What's next for him?
Joss Whedon
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Idk. Suicide hopefully
Your girlfriend, but there's a long line for that
Suicide Squad 2
did he fuck eliza dushku?
how is it an insult to imply OP has an attractive girlfriend?
He recently wrote the screenplay to the Batgirl movie which will be based on the original 1967 Batgirl story.
Probably getting pulled from Batgirl because like all male feminists he can't be trusted around young women.
Joss "So you want the role of Willow? Turn around and bite my pillow" Whedon
Joss "If you want to join my show, to my bedroom you must go" Whedon
Joss "Respect women's rights but rapes them at night" Whedon
You mean Joss " slob on my knob to get the job" Whedon?
>did he fuck eliza dushku?
Do you have another explanation for Dollhouse?
Joss my salad whedon
you're just doing the dan schneider bit with a different celebrity
lazy ass meme faggots
I'm honestly so happy this has happened. Couldn't have happened to a worse person imo, and hopefully it'll wake up some of his rabid, retarded fucking fanbase.
Joss will probably go hardcore into Trump hating mode in an attempt to "make it up" to the SJWs.
male feminists getting exposed for the huge creeps they all are is the best
remove peeny/balls in atonement to the matriarchy.
Joss "before you slay, I need a lay" Whedon
Exactly. I had a friend constantly swooning over this cunt, and I finally went and watched Buffy at her behest. Watching it for the first time with full knowledge of Whedon's Age of Ultron drama and the Wonder Woman script, it felt really apparent to me that his "feminism" was really just some novel (at the time) genre alterations wrapped in anime fetishism at a time when that wasn't in the popular consciousness.
>Joss goes trans
I could see it
A bullet to the head via a hitman sent from Dushku's hubby.
At least his final tweet he went out doing what he does best
Spineless virtue signalling that ends up in backlash
probably not
>turd reich
You'd think as a writer he could come up with something better.
I can't wait till he has another twitter meltdown.
I honestly think he's not emotionally stable.
He left twitter again?
Did he call them turds because they had a nigger among them?
Based Joss is /ourguy/ after all.
You do know he wrote the do you know what happens to a toad when it's hit by lightning line from the first X-Men movie.
he hasn't tweeted anything since the news broke
He also wrote Trinity's "Dodge this" line from The Matrix. He was brought in to add quips. (this is not a joke)
>a nigger
he's a curry
aw fuck
Best one
Well, the Feminist Ally Anti Drumpfkin who runs Cinefamily just lost his job because it turns out he rapes young girls.
Maybe Joss could work there now.
Then it's a poo in the loo joke.
Based Joss never fails to deliver.
What's his name again?
Why haven't the big celeb gossip sites reported on his ex-wife's posting (tmz, access hollywood, ET)? Is the reason because all of this fury on twitter and Sup Forums amounts to nothing? Or because the big sites are run/controlled by tv/movie studios?
I think there will be more to come out here. It seems very, very odd that absolutely no one is standing up for this guy. Sure, he's guilty, but usually a friend or someone vouches for the accused.
All his friends are feminists, and he's already made a cunt of himself in public a few times now. Are they just gonna double back on their own ideology?
Whedon's (((feminism))) is a big seller and attracts a lot of women to his movies. Studios aren't kill that money maker.
>dan schneider bit
It didn't start with dan you pathetic newfag
TMZ founder is fucking friends with a lot of studios
Wait hold up. Obviously I'm out of the loop, what did Joss do and why is he being compared to Dan "the man" Schneider?
5 bucks on pill overdose
His cuckqueened his ex-wife, forced her to watch and laughed as he sodomised all those desperate actresses who were easily exploited just to have a bit part in his next project.
Here's your reply faggot.
Joss 'post hastags on twitter then take her up the shitter' Whedon
Directing the batgirl movie. Give it a few weeks for this to blow over - most people will forget like everything else.