Hillary can't even decide if she "short-circuited" or not. She may have. She may not have. This is worse than Reagan's "I do not recall". At least he decided on which lie to use.

This is what we need for the presidency, right?

Someone who not only will "short circuit"

but someone who can't even decide what happened to her mind

Criminals everywhere should use this excuse in court.

"Well, your honor, when I ran over grandma I may have short-circuited."

Not guilty by reason of insanity? This is what Hillary thinks Americans want to elect?

Yes, your honor. When I axe murdered that shopper at Kmart I may have short-circuited.

Yes, your honor. When I robbed that bank I may have short-circuited.

Ok, well... I may have short-circuited when I ...

I guess since this isn't yet another gay-baiting topic it won't get any interest.

It's old news and you can't bump your own thread like that anyway. So I will give you a pity bump because Hillrious Clinton is even more entertaining than Trump in some ways.

Old news?

You're joking, right?

Your attention span is slightly larger than that of a drosophila

Old news are the gay-baiting topics. It's been known, scientifically, since 1956 that gayness isn't a problem. The actual problem is ignorance.

60 years and that's new news? Or, maybe, one of the thousands of Hitler topics because WWII happened just yesterday.

If it was yesterday, then it was yesterday's news. Or maybe it was before yesterday -- it all blends together after that. Gotta go fast.

[citation needed]

If you want old news, I can recommend a good book on the Reece Commission that covers this topic.

>Gotta go fast.
Maybe you should stick with Pokemon.

>citation needed
60 years and you haven't bothered to learn about it?

Cite your educational background so I can laugh at it.

At this very moment I'm working on something that will become peer-reviewed public science. Tell me what it is I'm supposed to have learned about and I'll tell you if I've learned about it already.

Tell me about Clinton's short-circuit.

Oh, no I've not heard of that. It seems to be utterly unimportant. I don't hold the modern application of the DSM in very high esteem anyway. I'd say anybody who needs a scientist to tell them whether they're OK about being gay is very insecure.

You stand out more obviously than a turd in the swimming pool, Reddit. Just go back.

>I'm working on something that will become peer-reviewed public science

> I don't hold psychological science in very high esteem anyway

>anybody who needs a scientist to tell them whether they're OK about being gay is very insecure

pic related

>that image

You've only got a fraction of the scandal there, m8.

Are you intentionally trying to shit up your own thread?

its obviously shillary

You guys take the special bus, eh?

Who is Beth Dozoretz?

Who is Gershon Kekst?

Gee, Alex, I don't know.

Can I buy a vowel?

enlighten us

Well, I was meaning to not hit that school bus with my van but I short-circuited.

>maybe a bad motivator