
Chowder and Flapjack were an attempt to create a new generation of A E S T H E T I C cartoons.
Unfortunately the other creators only picked up the randomness of those shows and not the unique artstyle (see Adventure Time and Regular Show).
Flap Jack had some crazy shit I always thought they cancelled it because it got way too crazy and scared kids.
Aside from some of the ass shaking stuff the educational episodes are pretty good.
The Currency episode in particular was great.