Brit/pol/-Article 50 NOW Edition

>thread theme

>Today's Papers 27/8/16

>Theresa May will trigger Brexit negotiations without Commons vote

>Politicians fuelled rise in hate crimes after Brexit vote, says (((UN body)))

>Greens' Caroline Lucas proposes Labour election pact

>Nigel Farage speaks at Donald Trump Rally in Jackson, MS

>Theresa May launches race audit of public services

>Calais people-smugglers block route with tree

>Shroud of secrecy as Sturgeon rejects request to publish costs of taxpayer funded EU trips

Other urls found in this thread:

who /xfactor/ tonight?

me neither

Reposting this from the last thread because I thought it was very eloquently put. Some user on Scottish devolution:

The next logical step is more devolution or worse, Independence.
For several 100 years Scotland as been an equal member in Westminster, we have approximately 7.8% of the population of the United Kingdom in Scotland and yet we get 9% of the seats in Parliament.
For these 100's of years the Monarch of the UK can trace it's heritage back to James the VI of Scotland, who became king of England at their request, it was he that started the ball rolling in joining the parliaments, which was completed more or less by his grandson.

What does this mean for us today?
Scotland has stood with the United Kingdom for centuries, we have shaped the country and we have shared our history and our accomplishments, we are a separate country only in history pre 1700's and in you could argue even further back to the pre 1600's.
We built the ships that fuelled the Empire, that sailed against France and Spain.
We sent our poor out into the world and colonised the anglosphere, our borders are irrelevant and only an imaginary line in maps.
Our economics are intertwined and inseparable from each other, even as an independent nation the SNP have stated we'd keep the monarchy, we'd keep the pound, we'd share our military and ship building. It's all nonsense and signs of a deluded mind.
If Scotland ever splits from the Union it will drag both countries into decades of chaos and in the end it will be Scotland that suffers, no industry, no money and no heritage of it's own since the 1500's. Pathetic and pointless.

What's more, why stop at independence for Scotland? Shetland and Orkney both would prefer to be dependencies of the UK rather than be part of an Independent Scotland, would we support their devolution or referendums? No of course we wouldn't because without the oil terminal on shetland what little oil revenue we have left would be even more greatly diminshed.

Union Flag is inherently anti-White crap. Under that garbage flag countless Scots, Welshmen and even filthy Anglos died just to make some inbred German cunts and corporatists richer. One day Scotland will become a Free Country with elected King, firearms for loyal citizens, eugenics, nuclear deterrent, Scottish silver backed pound, darkies, anglos and jews would be banned and expelled. While England and degenerate Anglo race would be no more. Maybe Wales and Northern Ireland would get the Scottish compassion, if they are to pledge loyalty to Alba!

>Everything is crashing around Germany

Dubs decides where I get a tattoo of are Nige

More cultural enrichment.

Right bollock



I love her tbqh



>off by one

Been sat in the hospital all night and day as my brother has been diagnosed with cancer. Thought he was just ill but things are looking bad, I've never seen him like this.

He basically had a fit right in front of me, the nurses etc wouldn't have even known if I wasn't there at fucking 4am watching over like a hawk.

It seems sad, but after all the support from my friends and family I feel this place is a beacon of light in the long night. If you can spare some (yous) it would make me feel something.


What does this mean?

benis :D


Does he have any good videogames?



Just ate my first ever Freddos, ama

How much did it cost?

This fucking post, I like can't even

How old is he?

What kind of cancer?

No worries if you think I'm prying and / or don't want to talk about it

Jesus, that sucks. Good luck to you and your brother

Did you bongs sign article 50 yet or what?

>tfw not a britcuck

Damn son. Hope he fights through it.

On your bellend

shouldn't have read this, now I'm all upset

>Did you bongs sign article 50 yet or what?
We are still passing it around, I get to sign it next week and hand it to my neighbour.


What's wrong with independence?

You can make your own laws. You can govern yourself.

SNP independence is moronic. But independence itself isn't (IMO).

Is that even doable?

Set up a site. We'll chip in.

n-no...b-but I p-promise you we will...some day...

I don't actually know tbqh

My brother and I are currently on holiday from university. At about 3am last night he asked if he could have my bottle of Crabbie's. I said yes if he would get me another the following day along with some Freddos, as people are always harping on about them here.

So he just bought me a whole pack, but he doesn't remember the price.

So there's going to be brit Sup Forums threads until then? Jesus

Inside left bicep

Keks will it. Deliver, faggot.

You don't know until you try

i thought you guys had to queue in order to sign it


Wouldn't you rather read this than wade through dindu and hitler threads.

So lads be honest, which community is the most responsible for for stoking Protestant-Catholic sectarianism?

Who are the bigger hooligans; Rangers or Celtic? Are Norn Iron Nationalist uppity cunts, or oppressed minorities of Loyalist tyranny?

Brit/pol/ died last May because there was nothing to talk about

This, right now, is the silly season, and the end of August and the beginning of September is the quietest time in British politics.

