Who are "they" ???
Who are "they" ???
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oven dodgers
ZOG overlords
Illuminati Zionists
What Alex Jones tried to warn us about.
Actually he recently said it had nothing to do with Jewish people and if you believe that you missed the point of the film and you're a racist
nation wreckers
Not canon
Shut up jew
What's wrong with Judge Judy?
Definitely (((not jews)))
well of course he would say that, he doesn't want to lose his cred in (((hollywood))).
>you're a racist
Oh no! Oh, how horrible! Wouldn't want to be racist, would you goyim?
>being this blue-pilled
who are crying? You, m8.
>neo-nazis replacing being wrong with a big circle jerk, telling each other that they're right
>yuppies and unrestrained capitalism
>muh jews
The vast majority of greedy corporate owners in the states are not Jewish, no matter how many cherry picked charts you spam, and that doesn't even take into consideration the consumers.
every paranoid schitzophrenic has one. a them. a they. an it....
Who's on first
Fucking sneed posters.
Considering they're only 2% of the population they're very much overrepresented at Wall Street or the Fortune 500
the globalist 1% that pits Leftist children against the middle class and then useful idiots eat it up because you are stupid enough to think "dat reparations check be commin yo"
The fact that that 1% happens to be part of a tiny minority in the world should come as no surprise to anyone that has studied world history
Jews don't make up most of the 1%
Consider what over-representation actually means. It isn't carte blanche to blame a group for something. Consider the hypothetical situation of a 100 person riot with 10 Jews. Is it logically valid to blame Jews for it because they're over-represented? Of course not, only a literal retard would suggest it is. Absolute numbers are still what determines influence.
this is like complaining about black over-representation in the NBA. Focusing purely on skin/ethnicity and not the other extenuating factors.
But whatever makes people feel more comfortable about their miserable lives. I guess I would feel better if I could blame all my problems and sexual frustrations on the Jews, too. It would be so much better if I let my corporate overlords tell me which groups to hate so I could continue to be butt-fucked by them, too.
good movie, shit ending.
nah you just blame it on cis males, you fucking faggot.
>If you aren't a shilling nazi neckbeard, you're liberal and SJW
Do you really think this logic is going to gain any traction outside of your hugboxes
>It would be so much better if I let my corporate overlords tell me which groups to hate so I could continue to be butt-fucked by them, too.
You could always become an SJW. But you should try and find the bigoted fascist movement that's right for you. You wouldn't want to be one of those dirty centrists with their normal opinions and lack of actual bigotry.
>of the world
if you make over 2700 dollars a month you belong to the top 1% richest people in the world
>Adolf Salomon Hitler
Crypto Zionist jew, now Stalin he was the real destroyer of the cosmopolitans
>what is cost of living?
But cool meaningless statistic
greatest movie of all time
you are really fucking dumb aren't you
the fact that you even have the opportunity to live in a place where it's relatively easy to earn that much puts you in fortunate position as far as human life on earth goes
>heh, cost of living, nothing personel kiddo
jesus christ, neck yourself
But white dudes really ARE over-represented.
They're 60% of the population but control way, way, WAY more than 60% of the wealth.
Sure, Jews aren't doing badly, but it's completely crazy and immoral to antagonize a group that lost 1/3 of its population to whites in the first place.
>Sure, Jews aren't doing badly, but it's completely crazy and immoral to antagonize a group that lost 1/3 of its population to whites in the first place.
For good reason. And they were saved by most of the whites they continue to antagonize.
>translation: I have a shitty job or no job, lackluster sex life, and I dull the pain with extensive, brain-addling internet browsing
Welcome to fucking life, dude. It's not the Jews' fault or college bull-dykes, either.
>blah blah blah
Do you have any other bogus misleading stats for us or are you just gonna run your mouth on a soapbox?
he was onto something
>In 1934 the Soviet government recriminalised homosexuality in the Soviet Union. In March 7, 1934, Article 121 was added to the criminal code, thought the entire Soviet Union, expressly prohibited only male same-sex sexual intercourse, with up to five years of hard labor in prison. There were no criminal statutes regarding lesbianism.
>He rejected the notion that homosexuals were a social minority, and argued that the Soviet Union, governed by "manly proletariat", is obliged to persecute homosexuals to protect the youth from their corrupting effect. He also equated homosexuality with fascism, stating that destroying homosexuality would in turn destroy fascism.
Jews but I am eating from the trash-can all of the time
Jews aren't antagonizing whites. SJWs have the exact same complaints about Hollywood as the alt right does. Extremist snowflake groups will always claim they're being oppressed and marginalized.
So you're saying we need some kind of mandate or affirmative action to make sure these positions are racially diverse enough to satisfy arbitrary bench marks?
Really motivates me to mentate!
>Is it logically valid to blame Jews for it because they're over-represented?
Yes it is, considering the Jews have mind control powers. There was no breeding between the races before the kikes started pushing it via popular entertainment.
