Damn.. Never thought of it like that

Damn.. Never thought of it like that...

why did i read that

ice cream? from McDonalds perhaps. That would be overall a better comparison

bragging about not seeing something is weird and annoying
being mad that people haven't seen something is also weird and annoying

basically, people suck

>over exaggeration

This triggers the brainlets

What if I watched the entire first season and I hated it because I found the production values to be shitty , the writing to be annoying and the experience to not be cinematic at all?
Damn OP's pic BTFO


This just further my disinterest in the show. Fuck people like this. I ain't watching the show.

Hello read-it


>greatest cinematic hurr durr of our time

only good thing to come out of this shitfest is the memes

I watched the first two seasons and jumped off, shit show

can i share this on /r/eddit?


You can't

Charge your phone bro

>It's a masterfully written story and an exemplary model of what cinema is all about.

>People in the 1% have nothing to be proud of
What an incredibly homophobic post. This bigot is literally Hitler!

>the greatest cinematic series of our time
That's Twin Peaks: The Return, a series actually produced and directed by an auteur, one of the greatest artists to ever grace this world.

>one of the greatest artists to ever grace this world.
Yeah Mark Frost is great.

Her general sentiment is correct, being proud of not having seen something is pathetic. As is being proud of seeing something.
She's wrong about how good Game of Thrones is but whatever normies gonna norm.


relle maed me thunk

way way way more people haven't seen GoT than have though

...so we should eat shit? I mean, flies love it

this is a good reply

>Masterfully written
Pfffhahahahahahaha, since they started to deviate from the books the shit is awfully written full of plotholes, damn, the books weren't that great either but the show is pure thrash

>I will be surprised if I ever watch a show this good the rest of my life

From that you can infer that he/she hasn't seen
>The Sopranos
>The Wire
>Breaking Bad
>Band of Brothers

Nor has the person in question read the books that the series is based on, because if they had, they'd realize how the quality of the show tanked completely once they went their own ways.

The fan base is cancer holy shit

....Can you prove this wrong though?

Thought not

Listen contrarians, this is a game of thrones board. You know exactly where to go. We don't want you here.

She is literally right.

its like reading a book. you only read the first chapter and the last chapter. fill in the blanks and learn the lesson.

According to them they are mad at people who don't and have never watched it and make a point to mention that they have never seen it.

Regardless of what you think of the show and the hyperbolic language the point is pretty legit. There's no point in being proud about having never seen a show or movie.

How many times have you ignored people telling you something was great only to eventually watch it and realize you actually like it?

>99% of the population watch GoT
>even though the viewing figures are about 8 million tops and there is 500 million people in N America alone

Why do autistic children think their shitty pop culture is relevant?


>masterfully written story

I already did and got some upvotes lad

game of thrones is garbage
you are lucky you are not watching it
watch the battle scenes on youtube or something

I was one of these people though I've read the threads for a while so I know what's happened, the only episodes I then saw were Hardhome which I could tell must have been an unusually good episode and the leaked one there which was obviously ridiculous. Today I bought season 1, new, out of a shop.

please be bait

I've seen every episode and have hated it since season 2.

Softserve from McDonald's is just like softserve from anywhere else, though.

wow. really makes you think.

why are nu-males (or females) so fucking cringey. why are they so melodramatic

They tanked a lot of good scenes that were in the books and not in the show.

>masterfully written story

>It's a masterfully written story and an exemplary model of what cinema is all about.
>The greatest cinematic series of our time
People actual think this. What the fuck

watched 3 first seasons completely, they were okay
starting season 4, which also started kind of okay, I quit for no particular reason
now I'm too lazy to catch up, maybe I will over the years who knows

I've noticed over the years how people will always try to sell their favorite popular thing as some kind of movement they are part of, it's like deep down they are kind of ashamed or some shit like that, and that takes some leverage from it because it's more accepted among plenty of others
I don't mind it that much myself, even though I admit it can get annoying sometimes

I'm not "proud" of having not seen GoT, I just don't care if I never see it.

Game of Thrones is just the current hot meme of the minute, just like Lost and The Walking Dead before it.

>It's serial TV show.
Fucking idiot.

what scenes? I'd like to know