Is this short-film actually short-kino?
Is this short-film actually short-kino?
leni riefenstahl probably wouldn't make it so memeish
This is a thread about short films you meme hustling shitposter
>that animation
>that strawmanning
>that white Chad dicksucking while the majority of the Alt Right are nerdy spicshits
Jesus Christ
Is this how Sup Forums views themselves?
This would be neat without the gay swastikas and haircuts
Why do jews hate actual art so much?
i LMAO'ed at the No Homo part. Pretty based kino.
What strawmanning?
I wonder how many leftists bitching in the comments give a shit about ISIS beheading videos beyond spouting #notallmuslims. As for the video, satire or not, it was cute.
He's just upset
>on topic thread set to autosage whilst multiple off topic threads are being protected
I liked it. no complaints except the swastika tattoo
Those caricatures of libtards and Chads are cringe as shit
the open borders for Israel part scaring away the Jew is the most truthful part about the video. I'm sure it's also the part that will garner the most criticism. Really makes me think.
Why are Kekistani sandniggers idolizing white people this hard? It is quite cringeworthy.
why do you assume that's what's going on?
Because whites are the master race.
What liberal caricatures?
go to any anti-fa vs alt-right rally and that's literally how it is
New thread since the mods are forcing OP to 404
Kekistanis aren't white. The fetishization of whites is very obvious in the video. There you go.
Sorry if I don't want a horde of self hating spicshits nibbling on my dick all the time.
I'm gonna reupload this faggot CyberNazi song as my own. He no longer owns it since he advocates the destruction of Innocents.
imagine being this delusional
Remove yourself from the gene pool and stick your dick in a garbage disposal Sup Forums scum
sick, freak.
go outside once in a while. you live in a fantasy world.
I still think it's satire. It'd be cool if they made a similar one for the more radical left side. I wonder what the responses would be then.