Are you guys happy to be part of the new group called the Alt-Right?

Are you guys happy to be part of the new group called the Alt-Right?

Can we change this board to

I'm not a part of your shitty imaginary group.

The Donald sub has forced this shit meme to death fuck Pepe

The alt-right is a reddit based libertarian group led by a gay jewish faggot.

I dont think anyone here supports gays, libertarianism, or Jews.

You wont' find any alt right stuff here.

The alt-right is what normies conjured up to help them understand memes.

It was right-alt, but then some faggot fucked it up

I don't know, guys, CNN and MSNBC keeps saying this is the new Alt Right.

>the new group called the Alt-Right?

kind of like being part of that new band called the monkees

They are hiding in eigth chan, where Pepe was born.

Alt right is a bullshit term made up to lump a bunch of different groups together so that ((they)) can disregard them as a whole by just using guilty by association instead of addressing a single point.

it's stupid and just makes clinton more divisive by creating a "new group" of people.
if her argument is that trump is bringing supremacists to the spotlight call them supremacists don't make up a name, claim strangers are a part of this group, and then act like you haven't supported a supremacist.
i like this board because you can discuss different views with people from different countries but now we're all alt-right

I am not fond of SJWs even when they wear right wing colors.

What's an alt-right? Some kind of hipster sandwich bar?

If you can label it, you can hate it

Rule 34

I'm dark army, bitches

The alt-right is an ebaumsworld thing we are not really involved with it. We handle something that far surpasses the importance and power of the alt-right, if you lurk for a few years you may begin to discover what I mean. Keep on writing sage in the options field if you must post and more secrets will become visible to you.

this to be honest senpai. Alt-right is anything that's not neo-con or evangelical right

What I find funny is that her labeling us alt-right just goes to show that she still has no grasp over how the internet works

She implied places like Sup Forums and The_Donald are "dark corners of the internet".

My grandma is pretty deaf so she calls it the Alt-White.

The only person part of the alt-right is that disgusting sodomite Milo, no one on Sup Forums is alt-right.

The alt-what?

I'm not a part of your shitty imaginary group.

im not alt right, im more a liberal left that just see through all the bullshit of the government. not everyone disagreeing is automatically racist, right or facist. to be honest the so called liberals are more facist than we are saying we deserve to be killed because we commit free speech by talking about things they dont like

at least we know we can look forward to fresh memes once the election is over. We're kinda stuck for now.


'Pick the Target, Freeze It, Personalize It and Polarize It.' - Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals.

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>Dark corner

They will ban any racist or antisemitic posts, It's more a humor/meme board than a presidential candidate board.

Who else right wing death squad here?

>we're making a list
>we're checking it TWICE
>gonna find out whose naughty or nice
>alt-right terrorists are coming to your town

>muh secret club

pic related is you m8

>being part of a imaginary group brought up by a paranoid mentally ill person
kek, fuck off and sage.


> dark corners of the internet
that's kind of insulting

I'm alt-right and I support Hillary.