They Live is about Jewish control of society. The Thing is also about Jews, but it's about Jewish subversion and infiltration before they have taken over, when the white man is still in control. Jews love shapeshifting between being Jewish and being White in order to advance their interests and sabotage White interests while pretending to be one of us.
>alt right autistic magnet thread
Reminder to alt right autists to please contain your bullshit to this thread to avoid contaminating the rest of the board with your retardation. Thanks for your cooperation!
When you are thinking its white people, it's Jews. That 0.5% of Jews in the 1% controls the majority of the world's wealth. The large banking families own Europe, America. They just plain fucking own everything
man..... I am so.... WOKE right now!
>make $2700 a month
>rent on a 1br apt is 2k
Hur dee durr....boy am I privileged
Fuck off commie shill
Exactly. (((They))) act like goys who own 750k houses on golf courses in like Scottsdale run the world.
That's completely false and megabanks aren't even owned by Jews. I don't think a single one in this list is, unless I missed something. Really puts in perspective how dishonest neonazis are, no wonder the world just decided to curb stomp them.
The filthy capitalists.
>Come into thread expecting discussion about movie
>Its another pile of shite about Jews
Take it to Sup Forums please
Who owns the federal reserve?
really puts your bullshit into perspective huh?
No one owns the federal reserve, the chairman is Jewish but the fed has a board of directors, of which the majority is non-Jewish. Why do you shills always backpedal to muh federal reserve? I thought you said the banks are owned by Jews? Why do none of the banks have Jewish owners?
There is no way in Hell that quote is real.
Find me the actual article from Bild (2014, it should be online) and I'll become a Nazi today, right now.
Otherwise, stop making shit up, faglord.
>There are posters here who unironically use the phrase shill
Fed is a private organization. Someone owns it. Stop lying.
I'm not saying it's the jews...
but it's the jews.
Oh no not the board! They must legit play ball despite being the biggest financial institution in the world!
State cucks are pathetic, so stupid and sheep-like
>Becoming a Nazi when you could become a Traditional Conservative with counter-semitic positions
Can you explain to me how the 23 largest banks in the world having zero Jewish owners fits into your neonazi beliefs? Can you explain why big oil has zero Jewish owners?
Right wingers in general are all hypocritical assholes, they're ruining the world and unfortunately there's no way to stop them.
This. Don't waste your breath here tho. You could also asked who actually appointed the chairman and you would still see nothing but shit posting and memes Sup Forumstards don't fully understand themselves.
>Right Wingers
Zionist controlled opposition.
>You could always become an SJW.
I think that was the joke. SJW's and their faggy little brother the alt-right aren't organic movements at all. It's all carefully orchestrated. They're literally retards screaming fnords.
It's always astonishing how many people think that they and their group are uniquely entitled to the objective view of reality, that it's everyone else who's brainwashed, and ignore the fucking convenience of having everything in the known universe be solely due to specifically the things you personally dislike.
Protip kids: we're all brainwashed by virtue of living in a collective society. We're social animals and believing bullshit as gospel has been an evolutionary strategy thats paid off in our perpetual survival.
Because who cares who owns the banks when the monetary supply itself is privately owned.
>He thinks they are in public positions of control
Capitalists but I guess this is just Sup Forums shitposting
Except it is.
>expecting discussion about movie
You're really fucking stupid, end your life.
It seems like Sup Forums shitposters honestly believe that "who controls your mind" liegraph is a reflection of capitalism, that's the impression I get.
>it's another leftypol wall of text
Look as you morons are so bad at memes I'm going help you. Elements of Style (1918). Read it. Pay specific attention to the first rule. Omit needless words.
Wrong. It has some features of a corporation but it sure as hell ain't a private organization.
>The twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks were established as the operating arms of the nation's central banking system. They are organized much like private corporations—possibly leading to some confusion about ownership.
The Federal Reserve Banks have an intermediate legal status, with some features of private corporations and some features of public federal agencies. The United States has an interest in the Federal Reserve Banks as tax-exempt federally created instrumentalities whose profits belong to the federal government, but this interest is not proprietary.
>Jews don't make up most of the 1%
Jews are 2% of the US population. They shouldn't be the majority of anything. But are they 2% of the millionaires? 2% of the billionaires?
>when the backpeddler is shown up so much he must constantly move the goalposts in order to maintain a facade of superiority
Like clockwork:
>heheh (((who))) owns the banks???
>Majority of banks are not run by Jews
>well heh (((who))) owns the federal reserve??
>Majority of the fed board is not Jewish
If retards like these people every had to read a book in their lives their minds would melt from information overload. I wouldn't even trust a Junie B. Jones book around them for fear of it being the cause of death.
epic dude, epic
Non Jew capitalists care about their local communities and make sure their workers are well cared for (look at how Henry Ford treated his workers). If they don't then they are rightly hounded out of business
The Jew is protected and he is for profit only