Say goodbye to the Alt-Right

With Trump bankrupting the GOP and making permanent its demographic death spiral, he's going to destroy the very party it hijacked.

Then you will be banished to the fringe where you belong forever.

Thanks for driving virtually all demographics into the arms of the Democrats, ensuring our endless domination of American politics.

Other urls found in this thread:

>More votes than any other republican primary candidate in history, despite running against 16 other people
>Record high republican voter turnout with weak democrat voter turnout

if you country is too pussy to vote for trump then you deserve to be destroyed desu.

You're welcome.

Make sure you don't rage too hard in November.

Was granting massive legitimacy to Alex Jones and the alt right part of your plan?

Wow. The GOP, an overwhelmingly white party, won more of the voters it was guaranteed to already get. And if every single one of those poor white males voted, you would still lose.

Demographically you are fucked six ways from Sunday.

>67 / 26 / 29 / 1 [Update] [Auto]
>1 post by this id

Please stop responding.

The Republicans were destroying themselves before Trump, which is why it was so easy for him to hijack the party. I'm hoping the Libertarians take off, they're already swinging moderate like they've always needed to.

What legitimacy? The Alt-Right is a parasite that mortally wounded its own host.

Trump will fail, the GOP will be doomed to irrelevance by demographics, and the Alt-Right will be blamed for it and banished accordingly.

Lol. Thank you for Correcting The Record, Glenn Bleck.


what the fuck am i reading?


you do realize if the gop gets just 2% more of the white vote that entirely negates the blacks and hispanic vote right

I'll put it in simple terms.

The Republicans have some white people. Trump has poor white people. The Alt-right has a fringe amount of white people.

And the Democrats have everyone else.

Numerically, you are fucked.

How can you "banish" something that doesn't really exist? "Alt-right" is just what Twitter people call Sup Forums and Sup Forums isn't going anywhere. We will be shitposting to the bitter end.

>driving virtually all demographics into the arms of the Democrats
You're fucking retarded. Conservatism isn't dependent upon a "Republican" label.

>simple terms

give me numbers. percentages. break them down by race/income. what are your sources?

You're not factoring in the surge of Hispanic voters, fueled by Trump. They'll cancel out that pathetic 2 percent.

>what the fuck am i reading?

It's called Reddit.

>making shit up as I go along
Are you even trying to troll? Sage this 15 year old's thread.

>blacks and minorities vote
They don't even know what day of the week it is.

We've never actually had any qualms about losing. It's what we've had since we've been born. This is all just for our own amusement.

>Thanks for driving virtually all demographics into the arms of the Democrats, ensuring our endless domination of American politics.

That was Reagan, who set the stage to turn California from a Republican stronghold into a perma-blue state.

Oh come on, when has the GOP seriously courted minorities? Certainly not on Trump's watch.

Except Trump isn't a conservative, and neither are his supporters.

>everyone's a democrat
Somebody break mitch McConnel out of his glass case.

half the hispanics in america aren't even voting age, and another chunk aren't legal citizens

if the gop gets 2-3% more of the white vote its over

the only reaosn obama won was across the north east romeny was only getting 40-50% of whites, the rest voted for obama

if that voting block votes as an ethnic block you might as well pack your bags

Urm you appear to be a little lost very very few believers of the alt-right post here they all congregate on ebaumsworld, the media doesn't understand these issues very well and people at ebaumsworld wrote to the media to make sure they were not discovered and Sup Forums was blamed instead.

Oh sure, the GOP is going to triumph in the aligning itself with the interests of a aging demographic with a declining birth rate.

Deserve's got nothing to do with it. If they keep voting left (and this goes for all of us) they WILL be destroyed. Right or wrong, deserving or not, it cannot hold.
Communists don't understand, can't understand, never will understand, that there is no way in hell for them to win. The best they can hope for is a brief honeymoon before I-told-you-so and power is seized by one right wing power or another, be it fascism or fucking islam.

Except Trump has alienated college whites with his rhetoric and behavior.

You're not getting anywhere near that "2-3 percent more".

Trump will lose worse than Romney.

>Trump has poor white people

Only some of them. Those of use with the social networking skills to secure a UNION working class job know better.

Look at me, we are the right now.

college whites literally never vote in a meaningful number

they were one of the lowest turn out numbers for brexit

>college whites

what does this mean? how many are there? sources?

BS grad here, voting Trump.

So is my BIO professor, and most people I know.

Who are you guys shilling too?

>Threatening to banish a fringe group to the fringe.

What do they mean by this?

So then Trump's significant source of support is again down to poor white males, who are badly outnumbered by all the other demographics the Democrats have in the bag.

college whites aren't going to vote trump, he isn't wrong

but most were berniefags and even when it matters they don't show up

minorities don't matter at all, if trump gets the supermajority of whites its over

if there wasn't a fear of this happening the white guilt and nazi narrative wouldn't be being pushed, and correct the record wouldn't be here right now

This is probably the last chance white americans have to reverse the takeover of their country by means of voting. If nothing changes white americans will be minority within a few years and then every election will be won by the anti white / pro "minority" democrats.

