Haha just imagine!
Haha just imagine!
>there were 28 year old virgins who watched this when it came out that still haven't lost it
The best Judd movie.
Daily reminder that if you're still a virgin past 18 you might as well kill yourself
>the 18 year old virgin
what a nightmare lol
>tfw I've met 2 women over 21 that were virgins
>1 was your ideal perfect smart asian virgin waifu with a fat arse
one was 21, other 22
both women
I cheated on the asian, kappa, have a good day
>tfw 27yo touchless virgin NEET living in parents basement
>no nagging wife/gf
>no annoying children EVER
>can jerk off all day and sleep in a racecar
>paying no bills and can blow all my money on weed, alcohol and vidya
>have literally zero responsibilities
>no need for contact to annoying woman, just got an onahole instead
>when health goes down the shitter I just take the Helium way out
im a NEET and i dont have money and i dont know how to obtain weed
i want to kill myself everyday
dont you feel worthless? arent you scared of what ll happen once your parents are gone or the money runs out?
I just leech from parents and government and buy my weed from some dude that I met in a job center.
like I said I will continue ballin and when my money runs out, when my health goes down the shitter I just take the helium way out.
>dont you feel worthless?
why should I? because some homo in a suit somewhere calls me a loser?
I shit all over their values.
Imagine if the genders had been reversed in this film. It would have been seen as "creepy" instead of comedic.
no, not because what others say, but because you ll never know if you can make it on your own. not make it big, just the basics
>you ll never know if you can make it on your own
I could if I wanted, but I don't want because wagecuckery is slavery and I'M all about Freedom.
you re right about that
Yeah, so unrealistic.
Haha just HOW does someone not lose their virginity at highschool?
Try loosing your virginity while going to an all boys school.
by not knowing any girls and not looking particularly good.
like what are you supposed to do?
me? I just went back in the basement and played videogames.
didn't see a reason to "man up" and try to get a 2/10.
I was 28 when I lost mine, and it was on my wedding night. She was 26 and a virgin.
I know plenty of girls who are about my age who are still virgin. Pro tip, they go to church every Sunday and live with there parents.
Just be yourself :^)
>tfw raped when i was 12
Lol, obese people.
well, its pretty fucking pathetic if you are virgin at 40, i dont get whats wrong with the premise of the movie?
Lmao can you imagine?
It sucks when mom and dad finally kick you out though
You have work with niggers
I'm not even fat, just not good looking enough to get a gf
>Tfw molested at nine
>tfw 28 year old virgin
>rejected instantly by every woman I've ever talked to for not having a job and living at home
>going to die like this
Get swole faggot.
me with the videocamera
What is that movie even about?
>>She was 26 and a virgin.
>kekolds actually believe this
Nah its all about that 41 year old virgin
>tfw molested my uncle at 7
>dont you feel worthless?
You live in jewmarica, don't you? The worth of a person can't be measured in how many bills they have to pay at the end of the month.
An 18 year old virgin who understands how pathetic she is for being a virgin at that age and tries desperately to lose it during a party
Being a lazy government leeching bum is definitely the equivalent of being worthless.
>Not as easy as you think
>for a woman
>"Hi I want to lose my virginity can we fuck"
>Movie over
>mfw 25
>could've lost it a long time ago
>still waiting for "the right guy"
Yeah, I'm getting drunk this Friday and getting it over with.
fuck off
Hymens are not a meme.
gtfo larper
Like, omg, could you femanons do it?
>lost mine at 17
Whew close call
>Try loosing your virginity while going to an all boys school
what happens in boys school stays in boys school
Hymens usually break way before virginity is lost, it can also grow back.
Didn't get laid in highschool so now i feel like it's impossible to accomplish since i don't have any female acquaintances anymore, and you can't just approach random girl on the street.
I was a virgin until I was about 23 or 24. Lost it when I was in the Army and went on leave for the summer. Been with the girl ever since and she is going to medical school to be a doctor now.
>Hymens usually break way before virginity is lost, it can also grow back.
Yes but his wife's obviously wasn't broken according to his post and the possibility that it "grew back" is negligible so it's safe to assume she was a virgin.
I'm a virgin past 18 and can confirm.
Lol, no. Hymens are not a meme. Wife works out, rides horses jogs. Hymen still fully intact. The Hymen breaking shit is made up by whores.
Do you have a micropenis? Sorry bro
Why is your wife a virgin?
Are you impotent?
And like he was totally oblivious about everything, because he hadn't even googled info about sex. But boy, when he got it rolling, it was like da bomb.
Tinder ya fuckin goober
*Was a virgin.
Don't be a degenarete whore. It's not an accomplishment for a woman to lose her virginity. Keeping a man, getting him to marry you and provide for you is. (Then divorcing, taking his kids, child support, alimony and half of his shit.)
Getting laid is better than holding yourself to some arbitrary standard nobody cares about and has no meaning.
the hymen can be easily restored by most plastic surgeons.
How often do you visit Sup Forums?
hasn't prepped the bull yet
I thought only ugly women uses dating websites.
I'm sure a 26 year old woman in a first world country paid to have her hymen restored to please a Sup Forums autist instead of just actually being a virgin, yes, sounds more possible
>lost mine at 21
Could've been worse
This movie is so comfy if you're not a virgin
They don't show ugly men the hot women.
lmao you are going to be kucked so hard when you're away doing army stuff. RIP
Who are "they" you are reffering to?
(((You Know Who)))