It's still amazing nowadays
Dr House
I don't give a shit how formulaic it was, this is still one of my favorite shows of all time.
It works better that way, you can rewatch it a lot of times and still enjoy it
Literally the perfect background noise for studying.
Pissed Netflix took it off streaming. Like hell I'm wasting all that harddrive space.
>still amazing nowadays
>10 years later
>thinking that time can influence TV shows
>especially when they're from the "modern" era
Let me guess, you also only listen to music released this year?
I still love the first 5 seasons but those last 3 are pretty hit or miss.
basically only show I still watch, later seasons are shit though
Agreed, they're a fun watch though.
best girl
obviously, looks like adrianna lima
I actually liked Amber best.
>not Masters
What the fuck is wrong with you, Thirteen was hot but she has the personality of a 2x4 and as interesting a subplot.
+1 originalo
>storygifs and verticals will never come back
There's still decent ones coming from /vg/, but, obviously, you have to be into whatever game for it to work.
I think Cuddy is the reason i've had a milf fetish since forever
You do realize harddrives are cheap as shit nowadays, right?
House isn't funny.
Funnier than you are.
Except maybe your face.
Where's the pasta of House, Sheldon, Jack Sparrow, Sherlock, and Chandler talking?
Scrubs will always be a better weekly diagnostic medicine dramedy
I am more surprised the Sherlock "smart person written by stupid person" pasta didn't make an appearance.
This is what House is.
Scrubs more or less gave up on the diagnostic medicine thing after like half a season. And whenever they actually did it, you knew the patient was probably just gonna die anyway so JD could learn some meaningful shit about life 'n shit.
bumping for this
Member that time Foreman BTFO House on racism? House was treating the clinic patient like any other asshole but then gets a whole speech from foreman then looks in the camera dumbfounded.
Also on repeat viewing House seems so much more like an asshole now that I'm older.
Formulaic shows are only bad if the formula is bad or if they outstay their welcome. House and Person of Interest didn't. Any more examples?
>House and Person of Interest didn't. Any more examples?
Last seasons of house sucked ass