And the hits keep coming:

It will happen.

If it wasn't happening right now there wouldn't be this much fear.

Meh, just nigger lovers. They must be purged along with the jews.


"Minorities don't matter at all".

Sure, which is why so many formerly red states are now battlegrounds states.

And they are battleground states because of minority population percentages rising.

I'm not expressing fear.

I'm practically giddy. Can't you pick up my boasting between the lines?

You cannot win with just the poor white vote. You do not have the numbers.

>Proud graduate of University of [who gives a fuck red state]

You don't matter. Your home is for making corn and soldiers, not opinions.


>HRC burned the bernouts
College whites going JohnsonStein, you can book it. Weed LOL demands it.

Im so scared we might become a fringe group!

>The demographics of UK and America are the same because they speak the same language

You're retarded.

"Poor white vote"
Let's stop this "poor" meme, where I come from(South Jersey) is a very economically rich area and is overwhelmingly for Trump. Of course Trenton and Newark will negate this in the end, but Trump will pick up the white vote PERIOD. Economic lines don't apply. Not to mention how he will draw in a surprising amount of Indian and Sikh votes(lol thanks Pajeet), and all of the Cubans in Florida for Trump.

There are enough browns in england to have kept them in the EU, the issue was barely any showed up to vote and every rural area in the country voted leave save scotland.

>implying they weren't already
>implying la raza and nigs are ever or were ever going to vote republican

Are all minorities as dumb as OP?

They can't go to the DMV to get an id,

but they can wait hours in line to vote?

So? The Democratic Party has now excised every remaining trace of actual Leftism by purging Sanders and his faggot followers.

Before the election even begins, we've won. The Left in America is dead. Your choice now is between a Center-Right Neocon and a Center-Right Nationalist. Unless you were already a Republican, this is a horrible choice, but for us, it's pretty much a no-lose scenario.

Hillary Clinton doesn't represent anything to me except four more years of nothing happening because the Republicans dominate (and will continue to dominate) The House and Senate. Trump simply represents the ritual humiliation of the Democrats. I can do without that if I have to, those dipshits have already basically become the RNC but with more whining.

God I fucking hope so. I can't wait.

hurrrrrrr durrr
stop fucking sliding this

You really think Scotland will stay in the UK? They want to be in the EU, and they are seriously considering independence to get that.

SNP the majority don't even want a new ref

As soon as whites feel that they don't have any political power they will just break away from the Union and the United States will no longer exist.

Bunch of balkanized independent countries will rise form the ashes.

>OP too dumb to know GOP destruction was the endgame
>Also too stupid to see Hillary destroyed credibility of DNC simultaneously


Are you fucking stupid?
As if the establishment will allow the GOP to be destroyed, essentially leading to a one party state?
When the illusion of democracy is finally destroyed and people realize that they have no political power, you will have a civil war on your hands.

>know (((better)))

So you'll vote for sick Hillary, who is going to flood the labor market, drive down wages, permit TTP & other blue collar job killers. That woman is going to fucking destroy us.

The only reason she's getting any support from unions is because she said she would be willing to come to the table. Trump is willing, and has said this on multiple occasions. But double digit IQ union bosses choose to believe the sycophant.

will never happen, your some CTR shill from the states, you know literally nothing about british politics

texas has a better chance of leaving the union the scotland leaving britain

This guy gets it.

You know what the difference between the GOP and the Democrats is?

We have patience. We win slowly, incrementally. You guys freak out every single time you hit a speed-bump. You want it all, and you want it now. No subtlety.

We're playing the long game, which is why we'll beat you.

But Alt-Right is a meme.It literally doesnt exist.Its actually less than that even.Everyone I know is supporting Trump a absolutely none of them have any fucking idea what alt-right even means.

There will be a recession in the next 4 years regardless of who is president. Even if Trump loses, America will have it's Wiemar moment.

>current datetime
>using labels instead of actually talking politics

Oh for fuck's sake.

Do you know what that so-called "alt-right" movement is, your evil queen ran her disgusting mouth about?

A bunch of faggots, shitposting about politics on an anime-imageboard.

>Then you will be banished to the fringe where you belong forever.

What are you going to go? Deport everyone who is not left to camps where you kill them? Deathcamps so to say? Gulags?

Try it, pissheads. Incite an ideologically motivated civil war. Do it. And then have fun with the bullets in your fucking face.

God, I fucking hate leftard-zealots.

"The Estashblishment"

Please. The GOP base was perfectly content to follow the lead of its leaders for decades.

And now you throw a hissy-fit because "somehow", for decades, you didn't notice the GOP didn't give you what you wanted. After all these decades, you suddenly declare "I was tricked by the big bad Establishment!".

If whites vote as an ethnic block like blacks do you are perma fucked. Welcome to the real game.

