Was this fact or fiction?

was this fact or fiction?

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A little bit of A and B



Fact. The battle of Thermopylae did happen.


The battle occurred and it really was against all odds

It was like 9,000 Greeks and Greek allies with Leonidas' 300 guards participating against 400K+ Persians


The battle of Thermopylae was an actual historical battle, the thing with the goat head? Not so real...

bunch of ass fucking spartans

Based in fact.... Lots of fiction.

Leo was used to slow down the Persians, and as a catalyst to unite Greece. He was a pawn in a bigger game played in the Greek senate.

The navy and a fuck ton of luck is what caused the upset.

Persia was monotheistic and had more reasonable slave policy and was less homo than sparta or greece and was ultimately more democratic at that point in history.

It was real.


And they did fight wearing capes. And in their underwear. And in front of a green screen.

John Green pls go away


something that was changed for the movie the Spartans were the gay ones in fact they were so gay in Sparta when men got married the woman shaved their hair of for their husbands so they could role play that he was still fucking a guy like back in their army days


Sparta was not a gay paradise schlomo. Claims as such are constantly thrown against them to discredit a society that valued its men and women be strong, healthy, educated and quick witted. Everything you don't want in a larger modern population.

Difference is in the last century that ideology is possible on a large scale due to technology making life easier and not requiring hundreds of thousands of slaves propping up a few thousand elites.

The idea that all of ancient Greece was a land of cock gobbling faggots, is a bastardized generalization of Pederasty.


Accounts of Sparta are only from their rivals and enemies as they didn't write anything down. However we have 2 reliable sources that are generally unbiased in other works to take as reasonably true their accounts of the Spartans having an inherent distaste of sexual relationships with younger boys.

SOME Spartans may have bummed each other. Was the entire country a homo paradise? Not in the slightest. You also have to take into account most people outside of Sparta's influence, Athenians for example usually spent their time talking smack about the Spartans. Athens was in fact well known that nearly its entire upper class of men practiced active homosexual pedophile relationships and the Spartans used to mock them for it.

Spartans were renowned for being a social oddity in Ancient Greece. They forced their women by law to exercise and stay fit, valued individual works and valor and scorned appropriation of others glory. The very term Laconic wit is derived from there preferred sarcastic intellect that greatly baffled and offended Athens and their blowhard allies.

Both. But certainly a right wing movie. The European is presented as an honorful, patriotic fit man; the Asian is a deceitful degenerate

>brave spartans showing everyone how it's done
They dawdled around while most of the other greek city states had been fighting the persians for decades and supporting greek rule overseas.

Not far from the truth

It's an American film about history.
Have you watched 'braveheart'. It's fucking ridiculous. My Mrs is Scottish (I'm English) and she was laughing throughout at the stupidity of it.
Top tip: all American films about history are pure shit.

A lot of the misinterpretation of supposed Spartan homo sexually comes from their pre battle preparation where they would oil themselves and do each others hair. This was done as a DEATH RITUAL. They were preparing their bodies thinking that if they fell there would be no one who would adequately tend to their corpse and they would remain as they died in the afterlife for all time.

Spartan men by the way served in the army until they were too old to. Even then it was illegal for them to not spend all day everyday in the barracks. Their women did not shave their heads as part of any ritual and it is highly speculative and unsupported by history a Spartan husband could force their Spartan wife to do any such thing. Spartan women having a fair amount of autonomy.

Example of Laconic Wit :

After invading southern Greece and receiving the submission of other key city-states, Philip II of Macedon sent a message to Sparta: "If I invade Laconia you will be destroyed, never to rise again." The Spartan ephors replied with a single word: "If" (αἴkα).[28] Subsequently, neither Philip nor his son Alexander the Great attempted to capture the city.

It was fiction because there wasn't any gay sex.

Interesting notes about the movie many of the famous quotes are actually derived from real ones.

On the morning of the third and final day of the battle, Leonidas, knowing they were being surrounded, exhorted his men, "Eat well, for tonight we dine in Hades

When asked by a woman from Attica, "Why are you Spartan women the only ones who can rule men?", Gorgo replied, "Because we are also the only ones who give birth to men.

Herodotus recounted another incident that preceded the Battle of Thermopylae. The Spartan Dienekes was told that the Persian archers were so numerous that when they shot their volleys, their arrows would blot out the sun. He responded, “So much the better, we'll fight in the shade”.[17] Today, Dienekes's phrase is the motto of the Greek 20th Armored Division.

Spartan mothers or wives gave a departing warrior his shield with the words: "With it or on it!" (Greek: Ἢ τὰν ἢ ἐπὶ τᾶς! E tan e epi tas!), implying that he should return (victoriously) with his shield, or (his dead body) upon it, but by no means after saving himself by throwing away his heavy shield and fleeing

My favourite one is :

When an Athenian accused Spartans of being ignorant, the Spartan Pleistoanax agreed: "What you say is true. We alone of all the Greeks have learned none of your evil ways.


Good banter t b h

>stylized action/drama
>historical film

Mohammad you are pretty retarded.

>not knowing who originated banter