Far Left vs. Far Right vs. Centrism

Being aligned with the far left is fucking retarded. (ex. 53 genders/straight hate/down with cis).
Being aligned with the far right is also fucking retarded.
(ex. "Murica is a Christian country"/shooting faggots should be legal/kill all mudslimes and niggers).

Discuss, you butthurt animals.

>argument to moderation fallacy
>generalization fallacy

> Everything which is not at the extremes is a fallacy

Wew lad, don't cut yourself on that sword of +5 edginess.

Centre right is god-tier politics. Open-minded enough to realize that everyone is a child of God and is deserving of respect, and intelligent enough to realize that mayonnaise is not a gender.

Oh god, a canadian. Better run away before their 53 gender bullshit catches up with me.

> Everything which is not at the extremes is a fallacy
He never implied that. He implied "something is bad because it's extreme" is a fallacy.

Hense far left/right. If you're moderate enough to not constantly argue that your side is the only one with any sense and/or that anyone with a differing opinion is an edgy faggot, I'm fine with you, whether you be middle left or middle right. I guess you don't really fall in that category though.

Never fucking mind, mobile bamboozled me once again.

To be fair, can you think of anything decidedly extreme that isn't a bit insane?

I see your point. Truth can become uncomfortable and even suppressed, making speaking truth to power 'extreme'. Assuming truth to be that which veridically corresponds to reality, I find it far more reasonable to believe that somewhere between 'kill all whites' and 'kill all blacks' there exists a happy medium

Yes. Amputating an arm is extreme. If your arm is gangrenous, it is good to do. Diving from forty feet up is extreme, but you can win medals doing it. A life sentence is extreme, but murderers deserve it. Holding your wife's hand for four hours straight is extreme, but if she's dying of cancer it'll probably make you feel better that you did. Preparing dinner for three hundred people is extreme, but cooks get paid to do it every day.

The idea that extremism is inherently problematic is fallacious, and also unsound. It is wrong in every way possible.

Here's my thought- any position may be logically argued for if certain unprovable axioms are accepted. Applying logic to an axiom like 'all human beings are deserving of being treated with dignity and respect' will lead you to conclude something very different than if you accept an axiom like 'Humans form a hierarchy, with some members being more valuable than others', which could lead you anywhere from monarchism/oligarchy to ethnonationalism.

Rarely are people's logic flawed, it is almost always the underlying assumptions and axioms by which people operate.


Ah, the old risk reward. The problem with this is of course that no matter what, you must at some point stop and say "there is a risk nonetheless." For some things, this could be considered an incredibly large risk, and for some not so much, like with what you've mentioned.

But each of those 'extreme' examples are undergirded by thoroughly moderate liberal principles.
Amputating an arm = human life is worthwhile and must be preserved at all costs
Life sentence = punishments must fit the severity of the crime
Preparing dinner for 300 people = specializing in a specific set of skills allows you to contribute economically to your community

>Upper right

You're a very special kind of snowflake, aren't you?


>Can't point to an animal that lives in groups that doesn't have hierarchy.
>Thinks humans are somehow different from other animals
>Thinks humans doesn't need strong leaders when that's how we evolved and have always lived.

That has nothing to do with risk/reward. You asked for examples where extremism is justifiable, and I provided them. The other user already demonstrated that your claims are fallacious. I demonstrated that they are also unsound. What you read in and was proof that your claim that extremisim is bad because it is extremism is demonstrably wrong.

Correct: one thing only becomes extreme in proportion to what we define as the center from which it is deviating.

You need strong convictions to get anywhere. No person ever achieved anything great without being a fanatic.

>far left/right is only about identity politics

maybe in this shithole

OP here. 17 posts later, the shitstorm is progressing nicely. Keep it up.

This is some fuckin autism right here.

Fiscal centrism and far-right social policy is the best way to go

What a meek and uninsightful topic.

I bet you also think that eating 50 buckets of salt is fucking retarded and that (somehow) having no sodium in your diet is also fucking retarded.

This is why you'll never be the best at anything.

Gotta love the good ol' USA.


> Implying humans are only animals

Deus vult you heathen

...yes. That's a fairly good comparison, considering both of those would kill you.

I've made too many South Korea vs. Japan posts for this to be relevant anymore.

They certainly are part of the animal kingdom and must obey natures laws.

Fuck, I understand now why even Dawkins wants Christianity to come back, all the alternatives are cancer. I'm going back to church tomorrow and harbour my doubts about Christian metaphysics privately, as it should be.

I think I've said enough to get the ball rolling. Time to kick back and watch.
