Name a better tv show

I'll wait

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The gap in quality between S1 and S2 is like the economic+cultural gap between Switzerland and India

Fargo season 2 but its as good as TD season 1.

plebs detected

game of thrones

Fargo first two seasons. Both great though.

The Leftovers.

literally any season from the Wire


They should adapt Caleb Carr's The Alienist for Season 3!!!FACT!!!

Season 2 of TD was literal dogshit compared to S1


Fucking lmao

Simpsons seasons 2 to 9

Fargo season 1.
Only the first 2 episodes though

True Detective is pure R*ddit and has too many niggers. Twin Peaks is a show for intelligent white people.

>dusty mesa


I like both, you millennial numale

Don't get so butthurt over internet posts, nigger.


Says the triggered numale

Name a better detective

ultra pro tip: you cant


>I learned the word 'numale' earlier today and feel the need to use it constantly without any basis.

Wire and Sopranos are practically cop-outs at this point

"Breaking Bad", "Vinyl", "Fortitude", & "The Wire"


Stop saying other shows are the best ever if we already know The Sopranos and The Wire are the absolute pinnacle of TV ya dummy

>got halfway through s1 and didn't watch for a few months and now don't have time to rewatch to remember what's happening

>Breaking Bad
Abhorrent taste. And stop using fucking quotation marks.

The Leftovers

Season 2 was better. Caspere knew this.

After how season 3 totally fucked everything up? Think again.

>remember green ears?

S3 was pure kino you fucking pleb.

Lol nice effortpost, low-t virgin

post her butt

desu, its tough. the last episode and how the score kicked in in that setting was unlike most tv series ive seen.

that said, it was only one season. so its really apples-oranges when comparing to, say, sopranos or the wire.

TD was a closed story from the beginning, which gives it somewhat of an advantage over traditional open ended formats.

its more of a theatrical mini-series, especially when considering the budget.

in that class, it may be the best ever. compared to any other series ever, im not sure it was long enough to hold water

breaking bad was pretty fucking good

this and lost
it didnt fuck up
hbo fucked it up
they could make at least 2 more season but they had to rush it
GoT is so popular now where the fuck do they put their money?
they rush not so popular shows like leftovers
they rush GoT (making it 7 and 6 ep seasons)
where the fuck does the budget go
does animating dragons cost that fucking much?

>Liking anything by Lindelof.
And you're calling me a pleb? Fucking kek.

>where the fuck does the budget go
To the actors.

Game of Thrones, based on A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin.

>not a single mad men post

yikesarino do you even kino

>overrated mans soap opera lmao
>nothing happens: the show
>pol and tv merge together the show


Leftovers is the only thing better than TD.

My normie gf won't watch TruD with me

We've watched the first two episodes but she refuses to continue, saying that it's too boring

She also couldn't get past 15 minutes of There Will Be Blood, because it's "too much of a man movie". And said that 2001 Space Odyssey was "the most annoying fucking thing I've ever watched because of all the beeping and breathing"

Pretty much 90% of detective shows are as good as it.

Yeah, I said it. The actual plot and characters are cliche-as-fuck. The ONLY reason people on here salivate over it is due to how pretty it looked, that's it. Rust's turn at the end was predictable from the very first cynical spiel he vomited.



Sneed's season 2 to 9 was better imo

>"the most annoying fucking thing I've ever watched because of all the beeping and breathing"

Fucking kek.

Hopefully you'll never have children with her. They'd probably inherit her brainlet genes.

>nothing happens
pleb klaxons sounding at ear piercing decibel levels.

>Bergman's Scenes From A Marriage
>KK's Dekalog
Goddamn plebs, watch some real television.

>La Maison des bois

It did what it intended to do extremely well.

Cliches don't mean shit. That's "Simpsons did it"-level criticism.

True Detective s2, without doubt

Vince Vaughn's character in season2 was one of the best I've ever seen

I feel you user, same story, they didn't like Twin Peaks either

caspere knew this

>Ingmar scenes from a Bergman's marriage

poos are richer than mountain krauts tho

Nice try but no, pajeet

twin peaks

>tfw these posts make me feel a little better about tfwnogf

india is like the 5 or 6th richest country on earth you mong

and im most certainly not a fucking poo

Not richer than gold hoarding mountain jews

literally the first link in google



>literal fake news source

House of cards Season 1

you are fucking deluded if you actually belive Switzerland has a higher GDP than India my man

>People either love the leftovers or hate it, no in between

should i rewatch it
you guys are making me so

It does. Street shitting has no ecomonic value.

Fargo season 2

The only TV series that is true kino.

That's a keeper.


Also the music is 10/10

she sounds patrician, shitting on all those reddit shows and flicks

>not letting OP wait like a fag forever

It was your chance to redeem yourselves.

2 wasn't bad, it'd be praised if it was a standalone on another channel

plebs leave


didnt this nerd kill himself recently

Peaky Blinders S1-S2

>arguing with a Sup Forumstard

I don't know whos the bigger retard!

Just how delusional can you get you fucking shitskin?
Switzerland is rank 9 while India is 123, poorer than the fucking Congo!

It went trash after episode 5. Too much predictable and a little bit pretentious.
The soprano, breaking bad or twin peaks easily beat it.

Exact opposite with my gf, user. Luck of the draw, I guess.


Top tier telekino

One of the best scenes in any show I've seen: