Why was Karl Marx in Jewish Heaven if his ideology killed millions and he was an atheist? From a religious stance this doesn't make sense.
Why was Karl Marx in Jewish Heaven if his ideology killed millions and he was an atheist...
>equating socialism to communism
epic meme
Karl Marx was a hack
Marx wrote about both so it's a moot point.
Why is Jesus in Heaven if his ideology killed millions?
Sneed's Celestial Afterlife (Formerly God's)
Socialism denounces ownership of private property.
You cannot outlaw ownership of private property without mass killings.
Therefore socialism requires mass killings and Marx burns in hell either way because he was godless.
Because to get into Jew heaven you just have to be Jewish and fuck up non Jews
>You cannot outlaw ownership of private property without mass killings.
That's obviously an absurd leap of logic but par for the course
>destroying the old world order can be non-violent
Sneed overtook Chuck's store without violence.
God doesn't exist so who gives a fuck?
Because its Jewish heaven and he did his part for Judaism by killing millions of goys and undermining gentile civilization
For the same reason Hitler is in Nazi heaven. Both considered their cause just. As long as you think your doing the right thing it's not evil.
The concept of Good and Evil are just your own beliefs against another.
>God doesn't exist
He does though
>killed millions
to save billions
Ow the edge
He enacted the will of the Jews by getting millions of whites killed and their civilisations ruined.
its an objective fact that wars were waged in His name, kid
Didn't Karl Marx hate the jews? He was born in a Jewish family but quit long before the manifesto.
He wrote the classic "The Jewish Nigger" where he pretty much blames the Jews for everything that went wrong with the world.
you're too old to believe in santa claus
Yeah but they were all justified unlike Communism
by that logic Adam Smith is the biggest mass murderer in history
>he doesn't believe in Santa
Reddit pls go
Adam Smith didn't write about armed revolutions and slaughtering innocents though.
But Marx was genuinely a lazy, selfish piece of shit
If you think communism, socialism are defendable or even neutral positions, it's nothing but a reflection of your own broken and warped personalities
>unlike Communism
communism is completely justified americuck
Kill yourself
If ya say so smelly turd worlder
Here are a few quotes that leftist don't want you to know (TM)
>What is the object of the Jew's worship in this world? Usury. What is his worldly god? Money
>Ramsgate is full of Jews and fleas
>What was the essential foundation of the Jewish religion? Practical needs, egotism
>The Jews of Poland are the smeariest of all races
Not the worlds nicest guy.
Karl Marx never killed anyone. Like saying Darwin should go to hell because of social darwinism.
It's also pretty funny that he's characterized as some hardcore Jew when his Jewish ancestry was distant and he was raised Christian.
what on earth brought you to the conclusion that Jews get into Jewish heaven for doing good things?
None of that is incorrect though
>Hitler never killed anyone, only the people following his ideas did :^)
Darwin was writing about a phenomenon he saw in nature and Marx was writing about starting an armed revolution. Those are not even close to the same thing.
No they weren't
stay brainwashed cuck