This is your 2017 Academy Award winner for 'Outstanding Animated Short Film'
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This is your 2017 Academy Award winner for 'Outstanding Animated Short Film'
Say something nice about it!!
it's pretty good but the swastikas is too on the nose
Yeah swastikas are too much
Swastikas ruin it, the alt right isn't explicitly a natsoc movement
The Alt Lite was a mistake.
>mfw Kurt Russell destroys the mosque
>students get transformed
>one girl is wearing a cross
>building a church
Now I know the cross is a pagan symbol and the Church system is a Satanic proxy, but still, the Nazis literally want to kill God.
shill thread
is that what professor Shekelstein told you?
Can't tell if this is ironic.
Cringe thread?
Are you literally retarded?
That was Rowdy Roddy Piper dummy
I'm pretty sure that was roddy piper from they live
Got triggered by them destroying the mosque desu.
Aside from that breddy gud.
I feel like both the left and the right are getting more retarded as time passes.
haha ebin dank meemees
There are plenty of Mosques dotted throughout the middle east we don't need any in the west.
There's no such thing as these "lefts" and "rights", everyone's just stupid, strayed from God, like orange baby revolver presidential candidate friend.
Looks like Kung Fury which is reddit personified.
>Alt Right video
reddit indeed
>where are my reddit approved banes n sneeds:(((
Americans seem to have been perpetually seething for years now
Surprised the country still functions at all with all the uptight butt hurt people raging over every little thing that happens
Why is reddit, which is reddit, so obsessed with reddit which is reddit?
Really makes you think who is redditing who here.
and that mirrors reality
I liked the part when the Jew got scared off by open borders for Israel. 10/10 realism
I'm not sure if this is supporting or making fun of rightist beliefs.
>amerifat far-right keep fucking up and using swastika's in their propaganda
take a not from the European far right and drop jerrycuck imagery
All it does is turn normies away
>rightist beliefs
You mean capitalism?
The people in the video were working together for free so it was clearly socialism in action. Hitler would be proud.
Do right wingers realise that the Nazis killed more whites than anyone else?
jews aren't white.
They were trying to rid us of Jews and got fucked by their manipulation. Britain wasn't even going to fight until der Jude got involved
They've always been the cancer
They are white by any scientific metric
Russians. Most of whom aren't "white"
Race doesn't exist the science is settled so technically the Nazis didn't kill anybody.
Jewish Europeans = ~6,000,000
[Semitic] Hebrews = 0 (because they were already all dead)
All the people who you accuse of being "Jews" are not real Jews, they are WHITE.
Fuck off now.
semite =/= caucasian
I'm sure someone has the better knowledge of the gene division which is the real difference
respectfully disagree.
>implying the alt right is white
Russians are white.
europeans =/= semitic
>Britain wasn't even going to fight until der Jude got involved
Can't tell if serious. This is the problem with neo-Nazis, they are so dumb and uneducated it's impossible to say whether they are serious or not.
>holocaust death tolls
This isn't even the official figure any more cause it keeps being revised
It's a huge fuckin lie and an afternoon looking at the facts brings up HUGE inconsistencies and a death toll that simply was not possible
>Britain wasn't even going to fight until der Jude got involved
>This is what jerrycucks actually believe
>what is appeasement
Ah, the retard is always the first to call someone what he himself is
So is this pro-degeneracy or anti-degeneracy
5-6 million is the official figure for Jews.
>It's a huge fuckin lie and an afternoon looking at the facts brings up HUGE inconsistencies and a death toll that simply was not possible
Reading anti-Semitic blogs isn't studying. There aren't any inconsistencies in the official narrative.
>Britain wasn't even going to fight until der Jude got involved
go read a book
>when your alt lite memeflick is flopping so you have to shill for it on a Bangladeshi kike testing forum
Jews aren't white by their own admission which is why things like the ADL exist.
What is Kristallnacht? Britons declared war on Germany after they attacked Poland, it had nothing to do with Jews.
>gay bros with swastika tattoos
>destroying people's place of worship
>forcefully brainwashing the youth
>etc. etc.
pro-degeneracy, and I never use that word
The Allied side got whites killed by fighting in a war that should have never happened.
books are a jewish conspiracy
>There aren't any inconsistencies in the official narrative.
1 million bodies being burned in a few ovens is a huge inconsistency
People dying at all in those not airtight chambers is a huge inconsistency. Zyklon B being used to kill instead of an actually effective gas is a huge inconsistency
The official totals of Jews in Europe before and after the 'Holocaust' is a huge inconsistency
You couldn't be more wrong. Jews are their own race and have genetic predispositions towards certain diseases at a higher rate than other races. Look up the Ashkenazi diseases.
