What the fuck is this shit? You fags said this was true adult swim kino, our answet to reddit and memey...

What the fuck is this shit? You fags said this was true adult swim kino, our answet to reddit and memey. Well I watched it. What the fuck is wrong with you faggots? Are you this desperate to be contrarian? This is more pathetic than your defense of BvS.

Other urls found in this thread:


What doth life?

>believing some faggot who made the image and then spammed it daily
you have no one to blame but yourself, watch wonder showzen instead.

Like everything else that was popular on Sup Forums once normies started liking it Sup Forums didn't want anything to do with it. The MCU was popular here when Avengers was barely just being set up and Zack the hack Snyder was mocked relentlessly, even his good films.

The show is shit. Sup Forums just shilled for it for a week because no one heard of it and it wasn't Rick and Morty.

itt: iq >50

Aqua Teen has always been /ourshow/

aqua teen, venture bros, xavier. the holy pinnacle of cartoons

I'm going to make you TASTE THE PAIN

This is the funniest thing ever

Hello, Harmon.



You slumber, a cucumber

>hmmm this wasn't to my taste

Youzer, this board has gone bowser

What the fuck is this shit? You fags said this was true adult swim kino, our answet to reddit and memey. Well I watched it. What the fuck is wrong with you faggots? Are you this desperate to be contrarian? This is more pathetic than your defense of BvS.

Pure kino


Adult Swim is bringing it back and hyping up threads on Sup Forums because they still believe this place is "underground".
Just wait a few weeks for them to announce Season 3.

What you doing boy?
I'm gonna make me the best wrist hair mustache.
I haven't been this heated since the incident.



I want to believe

Is it true? Is XRA really about how white people suck?

hello newfag. XRA comes up a couple times a week. before reddit&morty even was a thing.

>What the fuck is this shit? You fags said this was true adult fantasy kino, our answer to lord of the memes. Well I watched it. What the fuck is wrong with you faggots? Are you this desperate to be contrarian? This is more pathetic than your defense of BvS.
Fixed it.

This show is fucking genius, look at youtube.com/watch?v=Sn7QvnhJgeA
So you'll notice that the first animal we see him shooting has birds fly out of his head. Since the birds bear a strong resemblance to the next victim (the bird) it's reasonable to assume some sort of deliberate link by the creators, especially in the further context. When the bird is shot, sheep run out of his head - so the next victim is a sheep... but there are no literal sheep there.
When the shooter turns the gun on Xavier, Xavier rejects the simplicity of the question and his offer of literature, in addition to the joke at religious evangelists, results in the shooter committing suicide; his distaste for nuance or differing perspective led him to kill himself, and we can conclude that he is a metaphorical sheep, following the herd. You'll note that the faceless barcode adds to the evidence that he is meant to be the sheep, but on top of that that barcode is a pretty clear symbol of consumerist culture.
So what might this be a criticism at? It's a reasonably common view (by this I mean common enough to attack) in the West that secularism and consumerism is killing religion, belief in God, etc and sees members of such religions to be brainless sheep following the herd. But this clip shows the shooter, who represents consumerism, adopting an incredibly brainless (indeed, he does not even have a head for a brain to *be* in), simplistic attitude as a sheep himself. And just as blind to it.
But Xavier's statement that "it was me all along" is what tops this off into something genuinely clever.

So when we look at the role Xavier himself took on here, he was an observer (witnessing a tragedy; not just the event itself, but that's what he asked to see before entering this door if you watch the whole episode). He had an outside view with an aim for more nuance (but, at the same time, it was psuedo-nuance; he was smoking a pipe trying to sound intellectual while actually speaking more or less total nonsense - this adds some meat to the interpretation as well) - Xavier likely saw himself as "above" the whole situation, not a part of it - indeed we can almost be certain this is the case with our prior knowledge of his characterization - but he was no less a part of the consumerist herd.
I'm tempted to say that all of the groups are portrayed as sheep, with the theists each dying, one after another all in a line, when simply saying "no" would have saved their livess. The shooter is a sheep in the ways described above, and Xavier is, as we see in the end piece, a sheep as well. And I'm even FURTHER tempted to say that there is a judgment being passed where the religious people are the least guilty. They are passively sheep. The shooter is actively against being a sheep, violently so, while being totally blind to his own nature as a sheep. Xavier I think is the worst level of judgment and likely aimed at the discourse of public intellectuals - the equating of Xavier with the shooter transmits the shooter's blindness, but Xavier is blind in a further way of thinking he is NOT like the shooter and is more high minded and outside of the whole situation.
Anyways, that last paragraph is a lot of artistic license on my own part but I am pretty confident in the interpretation before that.

You are taking this way too fucking seriously.

Why is this show so underrated?


He's not. That's how deep the rabbit hole goes in this show.

No we didn't, you saw some faggot on Reddit post this meme via a FB screenshot like the newfag you are.

>Barcode says 125002141350
Does it mean something?

That's also a reference to Columbine and the Cassie Bernall myth that spread through the media.

it's a reference to a school shooting. The killer asked everyone if they believed in god before shooting them

Erm, what the fuck!?


Listen here you little baby. If you don't remember this show on tv you are literally a child. Summer is over. Take you're lame life somewhere else so we can talk about Xavier and creep on you actresses in peace.

kek that looks like Xavier's shoulderpad

The revolvers do look alike.

is this made with garry's mod?

They use motion capture, so probably not.
