Was this ever any good?
The Walking Dead
Only good part about this show went by the name of Shane Walsh.
The first season was short, but it was pretty good.
The few last episodes of season 2 were great as well IIRC, thanks to m'askusumfinRick
Nope. No show is ever any good except BASED MAD MEN and BASED BETTER CALL SAUL.
yes, the problem is it will never die
Look into your heart, you know it's true.
1st season. everything else was shit.
yes, but only first season
Watch it Rick
Some outstanding episodes, but you have to suffer through countless pointless ones in-between and would probably not appreciate the outstanding ones if you skipped those others.
Is it worth it for the good ones? I enjoyed it, but would not rewatch, except for those high points.
it had its moments
1st episode is fucking great, for the most part season one was 8/10.
season two was trash but shane vs rick was fucking goat, but the rest was just boring
can't really remember much else, governor was cool but it was all a bit slow so I dropped it around mid season 4
Even at its worst it was still better than current Game of Thrones.
People will tell you only season 1 was good and season 2 was when it was at its worst and never recovered.
But in reality season 2 is the best season and everything after it is worse. Everything after the governer doesn't even compete
I wish characters like Tara and Rosita weren't so dreadful. Hopefully they follow Sasha's lead and kill themselves.
>But in reality season 2 is the best season and everything after it is worse. Everything after the governer doesn't even compete
That's ridiculous. Rick on the road and reintegrating into society is more interesting than Governor stuff and muh Shane.
Rick is the only good actor in the entire series except Shane and the governor. Once the Abraham crew joined the show, despite Abe being cool af, the series took an absolute dump and just became "who's gonna die next" the show without anybody even giving a fuck about 98% of the characters because there is like 50 of them. now they are hoping they can redeem the show with neegan but they've already jumped the shark with the thespian and his pet tiger and the entire group that calls him majesty. It's only been like 3 fucking years, idc how good of a leader you think someone is, you don't just start roleplaying knights of the round table in the fucking zombie apocalypse. And let's not forget the lesbian village that only eats fish. Fuck I hate this show and I hate that I'm committed to it and need to see it through
While Frank Darabont was show runner, it was god-tier and really had the potential to become one of those REALLY IMPORTANT SHOWS. After he was ousted it descended into schlock and now it's just outright trash.
I stopped watching this when they got to the weird little town, Alexandria I think.
The shit in your post sounds so fucking batshit crazy I can't tell if it actually happened or not. Kinda glad I just stopped if that shit is true.
It all happened. It's like a parody of itself.
Don't forget the garbage dump society with the weird dominatrix leader and the gigantic green screen background implicating that the landfill is as large as the Sahara
I've never seen so many fat characters in a post apocalyptic world setting before
You better check that thin privilege if you're gonna watch the same show as me. -the entire TWD fanbase
which the saviors somehow never managed to stumble over.
to be honest, the "you? starving?"-joke was in the comics too.
There's no Google Maps advertising every random community in an X mile radius
and dont forget that their language has devolved somehow in 2 to 3 years
>revealed that the zombies ignore you if you cover yourself in their guts in S1
>they never EVER do this again
The show does shit like this all the time
Like I get that they are trying to stay true to the comics but the comics are BAD obviously. Some shit doesn't translate well to movies and tv. Just stop appeasing the manga babbies and just make a good fucking show
when the tower crashed into alexandria's wall
Everyone will say Seasons 1 & 2 but I liked seasons 4 & 5 a little bit more. Lead up to Negan was pretty good too but now it just feels cheap.
As a fan the quality is all over place. There's at least a couple good episodes even in bad seasons (Some of my favorite episodes are in S3 even though it generally sucked), and shitty episodes in the good ones.
They did do it again.
It's the crazy shit going on that makes me think rick is actually going to wake up in the hospital and it was all le ebin coma dream. The world is just getting more and more ridiculous
the scavangers aren't in the comics in the way they're shown on tv
Pilot was outstanding. Rest of S1 was steadily declining in quality but still solid enough.
After that it went to shit almost overnight with S3 and then just kept getting shitter and shitter. They managed to make The Guvnor a sympathetic character ffs - Morrissey was absolutely wasted on this shite.
Of all things to change, yet they keep Shakespeare and his tiger for the YASSS fans
I liked it up until they spend copious amounts of time one the farm. Got bored.
>They did do it again.
Why are zombies ever a risk at all if you can just be invisible to them?
They only remember to do it when the budget doesn't allow for any "zombie attack" scenes
you are aware that the whisperers are coming up in S8 doing exactly that?
Because constantly reapplying zombie guts all day isn't exactly ideal
>7 seasons to remember a plot device they established in the 2nd episode of the 1st season
Please tell me more.
>Because constantly reapplying zombie guts all day isn't exactly ideal
>100% not dying is less ideal than 50% death chance when you leave the house
Good, I was being sarcastic.
But you don't seem too intelligent based on your willingness to watch this Mindless(zombies, get it?) Drivel
I like your fake percentages. And no applying zombie guts all day isn't exactly sanitary. And they already showed it doesn't necessarily just work. Even in the first season they got caught in the rain and had to run. Stop being an argumentative faggot and go play devils bitch boy elsewhere
For me it was mediocre until it reached S5, that one was really good, but it fell hard when S6 started, and now the seasons are mostly filler
>Let's not wear sunscreen at the beach today because it MIGHT rain
Do you really have an issue with the Kingdom? If I was in the ZA I'd want to live in a community like that. Becoming a knight would be more fulfilling than being a road rapist or a depressed normie living like the hilltop and Alexandria.
>Lets wear rotting corpses everyday because sepsis is awesome
I liked it all the way untill they found that gated community and it went full "dealing with retards and politics." With semi-intelligent characters it could have been a good political dealing with the apocalypse show but it was only really good as a pulpy action timewaster.
Or maybe you can just live in an equally stable community without being a bunch of queers
It was boring from the get go, like most Zombie things.
Sounds pretty boring no thanks I'd rather not live in the status quo
Fear the Walking Dead does it all the time. Why are you still not watching the superior spinoff?
>Wear rotting flesh 100% of the time
>die of cholera 100% of the time
That's cause your gay.
Only when you're leaving a safe zone. PLUS you mean to tell me we have these huge compounds with thriving civilizations but no one's figured out how to boil down zombie guts into a musk/perfume you can wear?
Can't have it bothways Walking Plebs
I stopped watching this show after the governer died because it became apparent they had no endgame in mind and the writers were flying by the seats of their pants episode to episode
You're a LIMP-WRISTED manlet
Don't you know that the stable cliche of zombie genre is, that people forget how to do anything right. It's instant stone age, but with firearms.
It's now less like DayZ and more like Rust.
>Season 1
>Season 4
>Season 3
>Season 2
>Season 5
>Season 7
>Season 6
I dropped that show at the end of Season 5 when they killed Barristan and Stannis and made the entire show about women.
I'm confused, are we talking about IRL practicality or Hollywood rules?
Is it wrong to laugh at their overblown reaction?
No u
I was just going off the context of the show initially, but the guys defending the poor writing decided to use the "IRL" argument so I only brought up a counter point to it. Merely pointing out that the show is illogical in either context.
>people liked glen this much after season 1
I liked him in Alexandria taking over that incompetent supply runner group ran by that douche Monroe son also making Nicholas his cuck
I'm still confused you're asking why the show doesn't have the characters put on zombie flesh every time they step outside so they're safe? Because that would be a dumb show.
He went from the lighthearted risk taker in S1 to absolutely pussy whipped by S3. They ruined him
No it would be wrong not to laugh at their overblown reaction
Good? Not really. But its over the top stupid entertainment just fun to watch.
First episode maybe. Tfw still watching this shit.
I think I'm gonna watch it because I'm that bored. I mean I don't remember at what episode did I end it, I remember only that it was second season and they were on a boat. Is it at least a bit better than last 4 seasons of TWD?
I felt like this on the inside when they did Abraham in. Glen I didnt give two fucks about at that point.
>I'm still confused you're asking why the show doesn't have the characters put on zombie flesh every time they step outside so they're safe
Yes. They established that in Season 1 as a pretty solid way to get past zombies(except when it's raining). Then never did it again because like you said, it'd be a dumb show.
But you fail to realize that by showing it works, then "forgetting" it works and never using it(except for when the writers have backed their selves into a corner) then the show is STILL a dumb show.
Either way you cut it, the show is dumb. And that's just ONE reason. Don't even get me started on how the zombies never manage to tear flesh/infect any character they grab until someone has to die.
All the drama is highly contrived. All the suspense is canned. It's ONE step above a Telenovela
This. We are all the walking dead.
....It's a zombie show. Is this your first experience with the zombie genre? Wtf
I just want it to come to a conclusion, same with game of thrones. Its the only reason I'm still watching to see what happens in the end (that and I don't have anything better going on in my life).
Yeah, the pilot was good. Everything else is utter shite.
I am not the person you're asking but TWD was my first experience with the zombie genre. I watched a couple movies after that but didn't really liked it.
>No no no, user. It's SUPPOSED to be bad
And finally, they admit it.
Fair enough man. I just thought this show was gonna have some....brains, that's all.
The walking dead exists solely as a literal scam. They spend millions on it and it has the worst effects ever. Cash is just being pocketed guaranteed. They hit the jackpot by getting a huge following after the first 2 seasons and cashed in with talking dead, fear, they even have their own commercial shows with the plane and the spics. All this money being "spent" on budget. AMC is pocketing some serious cash
I enjoyed the first two seasons although Shane really carried season 2. The season with the Governor is enjoyable and the episode where Negan kills Glen and Abraham is probably the best in the series. Mostly though it's fucking terrible and I only still watch because it's usually on during the time of year when there is nothing else on on Sunday nights
having a white tiger in post-apocalyptic world is alpha AS FUCK.
>thinking a show about zombies is gonna be intelligent
You're more retarded than the show
and it's not white
>that whole monologue
had no idea twd was supposed to be a comedy.
whatever that means
>willingly watching 8 seasons of brain sludge
But I'm the stupid one.
the newest of fags
Darabont's season was good.
>watching tv at all
what a fucking loser
There are occasional good, even great episodes every season. The problem is that every time there is a great episode, that usually ends on a cliffhanger, the next episode is about other characters you don't care about and nothing happens in the episode.
It was good till like season 4. I only watch it now to see how it will end. I have literally zero investment in any of characters cause they're all so bland.
Couldn't agree more. The writing is far superior, characters are compelling, and shit is realistic. If you don't watch FTWD than you should consider it.
I wish they never showed neegans crew trying to hijack Daryl the season before neegan actually showed up. Because then rick and gang would have murdered all those people in their sleep based off the statements of the hilltop place. Then sure all the bad shit neegan and his crew do from there on our can happen the same but it would feel more like the protagonists deserve it, which they totally do. What they did was so fucked up, probably the darkest moment in the show
It's always had moments of true greatness mixed in with tons of mediocrity or downright awfulness. Seasons 1 and 5 were the most consistently good.
Honestly I'm still rooting for it to come back from the absolute disaster of season 7. Aside from Negan and Eugene it was complete fucking garbage and has nearly killed the show.