how did riverdale get away with murder, incest, and a lewd ass teacher-student relationship in 2017 with a 14+ age rating? is CW insane? what are they doing with this show?
How did riverdale get away with murder, incest...
is the CW, dare I say it, /ournetwork/?
There's nothing more cringe-inducing than a meme being forced by one lone autist.
JAWs 1
they were chopping peoples off and cutting hearts out in TVD up till last year
Will Betty go full 1488 in season 2?
Is any of it shown on screen? Veronica Mars aired way back and it had some mature stuff with a 14+ rating I think.
TV shows in general "get away" with more nowadays.
She's only good for a quick fuck.
post more of the thic mexican
tfw swn be your wife
The one on the right looks like a succubus deprived of semen.
The redhead is a disaster, the other two are good. especially the brownish one
based The CW
how come betty doesn't have shots like this
She's perfect
I'm not seeing a problem here
it's not "getting away with it" when everybody else is pushing for it too
they're all so ripe...
she better
CF is right.
Veronica > Betty > Cheryl
>with murder, incest, and a lewd ass teacher-student relationship
How will they top this in S02?
Will they actually go for a civil war between the southside and the rest?
>tfw cf's merch store is down
Sodomites will never know this feel
I wonder if he really managed to sell those shitty stickers.
I just wanted a sticker that said common filth in Helvetica or whatever
the chick in the middle is fucking perfect
femanon here. i watch riverdale for the plot
delet this
not safe for riverdale pic related
Mexican broad's the hottest of the three.
>tfw surrounded by girls who look like that spic actress but am invisible to them
It feels like I'm the only person left on nu4chan who still knows that feel when no gf
fucked a girl that looked like her last saturday. ended up popping some cyst inside her and she was rolling around naked struggling for breath on my floor. she left in a stretcher. weirdest night of my life
At least women notice you
>tfw am the last unfuckable male on nu4chan
desu im so insecure that they may as well not. i have to be extremely drunk in order to talk to girls/fuck. the only times i fuck i can barely remember it.
Apparently you have nothing to be insecure about if they're still willing to fuck you.
>tfw mommy issues
it stays with you for life my friend, cant explain it
Better than being 25 and looking like you're 17.
WAHHH its the poor me party
>DUDE you're not allowed to acknowledge your own shortcomings unless you're a woman LMOA
Fucking hate you NuChan faggots
do girls like it when you throb when cumming?
t. I have an impregnation fetish so I only fuck rawdog and creampie. Like I'll just say no if I can't bust inside.
They go bananas and they know how much it turns me on
>stereotypical looking wetback
get some fucking standards, beta faggot
Sup Forums user bringing up standards
the one on the right is weird lookin
>"e-everyone is p-p-pathetic l-like me!!!11!!"
Try again.
>>"e-everyone is p-p-pathetic l-like me
thats some reaching, son