At worst she protects the status quo of steady and slow growth, that may in all fairness be too slow. You just don't like that status quo because you're too autistic to not act like racist piece of shit in public, and think that the fact that people ostracize you for this is the fault of big government (Protip: it's not, it's called social conventions, and they predate any government, much less big government.)

Trump, on the other hand, is a child with poor self control, who can't keep himself from causing a political disaster every time someone chants his name.

I'll take a cold calculating proponent of the status quo over complete unpredictable childish chaos with the nuclear codes, thanks.

>Le nukes meme

Does Alex jones still talk about space aliens controlling the earth?

Even if that happens, do you think various browns won't want to be the top dog, I personally think the Mexicans will win that fight displacing the niggers and sand niggers. Either way liberalism dies.

>Being in the alt-right meme

Nationalists are above this Jewish controlled front group. The alt-right is truly the lolbertarians of 2016.

Nukes aren't a meme, they are literal weapons, that we literally have, that the president can literally launch within six minutes, and the only checks and balances on this are literally providentially appointed.

Who cares ?

Rep/Dem are all the same, fuck them. You (and I) are living in a one-party state, the ZOG.

>Sup Forums


Many people here likely voted for Obama twice. Not that a newfag CTR shill would know that.

If the GOP is destroyed a new party will emerge and likely win easily over Democrats. This would be great for a third party as people normally refuse to vote third party believing that it is a wasted vote, but in this event it's the only other option. People will also view a new party as a better chance at "change" as opposed to a nearly 300 year old party filled with scandals and corruption.

I think it's far more likely Hispanics will vote as an ethnic bloc, against Trump.

And the Democrats have been busy getting Hispanics to become legal voters for that reason.

Trump is going to lose worse than Romney. If you look at it objectively and without emotion, all of you would see that

And what would this new party be? The all-white noise all the time channel?

I voted for McCain and Romney, Ive given up at this point. Trump cant win and were going to have at least 12 straight years of Democrats in the white house

Actually college conservatives have been growing number, thanks to outlandish sjw policy and rhetoric on campuses. There's been a big backlash.

Out of honest curiosity, what is your goal? What is your end that you so patiently wait for?

I don't see a grand scheme laid out by benevolent idealists, or shrewd tacticians. I see blue haired sluts, 3rd world trash and a hopeless double digit IQ voting base marching towards the end of western civilization, and against anything that ever made us excellent. I see tides of degeneracy, subversion and decadence fomenting in various stages throughout our history as a country, while you claim these perversions as great progressive strides.

>too autistic to not act like racist piece of shit in public

This shit is getting old, for several reasons. Sociopaths aren't autistic, firstly. What did I say that was racist? Not that I care in sentiment, but, objectively, explain this.

protip: you can't.

>and think that the fact that people ostracize you for this is the fault of big government (Protip: it's not, it's called social conventions, and they predate any government, much less big government.)

This collection of fuckery is far more autistic than anything I said.

Racism itself is a recently manufactured concept, and first really utilized by Bolsheviks who wished to wipe out and subdue the Slavs who opposed their murderous tendencies nd despotic government system.

>At worst she protects the status quo of steady and slow growth

This is were you all really lose me. To reduce this election to the fucking US economy, when global control and our existential circumstances for the next century or so is on the line, is a really fucking stupid position to take. But even on that front, China is at least looking at matters practically and objectively on a governmental level, and Hillary is not. Hillary secured her nomination because she will do as she's told, just like her predecessors. She is not impressive in any way. She is a sycophant with media support.

Thanks though. I get so few insights into the mind of a cuck. Really makes me think.

>the alt-right

Who cares, that's literally not even a real word.


Says the "Everything I don't agree with is racist and shouldn't be discussed!" shill.

>they think the republican party IS the alt-right

Now that fuckhead is speculationg about paralell-society in-group voting and is totally fine with it.

How do those fuckers have the hybris of thinking of themselves as "the good guys", "on the right side of history".

Just wait, they will use it all the time, inflationary, like they use "muh racism" or "assault weapon".

They keep sliding because they can't pin us down.

It's fucking hilarious.

They think we play by the same rules as them, that we're governed by a single leader who solely shapes our views and mores.

It terrifies them.

Let them keep using it, as long as you don't define yourself by it, the word has literally 0 power.

It's like calling people cucks, the label only applies to them because they get butthurt enough to let it affect them.

>alt-right didnt exist last week
>alt-right will not exist next week

neither is neo con, its a bullshit term liberals made up



>Republican party dies
>Democrats become lone party
>Far left splinters from the more moderate majority
>LGBTQ+, BLM, cucks, all become a fringe party

You better hope opposition remains otherwise you're getting booted out of your own party at the first opportunity.

I already converted to Islam and I'm voting Hillary to hasten our takeover of the West. Join now. The future belongs to Islam.

>Then you will be banished to the fringe where you belong forever.

Americans can only banish themselves, which they do on their own all the time just fine, and you can't say you blame them