Other urls found in this thread:

>Jews win in court
In other news, water is wet

Why do Jews age so terribly? The wife was decent looking just 3 years ago.


We did it Reddit, I can't wait for them to tell me what to be outraged about next!

>Jews bully and bleed out of money high working italian man

Stress from all the lawsuits

>no red letter media
Hello aidsmoby


Cause she doesn't eat enough. If you don't give your body the building blocks it needs to stay upright, it starts to crumble.
Or you eat too much and it collapses under its own weight.

Nah nah nah
Dunkey, Monty Python and Seinfeld dont go in the trash


Fuck off reddit Sup Forums

>"hey user you should check out this funny video"
>it's h3h3

i wish i was an e celeb

in other words, don't like anything

Says a lot about this board if you consider this supplemental shit, which 99% of this board loves, to be the standard of edgy garbage.


>Monty Python

Get the fuck out right now and don't return

>complain about reddit and Sup Forums
>post a person who has the largest fanbases on reddit and Sup Forums (the new Sup Forums)

>Matt Hosseinzadeh



>Sam Hyde
>Reddit fanbase
Wrong, boi. And stop crying about Sup Forums, faggot.

Thoughts on this trigger-happy litigant?

I'd say he's a Chad but he comes off as too desperate

>Be Matt Hoss
>Trying to sue jews
>Gets cucked by the jews
>Now you're broke
Got Eem

eric, simply eric good sir

i could understand any of those being on there except for on cinema at the cinema, just doesn't seem to fit



That homeless beard.

He made a big mistake going after the chosen people, it was a lost cause from the start

Idris Elba

>mfw he literally ripped off Sam Hyde when he started his channel all those years ago

Isn't Hosseinzadeh a Jewish name? I thought this was two Jews going head to head to figure out who was the more powerful Jew.

The face of the white supremist 4channer

And they said the left cant meme

>99% of this board loves "gamer" "youtubers"
then 99% of this board deserves a bullet in the back of the head

What if I like 90% of the things pictured here, and have been on Sup Forums since 2008

You hopeless

>i'm 32
>graph indicating males between 13 and 17
Some faggots just can't do anything right.

What is meant by Emma Watson being there?


Bold guy literally on suicide watch

Is Joe really that fat?

I think the graph is supposed to be the age of their viewerbase

I miss old H3H3. What the fuck happened, Ethan?

Does this mean I can put upload a bunch of copyrighted shit now? Fuck yeah


>believing ethan

no, you can't

Paradigm Shift 2070 gets upvoted to the front page of Reddit like every other month.


oh god please dont tell me you're serious

Which Sup Forums - Television & Film is this from you Sup Forums pedo fuck janitor? Maybe we can have some trump and Lauren Southern threads as well since you're making this Sup Forums related

Yeah, I figured they were scared about the lawsuit so they decided to make money by merging channels. Then they decide to just upload regularly due to the high subscription rate. Still, it is very sad how they had to go this low in "comedy" now.


Imagine telling your parents, grandparents, children, and wife you do YouTube content for money. That must be so embarrassing.

being richer and more famous than said people wouldn't be embarrassing, user.

Fantano thinks a $15 minimum wage is a good idea so I can't take any political opinion of his seriously, dude's a fucking idiot.

>being rich must be so embarrassing
Yeah alright.

I really am

It'd be pretty cool, honestly

What am I missing here?

Is that Karley Scott Collins? She and I actually share a large number of mutual friends, she lives here in my hometown.

>What the fuck happened
You got older.

>no insurance
>no retirement
>bad on resumes
>holding a temporary online full time job
>risking copyright law bans

>disrespecting Carlin
Nah, bro

Sup Forums - underage cancer

its an anthony fantano (Sup Forums) joke

what lawsuit? I don't watch youtube

Literally who?

They are streaming on twitch right now.

i would take a respected job where i'm happy tbqh. so many youtubers look so depressed when they do their jobs. some even cry from all the stress. why would i go through that? just to get a couple more bucks on stuff i don't need? i'm not needy at all. maybe it's just me, but all i want in life is

>$500+ saved a month
>stable job

is that too much to ask for?


>no insurance
No insurance is a good point, though if you got popular enough it wouldn't matter.
>no retirement
Save your own money.
>bad on resumes
Youtube career is definitely getting to being resume worthy in the entertainment business, if it isn't already. Many youtubers have had TV shows, I know 6 just off the top of my head.
>holding a temporary online full time job
What job isn't temporary?
>risking copyright law bans
Just don't be stupid

It's youtube memes. Don't worry about it

People everywhere look depressed doing their jobs, some even cry about it. Free time is the best thing that a shitload of money can get you, you really don't want that?

Brighton Sharbino

>The wife was decent looking just 3 years ago.

They were using a shitty camera 3 years ago.

>Youtube career is definitely getting to being resume worthy in the entertainment business, if it isn't already. Many youtubers have had TV shows, I know 6 just off the top of my head.
Really? I can't think of any YouTuber with a TV show besides Sam Hyde's cancelled show. He doesn't seem too happy about that.

>What job isn't temporary?
Any job you worked a degree for or a government job.

>Just don't be stupid
Hard to do it when your content revolves around reactions, like review channels or H3H3.

i've been a neet for years before i got my outdoor job. never again. my mind goes insane eventually. i hate having to stay indoors to do video editing or content.

>some Jews beg money for a collective fund for all youtubers, to be used by everyone when they get sued for wrongful reasons
>they proceed to claim all the money for themselves, and "spend" it all on a super expensive "friend of the family" lawyer

correct, the whole thing was actually faked by the upper echelons to calculate and increase the reach of Klein's influence, he will become a major player for the Jewish campaign

You can't be this stupid.

when you are 5 feet tall it doesnt take much to make you look fat

that jpg is just poorly compressed

Sup Forums BTFO




>Begs for money claiming they are broke and being targeted
>Meanwhile, taking trips during the trial across the country and world

And let's not forget about Ethan's rich mommy and daddy who own property in more than one country.

Fixed that for you.


Fred had a show and movie, Annoying Orange, The Fine Brothers have a React show on TV now, Adam Ruins Everything, Miranda Sings has some netflix show, Shane Dawson and Smosh have had movies. I found many more on google but I don't know who any of these newer people are.

H3H3 has been shit for awhile now and have essentially become everything they used to hate on about other YouTubers, but it's probably a really good thing they won the lawsuit.

nothing like parting a goy from his money! haha!

Isn't that other dude jewish as fuck as well?

>monty python
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums

Yeah Everything else is pretty much the fucking worst but this is b8.

Geez Joe got fat. Haven't seen him since the Lollipop review.

Based luddite protecting this thread because hes paid by them to look the other way

When is SFV getting the Super treatment?