>it's a bad adaptation but a great movie
It's a bad adaptation but a great movie
Other urls found in this thread:
>I liked it because it was foreign and Sup Forums has never heard of it
>I liked it because it was old and made no sense
board cancer
die in a fire
Hit a little too close to home, pleb?
>Being this mad that there are people who are smarter than you
>he thinks liking something because it was foreign makes you smarter than other people
>I pretend to like it so i seem smart
>to smart for new movies
>There is nobody smarter than me... I thought the movie was boring so that must mean there's nothing to appreciate or enjoy about it. There's no way anybody could enjoy this since there is nobody more perceptive and insightful than I
your virginity is showing
>B...but you're a virgin!
Wrong. I'm not a virgin but you are a presumptuous, petty, jealous brainlet faggot
>im not a virgin
pretty defensive there, buddy
I see you're not refuting the point that you're a faggot, friend
>I'm so removed from society that i only enjoy medieval hymns and french silent movies
Wrong again. Keep the projections coming. Meanwhile I will actually enjoy watching film and banging my qt gf
t. pic realated
>everything is black or white
You have a mental health problem, OP.
This applies to Starship Troopers and Starship Troopers only
Fantastic Mr. Fox