It's only going to get more and more active from here out, hence why Russian and Irish shitposters get (you)'s, come the recall of parliament it's going to be all news all the time

>tfw Americans vote in Hillary after 8 years of Obama

Here is hope for a happening and it turns into 1 big blm shitfest
I hope Khan blames it on the heat and loses control
praise Kek for choas in london

I went to Notting Hill in 2010.

Wasn't that bad then, I assume it's only gotten worse

Because we are already an independent country.
The United Kingdom.
Scotland going independent would be like Texas doing the same.

>Norn is based except for Unionism

To be frank it is not a clear cut issue. Both sides quite literally have blood on their hands.

Isn't he tied to a multitude of Muslim extremist groups?

yeah I went a few times never been back since the last time london went up in flames
Fuck london

Anglo lies. Scotland has unique ethnic group and unique culture to preserve unlike Texas

No you're not.

You can't control taxation. You don't have a Military. You can't control immigration. You don't have your own currency. You don't have a Prime Minister.

Scotland is not independent.

Federalism would make Scotland more autonomous but still under Westminister Law.

>A queue

I dont know I didnt vote for him

texas would do better as an independent state than scotland would tbqh

I've been to London 4 times in my life. Hated every time. Maybe it's because I'm a shy quiet guy but I'd go insane living there. So much noise and aggression.

>Owen Smith vows to abolish tuition fees
>all the students are now turning on Corbyn

>unlike Texas
Dixieland will rise again

I got my Turkish girlfriend pregnant and now because of your racist Ukippers I can't bring her into the country

Did my CBT today, lads. Going to look at doing DAS next.

Who else /motorcycle/ here?

freddos are just wee shitty bars of chocolate that you bought for 10p as a kid
but have gone up to 55p etc in some shops

What the fuck am I reading?

>mfw she starts WW3 against the russo-chinese-iranian alliance and we send in the britbongs first as meatshields

Marry her you jerk-off

Finally. My plan has come to fruition


I don't fucking trust students anymore, some of them are legit decent people but they are fucking clueless when it comes to politics. They are solely responsible for getting us in the mess we are now when they all voted Lib Dem and causing the coalition to happen when Clegg promised everyone free tuition.

Cognitive behavioural therapy, r-right user?

Driving terrifies me, I'll never learn how

The 8th wonder of the world that is the shitposting Scot in Russia.

How will he do this from inside the gulag?

Move to Turkey then.

her family don't want me to


Check ur crime map lads

>the students, Corbyn
>hand them over

students are the cancer killing Britain desu

>Marry her

Don't do this user she'll take her child and leave you as soon as she gets a passport


Fuck them. Man up.

>What is the United Kingdom the post
Scots born in Scotland might be Ethnically Scottish but they are British Citizens. This is the point that fucking retarded so called Scottish "Nationals" don't understand.
We are British, not Scottish. Scotland only got it's parliament in 1999 for fucksake after a Scottish King joined his parliament with England's in the fucking 1700's.
Retarded people like you are cancer at the heart of one of the greatest countries the earth has ever seen.

Seconded. The voting age needs to be raised.

I'd say the protestants are far more outspoken and angry nowadays
though the Catholics seem to be sneaky, and do things to annoy the protestant, but act all innocent when the protestant acts out.
Like an annoying little sister.


Do you ever sleep?

Are you a fucking retard?

I don't support Scottish independence.

But independence itself is not a futile act.

Scotland is bound by Westminster law.

Ulster Unionism and Ulster Nationalism are two entirely different things

>In June 2016 136 crimes were reported in this neighbourhood.


When the fuck is article 50 going to be [triggered] lads? I'm sick of this European Union cuck stamp on my passport.

Right behind Labour and everyone who still thinks they are a working class party.

>Labour want to lower voting age
Why are they trying to kill Britain?

Reminder this is what TV licenses are paying for:

>Scottish King joined his parliament with England's in the fucking 1700's.

Went in 2013
Absolute shit

literally just walking around watching black people drink red stripe and the occasional smell of weed

huge crowds gathered around nothing

highlight was a giant infalatable Saints Flow can

Westminster law that was co-create by Scots.
Scotland was not conquered, we created the union with the English.
Independence diminishes the United Kingdom and turns Scotland into a third world country, worse than anything the EU has.
Independence from what? Our own country?
You're fucking retarded

We've got confirmation that May will trigger it without parliamentary vote.

She will also want to avoid pissing of the extremely prominent Brexit cabinet members- there are enough Brexit MP's in the tory party to crash the government at any time. Hence she won't want to delay past April 2017, with it probably occurring in January.

Can't wait for these faggots to have their hundreds of billions of unfunded costs dragged before Neil.

Never. May is planning on stalling it until the next general election, another election will happen and everyone who voted Remain will vote for the party that doesn't want us to leave.

Cue potential civil war if that happens.

Best wishes to you and your brother. God bless.
I lost my wife in a car crash in 2012. She was alive for a couple of days afterwards and slipped in and out of consciousness. She spoke to me and our kids before she went.
I send you and your brother my prayers and best wishes. You must stay strong.

I made you some OC, I hope its not in poor taste, in the hardest times still important to remember to laugh at ourself

>bbc on the bbc

is this pottery