Will Sup Forums ever get tired of being wrong?! How will mouse cucks recover?

Will Sup Forums ever get tired of being wrong?! How will mouse cucks recover?

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Will you ever get tired of capeshit?

>ben is out confirmed
dcucks on suicide watch

I didn't believed it in any point.

I mean didn't Reeves say long time ago it's part of DCEU. Then Affleck said his Batman in Batman.

Why do this? Why make these rumors to news? Some guy say it's this now and everybody loses their mind.

Reeves died a long time ago, he isn't even superman anymore.

> IMG_0744
When will the site be free of obama phone posters?

The Mouse is scared of the Bat. Batman alone can outgross even Marvel's biggest ensemble casted movies. Of course it's in their best interest to die down this hype as much as possible.

Thank you, Satan.

Suck it, Mousecucks. Now let's see all those links where your bullshit shill sites issue retractions for their previous bullshit articles.


Links to top search results:



I especially like how they can't help but include buzzwords like "controversy" and turn a blind eye to the fact that they're the ones who helped manufacture it. This shit is ridiculous.

says where?

it worked so well for both of the movies batman appeared in previously
wait my mistake that was dawn of justice and suicide #skwad

Will Joker be in one of his flicks?

>all these DC shill threads
capeshit was a mistake

Spiderflop with positive buzz and years of hype hasn't even topped the critically panned BvS.

Jesus fucking christ Sup Forums, when will you do something about marvel shills?


>Years of hype
>Hasn't even topped BvS
You have no idea how budget works do you?

*checks the absolute state of marvel shills*

>Years of hype
Spiderman is the latest installment of a successful franchise going on for a decade now.
>You have no idea how budget works do you?
Spiderman has the biggest marketing budget to yet, and they have to share that with Sony.

We need to start banning disney shills on sight. Like someone posting some clickbait fake news about DCEU "being in trouble becuz some totes legit insider" shit, rangeban his entire neighborhood forever. We know Disney has shills here and that's the only reason we have to deal with this

i kept telling you faggots you were wrong. Never take up gambling, Sup Forums

Trips confirm

Wait the fake news threads had like 300 replies, what's going on here

>reeves wants Batman to be a film noir
Will it be released in special Black and White edition ?
And will Eva green be catwoman

Nigger are you for real?
Production: $175 million
Marketing: $140 million
Box Office as of yesterday: $726.6 million
>Has made about 4.2x its production budget back so far
Production: $300 million
Marketing: $150-160 million
Box Office: $873.3 million
>Made 2.9x its production budget back

yeah i remember you saying that

made a screenshot of it and everything

>Didn't break a billion
Why is Disney so fucking pathetic ?

lol loser.

>Just ignores that fact that Homecoming has already churned much more of a profit than BvS, when its done with less than half its release in theaters and without its biggest foreign market
Classic DCuck


Is my Amazon purchase accounted for?

>BVS didnt break a trillion
Fucking Pajeet

>The hype of Batman fighting Superman with Wonder Woman as well couldn't even make $880 million
>B-but Homecoming had Iron Man in it for 5 minutes so it was guaranteed a billion!

GotG2 and SpiderTwink literally were suppose to break a billion
all memeing aside, disney is disappointed with their numbers even though they did well enough (considering both were average films)

>GotG2 and SpiderTwink literally were suppose to break a billion
all memeing aside, disney is disappointed with their numbers even though they did well enough (considering both were average films)
Give me a link to credit literally anything you just said

Those numbers are just money earned in their theater runs

One continuity with 3 subsections working in unison to create one cohesive universe.

Uh we have this thing just as good as the MCU! AND we have a TV side! And we also have some upcoming TV shows that are separate. And we have side movies and movies outside of the DCEU and we have a show tying into the DCEU but not the Arrowverse and

>One continuity with 3 subsections working in unison to create one cohesive universe.

The ABC and Netflix shows constantly shit on the canon.

No they don't. Netflix stays self contained and ABC uses the film characters offscreen.


Yes, they do. I used to watch them. They constantly make continuity mistakes or add things that make no sense.

It would actually be better if these shows didn't tried to follow a single continuity, since they do such an awful job of it.

Are you going to post a source? Because from what I searched GOTG 2 did better than what was expected and Homecoming is very successful for a Marvel movie.

BTFO'd again pajeets

How much of the box office is domestic vs international? Because studios get better cuts from domestic gross than they do international, and that is a big factor.

>They constantly make continuity mistakes

That is factually wrong.

Daredevil Season 1 said more than 200 died in the New York alien attack, when Civil War said that only 70+ died there.

That's just one of many mistakes.

Unironically the house of mouse (and its shills) are working to destroy DC harder then ever now that it's going going head to head with Marvel properly

Homecoming is at $315.6 million Domestic (43.4%) and $410.9 million Foreign (56.6%)
BvS made $330.3 million Domestic (37.8%) and $542.million foreign (62.2%)

>DCucks have fallen this low

thats not a star of david

Yes they do

Daredevil and multiple other shows directly contradict shit that happens in the main marvel fims

Main one that comes to my mind is the body count from the 1st avengers being in the thousands/hundreds whereas Civil War said it's only like 17 deaths for a full scale invasion of New York (Which is fucking retarded)

Typical shit clickbait

>Wonder Woman expanding back to 2200 theaters tomorrow
>tfw Marvel pajeets witness Wonder Woman pass Iron Man 3 & Civil War on Labor Day.