Tell this to the Germans.
Jews seperate themselves from the white identity when they are shilling for Israel.
You just said that someone said something, so I will say again, these people are not real Jews, they are white. That's whether or not these people say We wuz israelites n sheeit"
dumb fuck, nazis killed american soldiers and bombed brits. you fucking retard.
>hindsight argument
please be quiet.
>he believes these simplistic narratives
I bet you haven't read a history book since your useless and biased history books. If the book you read doesn't have the communist coup mentioned as Hitler's motivation it's a shit book and filled with lies
So you're telling me we have all these antisemitism laws in order to protect an ideology not and ethnic minority?
>few ovens
There were more than few ovens.
>Zyklon B being used to kill instead of an actually effective gas is a huge inconsistency
What is inconsistent about this?
>The official totals of Jews in Europe before and after the 'Holocaust' is a huge inconsistency
Source? Because there were more than 3 million Jews in Poland alone. After the war it's estimated that roughly 100.000 survived.
>the left and the right
Canyou define either wing without resorting to memes and buzzwords?
They're essentially meaningless terms used to bring console-war retardation to politics.
You manufacture a false dichotomy so retards argue about transgendered bathrooms while the country is sold out from under our feet.
getting bored of this fake news/media argument
Yes, you fucking retard. Remember who you're supposed to root for in the elections. Remember who you're not supposed to talk about in the news.
Communist coup happened in 1919 and it was crushed in two weeks. Hitler came to power in 1933.
Nice to know extremists are targeting vulnerable NEETs like commies tried to recruit poor working class people.
>muh 6 gazzillion
where are 6 million lamp shades and soap bars then? also adult human body doesn't get turned into ashes in minutes. it takes time and a significant amount of coal.
Adolf was a great politician. He understood how to get the people pumped up. The whole reason why the war started was because he wanted to take German lands back. All the stuff about race was a way to implant an 'us vs them' mentality in the minds of the populace. The alt-right still falls for 84 year old German propaganda. It's not about race, it's about German territory.
>Muh Bolan :(((((((
Fuck off, the kikes should have been finished off.
This is funny because a non-meme post would be indistinguishable.
>be nazi altright
>rest of the nation finds out you're nazi because you wave nazi flags
>h-hey guys can we s-stop using the swastika a little hehe t-thanks
If it resonates this much that's enough of a reason to keep the swastika.
I'd say the hindsight should have been there.
>where are 6 million lamp shades and soap bars then?
youre not thinking fourth dimensionally
The EU and NATO are Nazi and they don't use (obvious) Nazi symbolism.
I wonder why.
I want global warming to be real so that the cancer that is mankind can be wiped out for good.
It's real but God's gonna solve it.
also Sup Forums literally wants to kill God
The swastika distracts the whole point of the video and gives the left agency to say "SEE? NAZIS" instead of having a dialogue about the actual content.
>The EU and NATO are Nazi
I bet that soap was shitty anyway.
>The EU and NATO are Nazi
t. Erdogan
Which makes me think the video was manufactured in order to get more people to fite each other.
>The EU and NATO are Nazi
God isn't going to save us.
the actual content being nazism
>the EU are Nazis
I fucking wish
Really makes you think why the media has been so harsh to Erdogan........
There were not enough ovens to turn 1 million humans into dust in the time frame.
Because instead of cans and cans of Zyklon B you can prepare simple gases which require less resources and kill more effectively
Interesting to note that there are zero sources from non-Jewish people, like there was never a census done by Europeans somehow? Though this one from the Jewish Almanac is apparently one that slipped through and mysteriously you won't find mention of any more
I'm getting bored of plebs reading hugely biased school textbooks not actually explaining the circumstances that created Hitler and sent the entire populace behind him. People had a huge fear of communism spreading and them all ending up in gulags. That does not appear in school text books ever. And is glossed over even in college texts because Hitler is le ebil monster
>Hitler wasn't alive in 1919
You're retarded
Just you wait, they'll pull the veils down and you'll lick all their boots, saying you were wrong and you totally want them back.
Do you think they'll take you back, or has this love taken its toll?
What is poz supposed to mean?
made me kek, that was pretty good. idk once white people get pushed too far they are bound to snap. see; history.
He didn't say Hitler wasn't alive in 1919. Baseless """counter-argument""" enough proof that you are controlled opposition.
Most of them are roaches. Did you expect roaches to have a spine?
t. t*rk roach
I'm in America and I have no Turkish in me.
that makes no sense
Muslims leave and take off their veils and he wants them back? Loves has taken its toll? What?
HIV Positive
Nah, it's going to be either that short with the two gay boys or whatever Disney shits out this year.
You clearly don't understand the English language.