GoT S7E6 Fuck ups

Is this how physics works, Sup Forums?

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maybe the lake is shallow there

i don't get it

There would have to be a ramp or something for him to come sliding out of the water like that

You don't consider shores as a sort of ramp?

The Ice should also be over one meter thick.

Its fine its just Game of Thrones it's not exactly the Wire or the Sopranos so meh this is what you get for mass auidence tv show

See those folks there, in the green circles? They don't do shit, they just hold the chains. The only ones pulling the dragon out of the water are the 1st four on each chain. The others aren't doing shit. The red arrows show how the chain should be to truly pull the dragon out.

All this chain talk made me wonder if they are cg chains or did the props department really shat out meters of plastic painted to look like chains?

>mfw they were real chains and all the extras had to be bodybuilders to ensure they could carry the chains


It's all synthol and water retention

whatever, super strong people then you jerk

>my saunter when Tyrion gifts the Blackwater chain to Beric and Beric proceeds to light it up and swing it around zombies because Azor strength to save the ratings

>the chains were all the same length


The chain reminds me of this, Danny chaining her dragons. That chain is heavy as fuck. I used to be in the navy, bow duty when we anchored, our chain sometimes fell of the place it was supposed to stay, there were four of us lifting 3 to 5 linked rings putting it back in its place. It was heavy and awkward as fuck.
Danny must be super strong to do that, twice in half a minute.

Show me one Mr. O who couldn't bench 400

Forgot picture.

it's called "the ground", it works sort of like a ramp except you can also walk on it. it's hidden below the snow

It slides on the bottom of the lake, the lake just looks wider than it is because of the snow. Pic related

I don't care about the lake, the shore, or whatever (even though mountain lakes are seldom deep). I care about the curvature of that chain. It shouldn't have one. It should be straight as fuck.

>i'm impressed

the US navy? No wonder your ships keep colliding with merchant craft lmao. Chains aren't particularly heavy mate.

And you know this how?

worked on fishing rigs and done a lot of heritage work involving chains.

not really since the dragons body is slightly bouyant and is moving. The chain would only be taught if the body was hardly moving, and in any case the links are heavy and the pull is too weak to stretch it taught.

why would the guy at the top pull stronger than all the rest behind him combined? that makes no sense

yes, the guys at the top pulling will produce some force going up that the rest will have to counter with their weight, that doesn't mean they will fly from the ground and the rope will get straight

Oh, ok. Ever worked on a 150 meters long, 5300 tonnes displacement fishing boat?

the dragon is not being pulled "up" at all by the chain. the chain pulls it to the right of the pic and the shore is lifting it up, which makes the force going right less efficient because the angle is not 0 with the movement of the dragon

You both lack understanding of basic physics.

Then they wouldn't be able to pull as they are in the air, so they have to pull don on the chain in order to walk on the ground. Also the chain is probably pretty heavy.

Viserions head should have been ripped off under the weight of the rest of the body.

no, you do lack understanding, ask this is not complicated, there's no reason for the rope to be straight to the guy at the top, this just makes the force a bit less efficient but it's what the zombies have to work with, seeing that that's the terrain that they were given

Plus all four of those chains looked as heavy as him, effectively doubling the zombies' load

That's exactly what I'm saying. They couldn't pull it out of the water that way.
This is something similar and it was apparently done for real. Do you ever, at any point, see the ropes curve?


things weight much less when dipped in water. the others are moving the long big chains forward so the first ones can pull the dragons head up from the water, for a WW to raise it.

this is my autistic headcanon

except they can, you can try it in real life pulling a fish out of the water using a rope, just walking on a slope with 3 friends, i can ensure you the 2 that are below won't go flying

with the dragon it's the same, you just have to get enough people to make the ratio of weights right.

Perspective, you braindead retard

This user gets it.

>pulling a fish out of the water using a rope, just walking on a slope with 3 friends
>you just have to get enough people to make the ratio of weights right
Like 1 fish vs 3 best friends and 1 yuge fucking dragon vs e few hundred skeletons?

the chains would saw through the ice like butter until it gets to shore, there wouldn't be chains across the flat lake surface

no, but the chains you brought up are like 5x4" not 2x1ft retard. She could move them fine.

Couldn't you just convert the dragon underwater and the dragon gets itself out?

op is a fag. And stupid.

if they can swim under the ice... why were they afraid to jump the hole?

Check again, fatso. 5:40

That looks terrible for you

Dragons and frozen dead body's pulling a chain and you care about physics?

this looks like the formula for melting steel beams

Why didn't they just call the eagles to carry the dragon out of the lake?

it's good for your ass

how is this similar? The boat isn't even half submerged never mind at the bottom of a depth of water, with no ice over the surface and using rope not chain. Fucking hell.

it's a myth that a woman needs an 8 inch dick to be pleased

im a 4 incher myself and have never failed to please a woman with my tongue

even the prostitutes thank me afterwards and don't bother asking for a tip because they were so thoroughly satisfied

Meme aside, cg tentacles pushing Viserion's corpse out of the water onto the bank, and then never being mentioned or revisited again would have attracted so much more buzz.

Your spine, though

>licking someone's else sperm rests

>Sup Forums - Physics

We gonna need some /sci/ here

imagine flying on a dragon for hours and hours on end. my hands easily freeze even in mild temperatures when i don't wear gloves while riding motorcycles.

now imagine going at high speed all the way up in the sky, you'd turn into a fucking ice cube.

>be in perpetual sub-freezing temperatures for thousands of years
>ice is so thin and brittle it starts the crack the second they start walking on it


>people buttmad about this when the real problem is there being chains north of the wall in the first place

Everyone thinks they're smarter than the show now. And everyone is getting off trying to expose all of its flaws. It's so bad, we have idiots like OP now.