Really makes you think

Really makes you think.

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Poor senile Shatner got influenced by teenagers on Sup Forums.

this unironically

men and boys BTFO lol

TOS > TNG. TNG is lifeless

Shatner is a based Sup Forumsposter

they are going to start punching well-dressed people now

If you get a smart modern hair cut and fitted clothes some ant-/fa/ is going to sucker punch you with a bike lock while screaming how you are a nazi

>just from seeing some 1s and 0s on a light display

William shatner seems like a cool guy

>defend the rights for women and girls

When has that been an issue for almost a century? Why single out anybody? Why not just put defend the rights for everybody?

/ourguy/ indeed


I never liked Kirk anyway

>weaponizing fashion

what did they mean by this?

>well dressed
I prefer tng.

>spends final years ruining his legacy with Emoji Movie and A Million Ways to Die in the West

>spends final years funposting

Really does make you think.

>only america exists
typical sheltered teenager/early 20s manchild

>If you get a smart modern hair cut and fitted clothes
You mean a numale haircut. Which liberals have. They also wear skinny jeans. If you have a numale haircut I'll laugh at you getting what's coming.

All shitposting aside, isn't it amusing how the left have to spout their opinions to rapturous sensationalism and a camp, over-emotional fanfare, all the while patting eachother on the back for it

while on the other hand right wing opinions are usually just somebody making a statement with cold logic and reason

really activates the almonds

Where do you think the picture was taken dumbass?

Which rights exactly is he defending?? Why are these fucking losers never defending womens rights in places that actually need it like Pakistan or Somalia and instead in nice, clean 1st world cities?

defend women and girls by importing muslims who want sharia

just libtard things.exe

literally /our guy/

but then they'd have to condemn the lives of brown people and that's a conflict on interest

If only Picard would take his own advice.

a lot of people cant read very well it seems


>Defend rights for women and girls

What this racist islamophobe is talking about?

>defend rights for women and girls
Who doesn't do this already? Who is against rights for women and girls?

Oh, right. Those people you can't possibly have a complaint about unless you're a vile racist bigot.
I wish they'd at least get their stories straight if they're going to stand around with placards like knob'eads.

Is he implying injustice does not occur? But that's wrong.

Amnesty International is a non-governmental organization focused on human rights. Women are suffering around the world. There is injustice.

It's pretty pathetic that there are people who unironically believe the contrary because their narcissism impedes them from being rational human beings.

Stewart has always been notorious for being a self absorbed, pretentious prick. Its known in the industry but since hes been more engaged in social media it's come to light to the public.

this isn't tv, shelter-boy
life is actually shit outside your safe space

>British man hangs out with faggot, becomes a faggot SJW
>Leaf who fucked every co-star including green bitches and niggers, becomes based.

What a world

Pick one

>All shitposting aside, isn't it amusing how the left have to spout their opinions to rapturous sensationalism and a camp, over-emotional fanfare, all the while patting eachother on the back for it
It's how most people operate, frankly. Some just control it better.

>while on the other hand right wing opinions are usually just somebody making a statement with cold logic and reason
The worst part is you actually, honestly believe this.


risk is our business

Is that real?
Shatner is a fucking savage

>He thinks these people are protesting arabic countries where actual oppression occurs
They're nuts


>fitted clothes
>that pic
try again

>The worst part is you actually, honestly believe this.
prove me wrong

Well dressed Nazis in Germany are called Nipsters. The Rolling Stones wrote a piecee about it.

>william shatner will probably die or go senile in a few years

I can already hear Takei mocking his entire life to great applause at his funeral.

What rights are women and girls lacking?

Oh, you mean in MUSLIM countries where they practice ISLAM?

So what the sign should really say is "Stop Islam the religion of hate against women and girls"

Left tards are truly the dumbest people on the planet.

Shatner will outlive them all, I promise you

Women don't suffer any injustices in the western world. Neofeminism is a joke, and the worst thing about them is they don't even give a shit about women that actually need feminism in shit tier countries

>the bible says gays are a sin
>blacks are not the same species as whites
>climate change doesnt exist because i literally refuse to look at scientific studies (beyond ones handed to me by Exxon)
to name a few
there are no logical bearings in any of these common right wing opinions, bub

That would require work. This way they can feel good about themselves for making some tweets when they see a female protagonist in a blockbuster film.

no, no, no you've got it wrong.

He means the right for WESTERN women and girls to get a free pass in life by using thier pussys as ATMs and also the right for it to suppressed for anyone to point it out by slutshaming while simeltaniously also having the right to parade thier naked flesh around like hormone driven orangutans in heat but also the rights to be taken seriously in the world of work while doing these things oh and the right to slap,hit and generally be voilent to men and each other without consequence and also the right to bleed men of thier livelihoods and anchor themselves to men financially forever through law oh and also the pay gap.

Amnesty international do work in the middle east

maybe right wing people are the dumbest people, hmm really makes me think

they're not right-wing opinions they're the opinions of morons though

this board is too jaded by extremest cynicism, I consider myself pretty liberal but I'm simply becoming more conservative in age about certain things

doesn't mean I'm gonna start waving a kkk flag anytime soon

But Jennifer Lawrence doesn't get paid as much as Christ Pratt!!!!!!

Based Canadian once again showing the world how it's done

This is an 18+ website

exactly! It's pretty simple stuff, cishits

Yes Kirk it's superior


We need to put lefties in camps. It would actually be ideal for them to live in an authoritarian regime like that.


