Why are Dabid pushing incest so much this season?
Why are Dabid pushing incest so much this season?
It's pushed every season, sweetie.
The worst part is if they hadn't had Tyrion say "Jon totally loves you" no one would have known since they had no interaction in the show that would imply romance between them.
(((Why))) indeed
fuck off Sup Forums
>it keeps happening
>people point it out
>many such cases
>"fuh-fuh-fuck off /puh-puh-pol/
Despite memes about SJW, pandering and liberalism, people ignored the actual and disconcerting agenda:
With Jon and Dany coupling, HBO is trying to legitimise incest to the general public.
They started this in season 4, slowly coerxing us into barely accepting the Jamie/Cersei romance, complete with sympathetic "we don´t choose who we love." lines in the script.
The arrow was knocked back then, and through this season, the show has drawn the arrow of incest-accept by cheaply manipulating the audience to "ship" the pairing of our de facto protagonists, despite being extremely closely related.
If the godlings spend their entire lives living in a shitheap in the woods or whatever, why would he have a surgical scar from a fixed harelip?
If he fixed the harelip with his own magic, why would he have a scar?
look at the top 20 videos on pornhub. all incest. it's mainstream now.
Prepare for next week, when Jon and Dany will have sex, and it will, despite being blatant incest to a degree that´s illegal and considered abhorrent in every civilization and culture ever, be a crowning moment and "victory" for the good guys.
Even fucking animals realize that aunts/nieces are *not* for breeding, yet HBO, D&D and GRRM will brainwash an entire generation to rethink the ideas of "free love".
This has happened before. Just wait for the excuses to start popping up on the internet, wait for other shows to slowly implement this way of thinking.
Western civilization has already abandoned so many morals. Just wait till incest is legal as long as protection is used. It will happen, and GoT set it off.
Game of Thrones made it mainstream. Every one was like wtf i love incest now after the Jaime and Cersei scene in the pilot
>setting up Dany do go madqueen and die
>"it'll never happen the feminists will lose there shit"
>holy shit Dany went too far with the Tarly's
>holy shit why isn't Dany listening
>Dany calm the fuck down
>Dany needs better advising or she'll be like her dad
As poorly done as it was Sup Forumseddit was wrong again. Dany has madqueen deathflags being raised left and right. She's going to become a villain and take Longclaw to the neck. It'll probably happen well into the Jon Snow romance to make it more tragic when he has to kill her next season.
If you don't think Dany will become the villain and die you haven't been paying attention. They literally set up Jon as the true heir this season by revealing he wasn't a bastard. Jon was the main charactet all along. Jon is obviously Azor Ahai. Jon is the Prince that was Promised. Jon is going to fullfill daddy Rhegar's prophecy. He literally got brought back from the fucking dead, how much more Snyder-tier Jesus allusions do you need? It's fucking obvious, it's been for seasons now.
Incest isn't odd for the Targaryen's.
Dany herself is inbred as her mother is also her aunt.
Except most of the show is also about how incest leads to literally the worst things. White Walkers are Crasters sons, Jamie+Cersei fucks up the entire realm, Targs literally fucked themselves insane and retarded and so on.
>blatant incest to a degree that´s illegal and considered abhorrent in every civilization and culture ever
Incest in noble houses happened in the real world my friend. Better marry your sister than some commoner to keep the bloodline pure.
why is incest so hated and why does it being taboo makes it so much hotter?
Targs are known for incest. There is no agenda being pushed.
(((Bestiality, necrophilia and pedophilia are on the cards.)))
retard, dany was afraid to let him go north, even jorah noticed
Targaryens are all about incest, and sitting the Iron Throne together may be a logical endgame for them.
>bend the knee
>bend the knee
>bend the knee
>can I mine some obsidian?
>I guess
Wow what a great love story it totally didn't come out of nowhere that they suddenly were in love because the plot needs it
(((they))) figured out that they can further destroy the white race by promoting incest
1. It's not them, it's GRRM who wrote incest in his books.
2. It was actually common among noble houses even way past middle ages
Well its a conspiracy isn't it? Obviously they want to see how much influence this show has on people and are secretly experimenting to see how many brothers and sisters will bonk in real life after watching this show.
You are either trolling, retarded and/or autistic to the point you can't read basic facial cues and not-so-subtle hints scattered throughout the dialogue.
Be afraid lankies. Your woman craves the manlet dick. Society tells her not to, but that makes it so much better