Amber Heard

What's her best role?

that time she crashed mankind's chances of exploring deep space

the succubus

but she failed her mission

I went up to her once in a club and was like


I got my ass kicked out of the club and haven't left my house since.


The role of succubus who has dominated me and forced me to listen to her whispering to me via telepathic link "print out pictures of me and cum on them you pathetic little man"

He already dumped her

Space travel is not worth the effort

The semen demon

still worth T B H

the graphic sex scene one

Is she an actress?

I've never heard of her except on this site with people complaining she got a divorce. Wasn't aware Sup Forums was so puritanical

>user why didn't you answer my call last night?
>btw I burned down your house

Oh but indirectly it is. Many of today's technologies that normies like you enjoy were only possible because of the research and scientists surrounding "space travel". You know that camera phone you love so much that you use to take selfies with? The technology behind that was created as a result of NASA's efforts! And that's just one example of the amazing advancements that "space travel" brought to human civilization.

I know it seems very attractive to be regressive nowadays, because opposing progress is a trend now with today's meme-loving youth, but do we really want to stick to living the way we do amidst all our problems? I imagine a thousand years ago retards like you would be vehemently apposed to things like agriculture, masonry, aqueducts, engineering, medicine, and so on.

I'd like to explore her deep space.

How out of touch

Military funding, not space exploration develops tech now

Loving wife.

Both the camera and the phone predate nasa

Also you may only watch this webm if you affire Never Back Down to be kino

I honestly can't say, look at this bland generic face. She just probably fucked the right guy to have a role, there are hundreds of good looking girl with no talent like her.


I would murder everyone on Sup Forums to fuck her

d-do you think she got DP'd by him and that ottermode faggot?

I wish I were rich enough to fall on her radar of people to financially dominate and ultimately ruin

elon just flew 17 hours to australia to give her some make up dick
he hasn't learned

He's getting in his last fuck, is all. She's out.

I love this webm, but that weak ass pat fucking kills me everytime.

space travel is essential in minimizing the risk of extinction

>He already dumped her
>Space travel is not worth the effort

>Both the camera and the phone predate nasa

this level of idiocy is actually impressive

Mandy Lane is underappreciated. I saw The Joneses at my local kinotorium and just about managed to keep my hands above the equator.

Gone Girl

>*tap tap*
>good doggy

All the things you listed already existed and where in full use a thousend years ago. MAYBE medicine wasn't but the rest where common from even before.