Are they actually funny or is it SNL-tier garbage?
Are they actually funny or is it SNL-tier garbage?
actually funny
not every skit is comedy gold but definitely funny
A lot better than SNL, but that's not saying much
Weakest link is probably Foley yet he's probably had the best career out of all of them.
This is literally kino
Pretty funny.
>The Kids in the Hall
>They're not kids and they're not even in the hall
Haven't seen much but Brain Candy was actually pretty decent.
For real? I loved him in Newsradio.
it always was just the fag version of The State
Except The State pretty much copied their style
and made it actually funny/comedy
The State had some good reoccurring sketches but half the troupe weren't funny
KitH did it better
how did they get away with this?
I liked Newsradio too but again he was kinda the weakest link there too. Maybe it's just that his comedic style is more laidback and doesn't lend itself to the more whacky standout stuff? I don't think he's not funny though, just that he's not as memorable, imo.
My church hen mother walked in on me at 1am watching the Sex Girl Patrol sketch where they laser-eyed the priest in the groin. She beat me so hard I actually hit her back for the first time in my life, never laid a hand on me again.
Good times.
You meant, how did they get away with this
Scott in blackface is up there, too.
>copied their style
kys faget, KitH didn't invent the sketch troupe
This one is much better
Even if it's not 100% great, its best sketches blow away SNL's best.
This one isn't even that famous but I love it
>Fags Out of the Closet
Actually funny, tainted by the dark lord of SNL.