What are some movies about white genocide?

What are some movies about white genocide?

Why are liberals so fucking pathetic?

Do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny.

It just makes me sick that whites remain a majority in their own countries. I fucking hate white people but I will fight tooth and nail to live in a white country if I have to.

Why are black people in America so rabidly racist?


>performative allyship
C'mon superflu HURRY HURRY HURRY

>ACLU is equivalent to KKK

Truly the best of times we live in.

>butthurt Sup Forumstard thread #5263526

inb4 200+ replies

why can't you morons stay in your containment board?

>in the country they stole and invaded

All these people do is whine and forget about the concept of diminishing returns. The fact of the matter is everyone was over their crybaby whining years ago, yet they keep on like it's going to change anything.

These libs will be the same loser trash 10 years from now that they are today, and it won't be "whitey's" fault.

poor savages, conquered fair and square!

Why can't you cancerous Sup Forums rejects jeep your off topic threads like off of Sup Forums?

OP is asking for film recs and you drones can't help but look at the picture and cry

The first thing these people see is the colour of skin, but they're not the racists of course

Because as a community they've failed to grow up and let bygones be bygones. They've failed to own their own destinies, thanks to being shackled to the tit of government programs pushed by Dems. And they're clearly not smart enough/too lazy to change this.

>containment board
Then he's in the right place

Is it white genocide if a 10/10 girl won't sleep with you when you are a fat virgin neckbeard? Asking for a friend.

>a white baby holding american flag is enough to trigger liberals

>someone posts something that might relate to racism in some form
>liberals start shitting themselves telling people to go back to pol
this is why you cant have a realistic discussion about race

for the record: skin color means nothing, upbringing determines someones value
i.e. there are black people and there are niggers, just like there are white people and white trash

Wasn't ACLU considered a far left cesspit not long ago or am I mistaken?

>"look, i called them morons and said containment board! im a regular ol' channer! xD"
>vigorously tips commie beret

yeah when we took it we also got all the roads, public schools, hospitals and government infrastructure that came with it.

And the whole reason behind this is an inferiority complex that has been imprinted in their minds since childhood bullying. This they identify with the downtrodden and "oppressed".

I am 100% convinced that most liberals' rabid anti-traditionalist/anti-white/anti-nuclear family positions come from this simple juvenile dichotomy:

White Americans (or whites in general) = cool dumb jock kids
Everyone else = the smart/correct but bullied nerds

That is literally it. The foundation of their insane identity politics is all based in their commonly-held childhood trauma

>keep hearing about "the slow death of whites in america"

>every single suburb in my very large state is being re-gentrified by more and more young white families as white Boomers die off/move away

Where's this deprecation of the whites I keep hearing about from Libs?

They don't exist. Which is something they share in common with your "white genocide."

Maybe you're watching too much interracial porn?