Picktard btfo

Isn't that the agents fault tho?

>not /ourguys/
I'm a Jew and fighting Jewtism with Jewtism in temple. You know not the internal struggles. Sit down boy, and let us handle it.


That doesn't change my point you fucking moron, the point is that these women only seem to be lacking "rights" in muslim shitholes.

Is the guy on the left the person that voiced Poop in that Emoji movie?

and the organisation patrick stewart is promoting is trying to change that, yet you sperged out at a strawman you constructed

Not until whites invaded and had their cold war proxy war in the middle east

Make you think doesn't it?

As if Americunts would ever criticize any other culture but the western one, as a bunch of sheltered fucks they are. That might insult sensibilities of their brown purse puppies.

Based fucking Bill is eternally /ourguy/

Did Stewart became such a tool for his young GF or was he always one?

>while on the other hand right wing opinions are usually just somebody making a statement with cold logic and reason
Except when that doesn't happen, see soccer moms

His point would have come across better if he were taking the picture in one of those countries. What's his contribution, holding the sign in front of a camera for three seconds on his way home from the store?

Not true. Parts of East Asia, South America and Africa are also severely lacking in women's rights. Hell, even western countries, though in ways that are comparatively minor but nonetheless deserve to be adressed.

Sure, sure, an organization of frumpy white cunts promotes anything else but fundraising to keep getting fatter while they screech how Mohammed was THE first feminist. How naive you mongoloids are?

This. Fighting for a borderless world is the best way to combat Islamic oppression.

>males get penis cut at birth in america
>omg females are so nistreated

Finally someone with some sense. Her body, her choice, polcucks.

This isn't nearly the point and you're showing your blatant bias (or maybe just idiocy, I don't know).

When people do stuff like this, it's targeted at the west. When people (especially women) see this stuff, they're like "yeah! we really are super oppressed, you go Jean Luc!"

Then, they begin to look around for reasons to support the idea that they've already decided is true, that they're super oppressed. Kinda hard to find them, as they quickly find out, so they create bullshit oppression like microaggressions, nonexistent paygaps, and shit like "I'm oppressed cause the patriarchy makes me sad that I dont get catcalled anymore as much as I did when I was 21".

This is the fucking problem and this is the fucking point. Not being specific about what oppression you're butthurt about is fairly dangerous in the current online hysterical world we live in.

>Shatner is a kike
>Is also based

Is this an elaborate ruse?

What about mens rights? millennial men have shit jobs compared to the girls and high suicide rates but ya know we are disposable gender because we don't make babies

Circumsized chad here. Umad male roastie?

NO one wants your gross dick in porn or irl dude. get over it.





>leftards favourite word is 'slave'
>comes from 'slav' or 'slovan' - men of the word
>becomes a wor for slave because muslims were raiding them for thousand years
>ablooblooo western white imperialism, mustards were progressive before that

I know that your universities produce only retards that do nothing but write manifestos, but come on, put in at least the tiniest amount of effort

>Once the whole world is ruled by Islam everyone will be oppressed equally

but circumcised dicks are smaller because the skin is too tight and the head gets dried out and the peehole shrinks so not really.

True. Much higher suicide rates, slowly being pushed out of areas of the work force, die at a faster rate in and out of work, are way behind in school now, and still are punished for lesser crimes or are put away far longer for the same crimes. But we're also a western nation, and Amnesty International doesn't give a shit about western men.

Shatner is literally /our Dad/ now though

Why post this

yeah and amnesty international also aid human traffickers to illegaly ship over hundreds of thousands of economic migrants to europe and lobby against the use of police on 'rescue boats' to stop them from illegally emptying the boats filled with migrants by human traffickers on to deck and in to europe.

My nine inches are plenty. Plus it's way better looking and I last longer. More pleasure for me and my many partners. Meanwhile you jack it and blow your nutjuice in 3 seconds to tranny porn. Umad. Umad and jelly.


Your dick is not 9 inches and youve never had sex before. Don't lie on the internet.

quality b8 i r8 it a 7/10

>he measures from the taint

Who would have thought that 40 years of harassment by the media and special privileges for minorities at their expense would have resulted in normal, well-dressed white people becoming white nationalists? Truly, no one could have seen this coming.

only a female could make a post this silly and foolish and expect anybody to take them seriously. I'm sorry I upset you insinuating females aren't the biggest victims in need of shrivelled gay daddy crying on twitter about them.

Pickard is virtusignaling by showing of charitability.
While Shatner is vritusignaling by parroting easy right wing, simplistic internet opinions on twitter.

At least Pickard is doing something of value i guess, if i had to pick one.

Kirk > Sisko > Archer > Janeway >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cucks = Picard = Kelvin Kirk

>At least Pickard is doing something of value i guess, if i had to pick one.

What, exactly? Holding a sign for a photo op?

Dubs confirm umad. Protip: saying u not mad just makes you look matter. Heh, little nub. Welcome to my world, bitch.

I've actually felt vaginal walls twitch from female orgasm without stimulating the clitoris. Which no one else in this thread has. You pretend to worship white Christian chads and ignore them when they're among you. Forgive them, Lord, they know not what they do.

I'm going to have to respectfully disagree. You might have a point. From my view Shatner isn't sucking up to alt-right sensibilities, he even says there's nothing wrong with wanting to fight injustice, it's just that this particular type of person is known for what they are by the faux battles they choose. Picard held up a sign for two seconds while shopping - which is still doing nothing.

>At least Pickard is doing something of value

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