What will Emma Watson's next film be Sup Forums?

What will Emma Watson's next film be Sup Forums?

Probably shit.
People only like her because of harry potter.

Hopefully one where she sits on my face

A 4D movie where the viewers watch 8k quality footage of her sweaty pits and experience the smell.

BLACKED for sure
probably the only way she would keep me interested in it

You may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one

A Malala Yousafzai biopic with her in brownface, speaking posh English accent and "acting" by making the most exaggerated facial expressions she can muster.


I would see this movie 100 times

a movie about where she tries to stop her ass from melting into her cottage cheese thighs

I never really watched harry potter or any of her movies after. She's just hot as fuck, in a cute way.

A documentary where she has sit down interviews with everyone who posted in this thread about their lives and concludes each one by turning to the camera and saying "Pathetic."

This is good, I like this.

I would instantly cum.


only if she kicks me in the balls after it

Sounds good.
It should be concluded with Emma tying up the interviewees and forcing each of them to clean her nether regions with their tongues, leaving them all with blue balls in the end.

Hopefully something I don't care about.

a richard dawkins biopic obviously
she can't act but at least she'd look great in it

Nice meme.

how can people not like smooth axilla

You mean one where she acts above everyone else, because she sure hasn't done that shit before.

How much would ya'll pay for a sippy cup of Emma's piss?

Deborah Does Droitwich

she already played moot in a Sup Forums movie, so her career is over

Then is immediately slapped and raped while the film crew makes a feeble attempt to intervene.